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Proto Converter | XML 2 SQL | SQL 2 TXT

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I wanna to show you how can you convert item_proto to sql and later to txt files.
First we need this program:

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This is the hidden content, please

Ther is something, but i haven't better program so you download it for your own responsibility

With it, we can convert our xml proto to sql
But first, from our xml file, we need to delete all <!--AddonType="0"--> and <!--AddonType="99"--> easy with notepad++ and ctrl+h :)

and now we run our program and select file to convert.

After moment we'll have a sql file, but if we have a locale_name column in item_proto we need to change also with ctr+h all gb2312name to locale_name, and now we can upload file with "execute sql file" or simpy with query to our database
To convert item_proto sql to txt files, you need this script in python



You need MySQLdb on your freebsd

If you haven't it, just install it - it's a mysql library to python

cd /usr/ports/databases/py-MySQLdb/ && make install clean

You need also change the connection properties in script

default it's:

host_mysql = 'localhost'
user_mysql = 'mt2'
passwd_mysql = 'mt2!@#'

And if you want convert also mob_proto in this way, you need onlu change from

#print mob_proto()


print mob_proto()

in the end of file.


Now script should generate our protos in his directory .


These programs are not mine. The python script i found somewhere and just modified it to 40k version

I think that it's all, if you have any better program or any better way or idea you can show it :D

Maybe in the future I will write to that one big script, but now I have no time for this ;/

If there are any problems, I'll try to help :)


#Updated python script




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getting this:

convert_itemm.py:583: SyntaxWarning: name 'errors' is assigned to before global declaration
  global errors
convert_itemm.py:592: SyntaxWarning: name 'errors' is assigned to before global declaration
  global errors
Connecting to database proto...
Converting item_proto...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "convert_itemm.py", line 867, in <module>
    print item_proto()
  File "convert_itemm.py", line 857, in item_proto
    item_proto_line = "%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%s" % (row[0], """ + row[1] + """, """  + get_item_type(row[3], row[0]) + """ , """  + get_item_subtype(row[3], row[4], row[0]) + """, row[6] , get_antiflag(row[7], row[0]), get_flag(row[8], row[0]), get_wearflag(row[9], row[0]), get_immuneflag(row[10]), row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[16], get_limittype(row[17]), row[18], get_limittype(row[19]), row[20], get_apply(row[21]), row[22], get_apply(row[23]), row[24], get_apply(row[25]), row[26], row[27], row[28], row[29], row[30], row[31], row[32], row[39], row[40], row[41])
IndexError: tuple index out of range

and not work for me

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hey Deucalion, im at the first step right now and well, i have to say that this converts my xml ind an succesfully query, but sometimes he miss lines, and sometimes lines are double, im i doing soemthing wrong?

i just renamed gb123name or w/e into "local_name" like my itemproto table is, and well, just removed that addontype=0 and 99. nothing else :/

an expample could be this:

