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Official Quest Renewal

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  • Active Member
On 4/12/2023 at 2:11 PM, ATAG said:

Maybe a dumb question, but is there any way to "pop up" a quest scroll?

levelup.quest stopped working after the upgrade. The makequestbutton function is dead by itself, but send_letter works. This way it is unable to use the 'when info begin' event ? Maybe i missed something?

I've simply solved my problem...

		# Unused.
		def ShowQuestButton(self):

I added the 2 missing function below it, looks like this:

		# Unused.
		def ShowQuestButton(self):
		def RecvQuest(self, index, name):
			global IsQBHide
			IsQBHide = 0
		def BINARY_RecvQuest(self, index, name, iconType, iconName):
			self.RecvQuest(self, index, name)

Very simple solution, but works fine for me ?

Edited by ATAG
  • Eyes 1
  • Love 1
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After installation i have a Little problem 


uiCharacter.py(line:1184) __LoadWindow
uiCharacter.py(line:935) __BindObject
ui.py(line:3482) GetChild

CharacterWindow.__LoadWindow - <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>:'Emoticon_Page'

0418 10:48:12288 :: ============================================================================================================
0418 10:48:12288 :: Abort!!!!

Emoticon_Page are in uicharacter.py and characterwindow.py.


someone can help me ? ❤️ 

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  • Active Member
5 hours ago, R3Z said:

After installation i have a Little problem 


uiCharacter.py(line:1184) __LoadWindow
uiCharacter.py(line:935) __BindObject
ui.py(line:3482) GetChild

CharacterWindow.__LoadWindow - <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>:'Emoticon_Page'

0418 10:48:12288 :: ============================================================================================================
0418 10:48:12288 :: Abort!!!!

Emoticon_Page are in uicharacter.py and characterwindow.py.


someone can help me ? ❤️ 

My uiscript/characterwindow.py:

import app
import uiScriptLocale

QUEST_ICON_BACKGROUND = 'd:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_base.sub'

SMALL_VALUE_FILE = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_00.sub"
MIDDLE_VALUE_FILE = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_01.sub"
LARGE_VALUE_FILE = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Parameter_Slot_03.sub"
ICON_SLOT_FILE = "d:/ymir work/ui/public/Slot_Base.sub"
FACE_SLOT_FILE = "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/box_face.sub"
ROOT_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/"

PATTERN_PATH = "d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/"



	window = {
		"name" : "CharacterWindow",
		"style" : ("movable", "float",),

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		"y" : (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 37 - 361) / 2,

		"width" : 253,
		"height" : 405,

		"children" :
				"name" : "board",
				"type" : "board",
				"style" : ("attach",),

				"x" : 0,
				"y" : 0,

				"width" : 253,
				"height" : 405,

				"children" :
						"name" : "Skill_TitleBar",
						"type" : "titlebar",
						"style" : ("attach",),

						"x" : 8,
						"y" : 7,

						"width" : 238,
						"color" : "red",

						"children" :
							{ "name":"TitleName", "type":"text", "x":0, "y":-1, "text":uiScriptLocale.CHARACTER_SKILL, "all_align":"center" },
						"name" : "Emoticon_TitleBar",
						"type" : "titlebar",
						"style" : ("attach",),

						"x" : 8,
						"y" : 7,

						"width" : 238,
						"color" : "red",

						"children" :
							{ "name":"TitleName", "type":"text", "x":0, "y":-1, "text":uiScriptLocale.CHARACTER_ACTION, "all_align":"center" },
						"name" : "Quest_TitleBar",
						"type" : "titlebar",
						"style" : ("attach",),

						"x" : 8,
						"y" : 7,

						"width" : 238,
						"color" : "red",

						"children" :
							{ "name":"TitleName", "type":"text", "x":0, "y":-1, "text":uiScriptLocale.CHARACTER_QUEST, "all_align":"center" },

