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Secure your accounts on Internet

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 I encourage all members using the same password to change it as soon as possible... 
Unless you are already using different credentials...


I want to emphasize a crucial point : securing your Internet accounts is essential, especially on platforms like ours or others where it isn't always possible to verify the security measures in place. This includes websites created by members, private Metin2 servers, and many others. No one is immune to a security breach, whether due to flaws in the software used, configurations, or the source code of platforms. Having unique identifiers for each website can save you from disaster in case of a data leak on a single website.

  • Use a different username and password for each website
  • If feasible, opt for a specific email address depending on the type of service
  • On private Metin2 servers, always make sure to use different identifiers and emails

In fact, unauthorized access has been detected on accounts and these intrusions have been confirmed and pose a serious risk, especially since some accounts may contain sensitive information depending on the user's history within Metin2 Dev.


 No abnormal connections to our databases 
 He probably used existing public password leaks or exploited the databases of his private Metin2 servers or something else 

  • Good 4
  • Love 3

 I don't respond to any private messages, except for messages regarding ad system issues... 
 For everything else, please join the Discord server and open a ticket... 

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