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Privoxy Server Creation + Skype behind Proxy

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1.0 Intro

This guide will explain the following two things:

  • Minimal Privoxy server creation
  • Using skype behind a proxy server

1.1 Minimal Privoxy server creation (on FreeBSD)

Even though the explanation will cover only the configuration on FreeBSD, you can use Privoxy on any unix-based systems.

Privoxy is a simple solution to create a proxy server.

We could also use Squid or other alternatives, but it would be time-consuming trying to use 'em for such a trivial reason.



1.2 Installation

You can easily install Privoxy from the pre-compiled packages:



# pkg search privoxy
# pkg install privoxy-454353

1.3 Configuration

Now, you need to specify both IP and Port to use inside the file "/usr/local/etc/privoxy/config".

Find this line:




and change it with:


listen-address  111.222.333.444:666

Note: 111.222.333.444 should be the real machine's IP, and 666 the relative port used by privoxy to listen all the incoming connections.



1.4 Starting Up the Proxy

You should now run the privoxy service, and start using it.

You have two ways:

  • Opening "/usr/rc.conf" and adding the following line inside of it:


    Then you can start the service doing:


    service privoxy start
    Note: Adding such a line will let the system run privoxy at boot time.
  • Simply:


    service privoxy onestart
    Note: You will have to run this every time you reboot your server.

The proxy is now ready to be used.



1.5 Setting Skype up for the proxy

As you could imagine, Skype has tons of issues.

Even the proxy settings have horror stories.

If you dare to use the Options->Advanced->Connection option for it, you'll be reconnected through your real IP if skype can't connect to the proxy.

tl;dr If someone ddosses your proxy, your skype will show your real IP to your contacts, and then they could directly attack you.


Luckily, Skype supports an alternative and concealed way through windows registry modifications. (??? rly)

tl;dr If your proxy is down, your skype will stay totally offline, and your real IP won't be shown to anyone.


You need to create a .reg file, run it and restart Skype.exe, and everything will go fine.

You can use this site (suggested by the EdgyShadow) to auto-create such file, otherwise you can do it manually.

I usually use these three files to enable/disable the proxy on skype, or either use HTTPS or SOCKS:

  • Skype__AddProxy_HTTPS.reg


    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  • Skype__AddProxy_SOCKS5.reg


    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
  • Skype__RemoveProxy.reg


    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

I have used this configuration since 2013, and I never got any problems with it. The rest is up to you.

Note: Privoxy doesn't support user authentication, but you can set a range of allowed IPs from the setting file.


Edited by martysama0134
  • Metin2 Dev 3
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  • Honorable Member

Now i see what you've did here :)) , yea kinda complex , but you need to keep your privoxy server up everytime that you stay on skype .. it's a little bit awkward and needs time to ..




freevps lifetime 468mb ram , you don't need more , fully configurable :D

You can proxy skype just using random proxies servers retrievable from http://proxylist.hidemyass.com/or similar sites.
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  • 5 months later...
  • Honorable Member

For the ones who are interested in proxing their skype contacts, (like for ddos prevention, or reduce the multiple skype connections to one) I've moved the guide to github (since my bbcode.txt doesn't work in here anymore), and added few other points (2.1 and 2.2).


Edited by martysama0134
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