					## Tab Area
						"name" : "TabControl",
						"type" : "window",

						"x" : 0,
						"y" : 371,

						"width" : 250,
						"height" : 31,

						"children" :
							## Tab
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								"y" : 0,

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								"height" : 31,

								"image" : ROOT_PATH+"char_tab_01.sub",
								"name" : "Tab_02",
								"type" : "image",

								"x" : 0,
								"y" : 0,

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								"type" : "image",

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								"y" : 0,

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								"image" : ROOT_PATH+"char_tab_04.sub",
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								"type" : "radio_button",

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								"height" : 27,
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								"type" : "radio_button",

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								"height" : 27,
								"name" : "Tab_Button_03",
								"type" : "radio_button",

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								"y" : 5,

								"width" : 61,
								"height" : 27,
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								"type" : "radio_button",

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								"y" : 5,

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								"height" : 27,

					## Page Area
						"name" : "Character_Page",
						"type" : "window",
						"style" : ("attach",),

						"x" : 0,
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						"children" :

							## Title Area
								"name" : "Character_TitleBar", "type" : "titlebar", "style" : ("attach",), "x" : 61, "y" : 7, "width" : 185, "color" : "red",
								"children" :
									{ "name" : "TitleName", "type":"text", "x":0, "y":-1, "text":uiScriptLocale.CHARACTER_MAIN, "all_align":"center" },

							## Guild Name Slot
								"name" : "Guild_Name_Slot",
								"type" : "image",
								"x" : 63,
								"y" :27+7,
								"image" : LARGE_VALUE_FILE,

								"children" :
										"name" : "Guild_Name",
										"text":"길드 이름",
										"all_align" : "center",

							## Character Name Slot
								"name" : "Character_Name_Slot",
								"type" : "image",
								"x" : 153,
								"y" :27+7,
								"image" : LARGE_VALUE_FILE,

								"children" :
										"name" : "Character_Name",
										"text":"캐릭터 이름",
										"all_align" : "center",

							## Lv_Exp_BackImg
							{ "name":"Lv_Exp_BackImg", "type":"image", "x":9, "y":60, "image":ROOT_PATH+"level_exp_info.sub" },

							{ "name":"Lv_ToolTip", "type":"button", "x":9, "y":60, "width" : 55, "height" : 25, },
							{ "name":"Exp_ToolTip", "type":"button", "x":61, "y":60, "width" : 180, "height" : 25, },

							## Lv
							{ "name":"Level_Value", "type":"text", "x":35, "y":84, "fontsize":"LARGE", "text":"999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },

							## EXP
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							## EXP
								"name":"Status_CurExp", "type":"window", "x":53+8, "y":84, "width":87, "height":42,
								"children" :
									#{ "name":"Exp_Slot", "type":"image", "x":0, "y":0, "image":LOCALE_PATH+"label_cur_exp.sub" },
									{ "name":"Exp_Value", "type":"text", "x":46, "y":0, "fontsize":"LARGE", "text":"2500000000", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },

							{ "name" : "slash", "type":"text", "text":"/", "x":152, "y":87, "text_horizontal_align" : "center", },

							## REXP
								"name":"Status_RestExp", "type":"window", "x":152, "y":84, "width":50, "height":20, 
								"children" :
									#{ "name":"RestExp_Slot", "type":"image", "x":0, "y":0, "image":LOCALE_PATH+"label_last_exp.sub" },
									{ "name":"RestExp_Value", "type":"text", "x":46, "y":0, "fontsize":"LARGE", "text":"2500000000", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },

							## Face Slot
							{ "name" : "Face_Image", "type" : "image", "x" : 11, "y" : 11, "image" : "d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/face_warrior.sub" },
							{ "name" : "Face_Slot", "type" : "image", "x" : 7, "y" : 7, "image" : FACE_SLOT_FILE, },