<Item vnum="1"  name="돈꾸러미" locale_name="Yang" type="9" subtype="0" weight="0" size="1" antiflag="0" flag="0" wearflag="0" immuneflag="0" gold="0" buy_price="0" limittype0="0" limitvalue0="0" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="0" applyvalue0="0" applytype1="0" applyvalue1="0" applytype2="0" applyvalue2="0" value0="0" value1="0" value2="0" value3="0" value4="0" value5="0" socket0="0" socket1="0" socket2="0" socket3="0" socket4="0" socket5="0" refine_vnum="0" refine_set="0" magic_pct="0" specular="0" socket_pct="0" />
<Item vnum="2"  name="한국무쌍버젼" locale_name="Versi? Espa?la" type="0" subtype="0" weight="0" size="1" antiflag="0" flag="0" wearflag="0" immuneflag="0" gold="0" buy_price="0" limittype0="0" limitvalue0="0" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="0" applyvalue0="0" applytype1="0" applyvalue1="0" applytype2="0" applyvalue2="0" value0="0" value1="0" value2="0" value3="0" value4="0" value5="0" socket0="0" socket1="0" socket2="0" socket3="0" socket4="0" socket5="0" refine_vnum="0" refine_set="0" magic_pct="0" specular="0" socket_pct="0" />
<Item vnum="10"  name="도+0" locale_name="Espada +0" type="1" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="32" flag="1" wearflag="16" immuneflag="0" gold="0" buy_price="0" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="0" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="7" applyvalue0="22" applytype1="0" applyvalue1="0" applytype2="0" applyvalue2="0" value0="0" value1="15" value2="19" value3="13" value4="15" value5="0" socket0="0" socket1="0" socket2="0" socket3="0" socket4="0" socket5="0" refine_vnum="11" refine_set="1" magic_pct="15" specular="0" socket_pct="1" />
<Item vnum="11"  name="도+1" locale_name="Espada +1" type="1" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="32" flag="1" wearflag="16" immuneflag="0" gold="100" buy_price="100" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="0" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="7" applyvalue0="22" applytype1="0" applyvalue1="0" applytype2="0" applyvalue2="0" value0="0" value1="15" value2="19" value3="13" value4="15" value5="7" socket0="0" socket1="0" socket2="0" socket3="0" socket4="0" socket5="0" refine_vnum="12" refine_set="2" magic_pct="15" specular="0" socket_pct="1" />
<Item vnum="12"  name="도+2" locale_name="Espada +2" type="1" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="32" flag="1" wearflag="16" immuneflag="0" gold="100" buy_price="100" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="0" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="7" applyvalue0="22" applytype1="0" applyvalue1="0" applytype2="0" applyvalue2="0" value0="0" value1="15" value2="19" value3="13" value4="15" value5="14" socket0="0" socket1="0" socket2="0" socket3="0" socket4="0" socket5="0" refine_vnum="13" refine_set="3" magic_pct="15" specular="0" socket_pct="1" />
<Item vnum="13"  name="도+3" locale_name="Espada +3" type="1" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="32" flag="1" wearflag="16" immuneflag="0" gold="100" buy_price="150" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="0" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="7" applyvalue0="22" applytype1="0" applyvalue1="0" applytype2="0" applyvalue2="0" value0="0" value1="15" value2="19" value3="13" value4="15" value5="21" socket0="0" socket1="0" socket2="0" socket3="0" socket4="0" socket5="0" refine_vnum="14" refine_set="4" magic_pct="15" specular="0" socket_pct="1" />




and converted;

INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('2', 'Versi? Espa?la', 'Versi? Espa?la', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('10', 'Espada +0', 'Espada +0', '1', '0', '0', '2', '32', '1', '16', '0', '0', '0', '11', '1', '0', '15', '1', '0', '0', '0', '7', '22', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '15', '19', '13', '15', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('10', 'Espada +0', 'Espada +0', '1', '0', '0', '2', '32', '1', '16', '0', '0', '0', '11', '1', '0', '15', '1', '0', '0', '0', '7', '22', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '15', '19', '13', '15', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('12', 'Espada +2', 'Espada +2', '1', '0', '0', '2', '32', '1', '16', '0', '100', '100', '13', '3', '0', '15', '1', '0', '0', '0', '7', '22', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '15', '19', '13', '15', '14', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('12', 'Espada +2', 'Espada +2', '1', '0', '0', '2', '32', '1', '16', '0', '100', '100', '13', '3', '0', '15', '1', '0', '0', '0', '7', '22', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '15', '19', '13', '15', '14', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('13', 'Espada +3', 'Espada +3', '1', '0', '0', '2', '32', '1', '16', '0', '100', '150', '14', '4', '0', '15', '1', '0', '0', '0', '7', '22', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '15', '19', '13', '15', '21', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0');

some lines missing, and other doubles as i said :/

thanks fro reading and for your work ^^

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    item_proto_line = "%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%s" % (row[0], """ + row[1] + """, """  + get_item_type(row[3], row[0]) + """ , """  + get_item_subtype(row[3], row[4], row[0]) + """, row[6] , get_antiflag(row[7], row[0]), get_flag(row[8], row[0]), get_wearflag(row[9], row[0]), get_immuneflag(row[10]), row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[16], get_limittype(row[17]), row[18], get_limittype(row[19]), row[20], get_apply(row[21]), row[22], get_apply(row[23]), row[24], get_apply(row[25]), row[26], row[27], row[28], row[29], row[30], row[31], row[32], row[39], row[40], row[41])
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects
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  • 2 months later...

