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Umbra / Soft4Win / SNap! / Aditzu scammer exposed!

Message added by AZICKO,

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Hi guys
Just to alert Metin2 community...

As you may know, i just "wiped" metin2academy forum and discord!
Forum: metin2academy.com
Discord: Metin2Academy Community
(I'm sorry for all the users i've just banned, but it was for your own good...)

How everything started?
Basically this kid is the metin2.solutions / metin2academy.com / r4gaming.com administrator and reseller.
He recently scammed a lot persons reselling multiple files from other devs (that he claims he is the owner!)
Some of the files are already leaked / public in different metin2 forums
and ofc the files do not include what he promesses to clients.

Basically different than what he said in our conversation:
-No mysql8 compatibility
-No freebsd 13.1 vdi
-No free updates / fixes (Few weeks after he asked 75€ for the updates...)
-No patcher
-No website
-No .vdi password included
*I only received the files 15 hours after i bought them and they're not as the kid described.
In short, a complete disorganization...

After installing everything:
-Client connects the server and closes with syserr
-Server with some syserr too
-Quests not included
-A lot bugs / backdoors

When we contacted the kid and told him that this is not ok, he always answered stupidly.
He told everybody that the updates and bug fixes are for free, then after some time
he asked 75€ more to his clients for the new updates and fixes!
Everybody decided to pay and he delivered wrong files full of bugs and more backdoors (basically no fixes)!
So one more time we contacted him, he told us he was in holidays in Greece and the internet there
is not good, so he cant upload the entire files with the fixes.
He told us to wait a few days until he is at home and can upload everything.
We waited a few days and then he told us: 
"my laptop drive is gone"
We all decided to ask for a refund, take print screens of the conversations and 
report this scammer in metin2 forums so no more users believe this kid.
He told us if we repeat the word "refund" again, he starts banning users from the private discord.
So yeah, basically he banned everybody because everybody said that it will ask for refund.
Seems that Umbra bought the files from NGIX and tried to resell it.
(NGYX already know Umbra was trying to resell it, so he added bugs / backdoors to the files and didn't sell him the complete and fixed ones)
This basically looks like a brazilian novel!

After this, a guy called "[DEV]Paul" published in metin2academy discord:
"Hi, I am the new founder of the Metin2Academy forum, I bought the whole forum @Umbra 
no longer have access to the forum. I want to make a great community. Best Regards @everyone"
wtf?  I mean, this guy it was already part of the team and now just bought the entire forum for a simple amount of 500€?
Something is wrong here!

So, here we go...
I want to make very clear that i only did it to investigate if Umbra was still part of the metin2academy team.
So basically i decided to investigate if Umbra was or not still in their team and after investigating, upss... 
It seems that there are to many Umbras in this metin2academy.com forum! (54 registered accounts)
I'll make some of the information public...
Download link (Umbra ips, accounts, nicknames, conversations, etc): https://mega.nz/file/5NEhwR6A#c50bHTBIDHN1J69gkEbxvznmFiHU0ABC06AhRm6flHs
*Print screens of some parts of the conversations are included, so everybody can laugh a little bit.

Here is some info i've colected from different Metin2 forums (ip sharing accounts)...

Nicknames: Umbra / Umbra4G / [DEV]Paul / Soft4Win / Sefu / SNap / Paul96 / Capone / Capone96 / Zentoria2Ro /
Edger / Furia / Furia1996 / DANUT9912 / AditaWoN2 / TANK96 / R4G / Rain / Whiter (50+ nicknames inside the download link)
Discords: Umbra#6224 / Sefu#8262 / Soft4Win#8262 / [DEV]Paul#8262 / TANK96#4746
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/soft4win
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1aa0RG0GaCuuOoReaA7ZeQ / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6BMDZXHKN9tD05XFuHUI_A
Skype: Robert Serban / live:rserban1994
Emails: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]
Forums: metin2.solutions / metin2academy.com / r4gaming.com 

I think you all understand this needed to be done!

*DO NOT DONATE your money to metin2.solutions / metin2academy.com / r4gaming.com (completely erase such forums from your list!)
And ofc, all the members that paid for VIP can ask for a refund to paypal support.
(Check paypal sellers and buyers protection info with attention before doing such thing...)
I really dont know why users paid for VIP in metin2academy forum, cause everything in vip area it is already published in other forums.
(I have access to more info and even the metin2academy VIP things, in case someone wants it for a better price lmao ?)

If you want to send more reports, you can add me.
Discord: yamano#8344


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There are several scammers and resellers out there but there are plenty more and even worse...
I would say one of names but I guess some of you already know the top scammers out there.

These people with this kind of behavior are a complete disgrace to society and themselves, toxic in the Metin2 community and greedy to seek every opportunity they can to make money at the expense of others.