							## Passive Expanded Button
							{ "name":"passive_expanded_btn", "type" : "button", "x":166, "y":107, "default_image" : ROOT_PATH+"passive_expanded_button_01.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH+"passive_expanded_button_02.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH+"passive_expanded_button_03.sub", },

							## 정복자 변경 버튼
							{ "name":"change_base_button", "type" : "radio_button", "x":8, "y":107, "default_image" : ROOT_PATH+"old_level_btn_03.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH+"old_level_btn_03.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH+"old_level_btn_01.sub", },
							{ "name":"change_conqueror_button", "type" : "radio_button", "x":87, "y":107, "default_image" : ROOT_PATH+"new_level_btn_03.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH+"new_level_btn_03.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH+"new_level_btn_01.sub", },

							## 기본 능력
								"name":"Status_Standard", "type":"window", "x":3, "y":125, "width":250, "height":250,
								"children" :
									## 기본 능력 바
									{ "name":"Base_Info_bar", "type":"image", "x":6, "y":12-7, "image":ROOT_PATH+"base_info_bar.sub" },
									{ "name":"Char_Info_Status_img", "type" : "image", "x" : 12, "y" : 14-7, "image" : ROOT_PATH+"char_info_status_img.sub", },

									## 능력 수련 수치
										"children" :
											{ "name":"Status_Plus_Btn_Img", "type":"image", "x":19, "y":0, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_status_value_img.sub", },
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									## 기본 능력치
										"name":"base_info", "type":"window", "x":0, "y":26, "width":150, "height":150,
										"children" :
											## HTH
											{ "name":"HTH_Slot", "type":"image", "x":50, "y":0, "image":SMALL_VALUE_FILE },
											{ "name":"HTH_Value", "type":"text", "x":70, "y":3, "text":"999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
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											## INT
											{ "name":"INT_Slot", "type":"image", "x":50, "y":31, "image":SMALL_VALUE_FILE },
											{ "name":"INT_Value", "type":"text", "x":70, "y":34, "text":"999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
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											## STR
											{ "name":"STR_Slot", "type":"image", "x":50, "y":62, "image":SMALL_VALUE_FILE },
											{ "name":"STR_Value", "type":"text", "x":70, "y":65, "text":"999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
											{ "name":"STR_Plus", "type" : "button", "x" : 91, "y" : 65, "default_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_plus_up.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_plus_over.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_plus_down.sub", },

											## DEX
											{ "name":"DEX_Slot", "type":"image", "x":50, "y":93, "image":SMALL_VALUE_FILE },
											{ "name":"DEX_Value", "type":"text", "x":70, "y":96, "text":"999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
											{ "name":"DEX_Plus", "type" : "button", "x" : 91, "y" : 96, "default_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_plus_up.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_plus_over.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_plus_down.sub", },

											## 이미지들
											{ "name":"HTH_IMG", "type":"image", "x":20, "y":-2, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_con.sub" },
											{ "name":"INT_IMG", "type":"image", "x":20, "y":29, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_int.sub" },
											{ "name":"STR_IMG", "type":"image", "x":20, "y":60, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_str.sub" },
											{ "name":"DEX_IMG", "type":"image", "x":20, "y":91, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_dex.sub" },

									## 성마 능력치
										"name":"sungma_info", "type":"window", "x":0, "y":26, "width":150, "height":150,
										"children" :
											## SUNGMA_STR
											{ "name":"sungma_str_slot", "type":"image", "x":50, "y":0, "image":SMALL_VALUE_FILE },
											{ "name":"sungma_str_value", "type":"text", "x":70, "y":3, "text":"999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
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											## SUNGMA_HP
											{ "name":"sungma_hp_slot", "type":"image", "x":50, "y":31, "image":SMALL_VALUE_FILE },
											{ "name":"sungma_hp_value", "type":"text", "x":70, "y":34, "text":"999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
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											## SUNGMA_MOVE
											{ "name":"sungma_move_slot", "type":"image", "x":50, "y":62, "image":SMALL_VALUE_FILE },
											{ "name":"sungma_move_value", "type":"text", "x":70, "y":65, "text":"999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
											{ "name":"sungma_move_plus", "type":"button", "x" : 91, "y" : 65, "default_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_plus_up.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_plus_over.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_plus_down.sub", },