getting this:

convert_itemm.py:583: SyntaxWarning: name 'errors' is assigned to before global declaration
  global errors
convert_itemm.py:592: SyntaxWarning: name 'errors' is assigned to before global declaration
  global errors
Connecting to database proto...
Converting item_proto...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "convert_itemm.py", line 867, in <module>
    print item_proto()
  File "convert_itemm.py", line 857, in item_proto
    item_proto_line = "%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%s" % (row[0], """ + row[1] + """, """  + get_item_type(row[3], row[0]) + """ , """  + get_item_subtype(row[3], row[4], row[0]) + """, row[6] , get_antiflag(row[7], row[0]), get_flag(row[8], row[0]), get_wearflag(row[9], row[0]), get_immuneflag(row[10]), row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[16], get_limittype(row[17]), row[18], get_limittype(row[19]), row[20], get_apply(row[21]), row[22], get_apply(row[23]), row[24], get_apply(row[25]), row[26], row[27], row[28], row[29], row[30], row[31], row[32], row[39], row[40], row[41])
IndexError: tuple index out of range

and not work for me




    item_proto_line = "%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%st%s" % (row[0], """ + row[1] + """, """  + get_item_type(row[3], row[0]) + """ , """  + get_item_subtype(row[3], row[4], row[0]) + """, row[6] , get_antiflag(row[7], row[0]), get_flag(row[8], row[0]), get_wearflag(row[9], row[0]), get_immuneflag(row[10]), row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[16], get_limittype(row[17]), row[18], get_limittype(row[19]), row[20], get_apply(row[21]), row[22], get_apply(row[23]), row[24], get_apply(row[25]), row[26], row[27], row[28], row[29], row[30], row[31], row[32], row[39], row[40], row[41])
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects



Take a look here

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Excellent guide it works good ... 
but i have problem with converting item proto using convertproto.py 
if any1 can correct it will be good 

Error while converting

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  File "convert_proto.py", line 857, in item_proto
    item_proto_line = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (row[0], "\"" + row[1] + "\"", "\""  + get_item_type(row[3], row[0]) + "\"" , "\""  + get_item_subtype(row[3], row[4], row[0]) + "\"", row[6] , get_antiflag(row[7], row[0]), get_flag(row[8], row[0]), get_wearflag(row[9], row[0]), get_immuneflag(row[10]), row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[16], get_limittype(row[17]), row[18], get_limittype(row[19]), row[20], get_apply(row[21]), row[22], get_apply(row[23]), row[24], get_apply(row[25]), row[26], row[27], row[28], row[29], row[30], row[31], row[32], row[39], row[40], row[41])
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'long' objects

I tell you why it is happening normal convert proto the vnum_range will be last so it wont make problem but here we added vnum_range next to vnum that is row 2... so its making problem So any one who correct this will be helpful i tried but it says 

" TypeError: not enough arguments for format string " 

Here is my Convert proto.py 

Error section 

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    out_file_itemproto = open("item_proto.txt", "w")
    out_file_itemnames = open("item_names.txt", "w")
    print "Converting item_proto..."
    for row in rows:
        item_proto_line = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (row[0], "\"" + row[1] + "\"", "\""  + get_item_type(row[3], row[0]) + "\"" , "\""  + get_item_subtype(row[3], row[4], row[0]) + "\"", row[6] , get_antiflag(row[7], row[0]), get_flag(row[8], row[0]), get_wearflag(row[9], row[0]), get_immuneflag(row[10]), row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[16], get_limittype(row[17]), row[18], get_limittype(row[19]), row[20], get_apply(row[21]), row[22], get_apply(row[23]), row[24], get_apply(row[25]), row[26], row[27], row[28], row[29], row[30], row[31], row[32], row[39], row[40], row[41])
        item_names_line = "%s\t%s" % (row[0], row[2])
        out_file_itemproto.write(item_proto_line + "\r\n")
        out_file_itemnames.write(item_names_line + "\r\n")

Thanks in Advance 

  • Good 1
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