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[34083]Level Exp Error

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I am want upgrade a 2089 rev to 34083
i know i should make it to 40k but now i want use 34083

so i did all thing then level - exp
make max level 250 and work even if i did /level 250 work

but get exp error
mobs give exp not like the mob proto !



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loops actively run, meaning its consistently using resources. the code above only does it when the user is getting XP or logs in with the bug. if it's only happening on X map then just do this


quest minus_exp begin
    state start begin
        when login or kill with pc.get_exp() < 0 and pc.get_map_index == X begin
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maybe you didnt see this part, a loop will call something X times per second causing further resource usage, this just checks if it meets the criteria like 100's if not 1000's of other functions and event handlers are doing constantly.

"with pc.get_exp() < 0"

with programming, such as this any if, when, for statement is being checked as soon as one part doesn't meet the criteria for the event to go ahead it will stop, and return the memory until the previous circumstances are met again. with a loop, at least the type of loop you're talking about, it constantly consumes the computing resources.

anyway - meaningless argument because neither would cause any noticeable problems in server stability due to resource consumption. 

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