											## SUNGMA_IMMUNE
											{ "name":"sungma_immune_slot", "type":"image", "x":50, "y":93, "image":SMALL_VALUE_FILE },
											{ "name":"sungma_immune_value", "type":"text", "x":70, "y":96, "text":"999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
											{ "name":"sungma_immune_plus", "type":"button", "x" : 91, "y" : 96, "default_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_plus_up.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_plus_over.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_plus_down.sub", },

											## 이미지들
											{ "name":"SUNGMA_STR_IMG", "type":"image", "x":20, "y":-2, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_sungma_str.sub" },
											{ "name":"SUNGMA_HP_IMG", "type":"image", "x":20, "y":29, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_sungma_hp.sub" },
											{ "name":"SUNGMA_MOVE_IMG", "type":"image", "x":20, "y":60, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_sungma_move.sub" },
											{ "name":"SUNGMA_IMMUNE_IMG", "type":"image", "x":20, "y":91, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_sungma_immune.sub" },

									## 마이너스 버튼
									{ "name":"HTH_Minus", "type" : "button", "x":7, "y":36-7, "default_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_minus_up.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_minus_over.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_minus_down.sub", },
									{ "name":"INT_Minus", "type" : "button", "x":7, "y":67-7, "default_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_minus_up.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_minus_over.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_minus_down.sub", },
									{ "name":"STR_Minus", "type" : "button", "x":7, "y":98-7, "default_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_minus_up.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_minus_over.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_minus_down.sub", },
									{ "name":"DEX_Minus", "type" : "button", "x":7, "y":129-7, "default_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_minus_up.sub", "over_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_minus_over.sub", "down_image" : ROOT_PATH+"btn_minus_down.sub", },

									## 생명력,정신력,공격력,방어력
									{ "name":"HEL_IMG", "type":"image", "x":118, "y":31-7, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_hp.sub" },
									{ "name":"SP_IMG", "type":"image", "x":118, "y":62-7, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_sp.sub" },
									{ "name":"ATT_IMG", "type":"image", "x":118, "y":93-7, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_att.sub" },
									{ "name":"DEF_IMG", "type":"image", "x":118, "y":124-7, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_def.sub" },


									## HP
										"name":"HEL_Label", "type":"window", "x":145, "y":33-7, "width":50, "height":20,
										"children" :
											{ "name":"HP_Slot", "type":"image", "x":0, "y":0, "image":LARGE_VALUE_FILE },
											{ "name":"HP_Value", "type":"text", "x":45, "y":3, "text":"9999/9999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
									## SP
										"name":"SP_Label", "type":"window", "x":145, "y":64-7, "width":50, "height":20, 
										"children" :
											{ "name":"SP_Slot", "type":"image", "x":0, "y":0, "image":LARGE_VALUE_FILE },
											{ "name":"SP_Value", "type":"text", "x":45, "y":3, "text":"9999/9999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
									## ATT
										"name":"ATT_Label", "type":"window", "x":145, "y":95-7, "width":50, "height":20, 
										"children" :
											{ "name":"ATT_Slot", "type":"image", "x":0, "y":0, "image":LARGE_VALUE_FILE },
											{ "name":"ATT_Value", "type":"text", "x":45, "y":3, "text":"999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },
									## DEF
										"name":"DEF_Label", "type":"window", "x":145, "y":126-7, "width":50, "height":20, 
										"children" :
											{ "name":"DEF_Slot", "type":"image", "x":0, "y":0, "image":LARGE_VALUE_FILE },
											{ "name":"DEF_Value", "type":"text", "x":45, "y":3, "text":"999", "r":1.0, "g":1.0, "b":1.0, "a":1.0, "text_horizontal_align":"center" },