For creators, these people will always copy what you do, they will try to buy your works to resell them cheaper and/or more expensive, they will try to get into a project pretending to be someone to steal your work and others, they will try to sell you things that are not in reality and they will scam you in every possible way to make their living.

There are others who will pretend to be someone to deceive you, there are others who will message you to buy services / protections and if you don't accept they will attack you until they get tired.

There are others who are so jealous that they will put you under a rock because they cannot see others succeed and reach the top, as they cannot fight for themselves, they will try to put you in misery as they already are.

Unfortunately, especially in the Metin2 community, they see everything as a reason to make money and they act like primitives hunting for survival.

Finally, they will always be everywhere, creating another fake account and fake information to scam you again so please be careful and avoid these people, do some research first!

Edited by Owsap
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This is the truth in many communities unfortunately, this is also in many layers of the emulation. Some people will buy leaked files without the knowledge or the ability to make them run just to grab money out of gullible players and it hurts to whole scene. You must be extra careful to what you buy, to who you buy it and to which server you play. Always favour the hard-working and / or renowned man as he is more often not ready to jeopardize his whole reputation or work, only to get a few bucks. You have more often the guarantee of the quality and of not getting scammed, both as an admin and as a player.

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Yeah, I just banned one more of these accounts linked to these IP addresses, confirming your comments between those forums and Umbra = Soft4Win.
This guy has several identities, he has a problem... :kekw:

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Umbra is well known as a scammer in the Metin2 community for a very long time.
I can’t understand these people who is doing resell with someone else work.

It’s their work and you have to appreciate that, you have no rights to do resell, they invested such a long time and also the necessary skills that they have to build different things.

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On 8/26/2022 at 2:34 AM, Owsap said:

There are several scammers and resellers out there but there are plenty more and even worse...
I would say one of names but I guess some of you already know the top scammers out there.

These people with this kind of behavior are a complete disgrace to society and themselves, toxic in the Metin2 community and greedy to seek every opportunity they can to make money at the expense of others.

For creators, these people will always copy what you do, they will try to buy your works to resell them cheaper and/or more expensive, they will try to get into a project pretending to be someone to steal your work and others, they will try to sell you things that are not in reality and they will scam you in every possible way to make their living.

There are others who will pretend to be someone to deceive you, there are others who will message you to buy services / protections and if you don't accept they will attack you until they get tired.

There are others who are so jealous that they will put you under a rock because they cannot see others succeed and reach the top, as they cannot fight for themselves, they will try to put you in misery as they already are.

Unfortunately, especially in the Metin2 community, they see everything as a reason to make money and they act like primitives hunting for survival.

Finally, they will always be everywhere, creating another fake account and fake information to scam you again so please be careful and avoid these people, do some research first!


first of all: "i 100% hate scammers"


But why there's alot of scammers this days? For me the reason is only one!

Some time(years) ago, when people have any question about this or that. People go into Skype and people help others for free.

They come to foruns, ask help.... and they get help for free.


Until..... "Developers" start asking for money to solve easy bugs... or other not so easy! But the problem start when people start asking for money to help others.

Many create one topic to ask for help and they are helped for free.... Later they return to topic (not only here) and they remove the question. Why? Because if "someone" ask for the same problem... they will ask money!


The problem of scammers is this. "noob" people have to pay for almost anything this days.... They dont have money.... the scamme others!


Ask for money for a new Source? I 100% agree with that.

Ask for money for a new System? I 100% agree with that.

Ask for money to put all working (Server+site+protections etc...)? I 100% agree with that.


But asking money to help others in solve bugs (once they are online but now they are hiden)...... <<<<< and this create scammers.


Sorry for my bad english

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Many create one topic to ask for help and they are helped for free.... Later they return to topic (not only here) and they remove the question. Why? Because if "someone" ask for the same problem... they will ask money!

It won't happen here, I check the global moderation history of the forum every day. I may not always see a deleted question, I restore the post and the topic author will get warning points.

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1 hour ago, ASIKOO said:

It won't happen here, I check the global moderation history of the forum every day. I may not always see a deleted question, I restore the post and the topic author will get warning points.

Metin2dev is one of the best forum for metin2

And please, dont get me wrong of what i say. My english is very bad and i can't find the right words to explain better what i say. 

But the "main" problem for me with scammers is that. Scammers players starts when people start asking money to help is simple problems.


Here it go a very very simple exemple:


When i start in Metin2 +/- 6 years ago. Shogun make a 100% step-by-step in how to start a clean server. (He show us every single step we need to create a server and compile source) This was for FreeBSD 9.2 if im not mistake. (at the time, there was many others free tutorials, but for me shogun did the perfect job!

If people wanna start today, with 100% clean files mainline+novaline and  Free BSD15!? 16? Mysql8?? 9!? Theres no step-by-step tutorial. Simple... if users can't create own files.... well.... they will scammer to buy ones. and once again, i 100% hate scammers!!!!