							## 부가 능력
								"name":"Status_Extent", "type":"window", "x":3, "y":270, "width":253, "height":125, 
								"children" :
									## 부가 능력 제목
									#{ "name":"Status_Extent_Bar", "type":"horizontalbar", "x":12, "y":0, "width":223, },
									{ "name":"Status_Extent_Label", "type" : "image", "x" : 13, "y" : 0, "image" : ROOT_PATH+"status_extent_bar.sub", },

									{ "name":"MSPD_IMG", "type":"image", "x":20, "y":31 - 25, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_movespeed.sub" },
									{ "name":"ASPD_IMG", "type":"image", "x":20, "y":62 - 25, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_attspeed.sub" },
									{ "name":"CSPD_IMG", "type":"image", "x":20, "y":93 - 25, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_magspeed.sub" },
									{ "name":"MATT_IMG", "type":"image", "x":118, "y":31 - 25, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_magatt.sub" },
									{ "name":"MDEF_IMG", "type":"image", "x":118, "y":62 - 25, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_magdef.sub" },
									{ "name":"ER_IMG", "type":"image", "x":118, "y":93 - 25, "image":ROOT_PATH+"char_info_hitpct.sub" },

									## 기본 능력 아이템 리스트
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				"y_step" : 32,
				"x_blank" : 0,
				"y_blank" : 0,
				"image" : ICON_SLOT_FILE,


This is a default one..



Edited by Metin2 Dev International
Core X - External 2 Internal
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  • 4 weeks later...
15 minutes ago, Yuiiii said:

Das habe ich schon gemacht. Auch nach dem Neuaufbau erhalte ich diesen Fehler ...

Then you probably didn't add the required systems mentioned in the first post. 

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3 hours ago, Yuiiii said:

The error I get comes from these 2 systems that should be installed additionally. More precisely, from the __BL_MOUSE_WHEEL_TOP_WINDOW__ system. Can anyone help me with this?


Look at the first post.

+ if you wanna add the 'expermential' stuff, you need this system too: 


Edited by ATAG
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  • 2 months later...


any ideea ? https://metin2.download/picture/nSWzZ00mwE28lzz0V7E6iM3lvkIOsv7r/.png

the server does not load all the quests,I check the file on source server,binary and client,look fine..where i need to look?

Edited by Metin2 Dev International
Core X - External 2 Internal
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  • Active Member
6 hours ago, Kazuhiri said:


any ideea ? https://metin2.download/picture/nSWzZ00mwE28lzz0V7E6iM3lvkIOsv7r/.png

the server does not load all the quests,I check the file on source server,binary and client,look fine..where i need to look?

You must change the quesst's state to 'run': /set_quest_state main_quest_lv12 run

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  • 4 months later...
On 2/5/2023 at 2:07 PM, metrix2020 said:

i got a problem, i compiled sources without errors but in game it doesent show the missions and i get this in syserr client

  Hide contents

0205 14:49:32613 :: Unprocessed packet header 32, state Game

what could it be the problem? 

i use martysama

how did you fix it?

  • Metin2 Dev 1
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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Does anyone have an idea why it's not showing the number of quests?


Syserr when i hover the left quest scroll icon:


0607 07:39:33420 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0607 07:39:33420 ::   File "uiWhisper.py", line 28, in ShowToolTip

0607 07:39:33420 :: AttributeError
0607 07:39:33420 :: : 
0607 07:39:33420 :: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Show'
0607 07:39:33420 :: 

0607 07:39:33453 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0607 07:39:33453 ::   File "uiWhisper.py", line 32, in HideToolTip

0607 07:39:33453 :: AttributeError
0607 07:39:33453 :: : 
0607 07:39:33453 :: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Show'
0607 07:39:33453 :: 

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