The point is: in preset day, its very hard for noob players start is own project. Scammer is more easy then start is own projects (Last version of BSD+last sql+clean source etc...)



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3 hours ago, EnKor said:

Metin2dev is one of the best forum for metin2

And please, dont get me wrong of what i say. My english is very bad and i can't find the right words to explain better what i say. 

But the "main" problem for me with scammers is that. Scammers players starts when people start asking money to help is simple problems.


Here it go a very very simple exemple:


When i start in Metin2 +/- 6 years ago. Shogun make a 100% step-by-step in how to start a clean server. (He show us every single step we need to create a server and compile source) This was for FreeBSD 9.2 if im not mistake. (at the time, there was many others free tutorials, but for me shogun did the perfect job!

If people wanna start today, with 100% clean files mainline+novaline and  Free BSD15!? 16? Mysql8?? 9!? Theres no step-by-step tutorial. Simple... if users can't create own files.... well.... they will scammer to buy ones. and once again, i 100% hate scammers!!!!

The point is: in preset day, its very hard for noob players start is own project. Scammer is more easy then start is own projects (Last version of BSD+last sql+clean source etc...)



What you're trying to say is that the "noobs" will only climb their way up the ladder by scamming, however if that's what they're thinking, it's already a scammer mindset.
All the people who are now at the top, were once in their life a noob too. But they chose the information, they didn't beg for help, they started researching. At least, every person who does have access to metin2.dev also has access to internet, so information is every time available to them.

If you don't want to work and just want to be spoon-fed, of course you will want to make a help topic and not do anything about your problem. If you've tried your best, you've researched the problem and you still couldn't fix it, of course you can make a topic about it and competent people will point you in the good direction, just like many cases here on the forum. I'm sure people did request help here and they got help, but if you're not spoon-feeding them, in their mind it'll not count as a correct response.

TL;DR: helping is not spoon-feeding. Information is key, use google before asking for help.

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8 hours ago, dumita123 said:

What you're trying to say is that the "noobs" will only climb their way up the ladder by scamming, however if that's what they're thinking, it's already a scammer mindset."...

That's not at all what im saying. We all was noob one day. All of us! And we're NOT all scammers. Not even 95% of us. And i belive MODTeam ban all scammers in here. so, Metin2dev is a very clean place.

What im trying to say is: Every player asking money to solve simple bugs. Who asking for help, most of the times cant find the soluction and the soluction is free. But many players ask for money to help others. And this create Scammers! Because later, they will find the soluction free somewhere, but he have to pay! Im talikng about small bugs\small lines of code!

And once again, i 100% hate scammers but my english is bad and i can't explain better what i think about scammers and why they scam. 


8 hours ago, dumita123 said:

TL;DR: helping is not spoon-feeding. Information is key, use google before asking for help.


And this.... this is part of the problem but i dont know how to explain. Why you say "google before asking" if we are talking about Metin2 in Metin2dev forum. 

This forum was not supose help others!? People can go google and try to find help. But if they know Metin2dev, one or even maybe, the best place for all about Metin2dev... why they need google?

Please.... dont get me wrong. But i belive, if someone ask you for some kind of help. I realy belive you will say "Go google or i can help you for XXXXX€"

Then you came here, Search the topic someone did explain how to solve the problem, make copy-paste and you sell the soluction. Because someone, cant find it or dont know how to find it.


And once again... sorry.... but what you did was not HELP\sell Service. What you did was Scam!  


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I think if you are able to be scammed you can handle it. 
It is very nice to warn others, but you should learn to 
appreciate people. Scammers are really pathetic, but they 
also make their money somehow, and at what cost, it doesn't 
really matter. There are many people who are well known and 
they also have very good basic files. Buy there or leave the 
scene, it will always be like this. Metin2 is a game, but 
building a server is not a game. Tomorrow when you get the 
files from MartySama, your DEV will scam you, or someone else 
from the team, that's how it works in the scene.

But Metin2dev can also help a bit, by adding a new menu item 
with a list of scammers. It doesn't help to start a thread somewhere 
in the forum, not everyone sees that, it's also not of interest to 
everyone, most of them want to fall on their mouths themselves until 
they come here and cry their hearts out.


Ymir Entertainment was founded in 1999 in Seoul, Korea and 
is currently headed by Byoung Gwan Kim as CEO. The company 
started developing its first 2D online game Metin the same 
year it was founded. The game was commercially launched in 
Korea a year later and received a prize from the Korean 
                    Ministry of Information and Communication in December of the 
                    same year. Following the success of their flagship game Ymir 
                    Entertainment immediately started work on the game’s sequel 
                    Metin 2, which went into Closed Beta in Korea in May 2004. 
                    The game was officially launched in Korea and China in March 
                    2005 before being launched in Asia, Europe and North America 
                    in the years that followed. In January 2011 all of the company’s 
                    shares were bought by Webzen Inc., a Korean game giant known for 
                    their popular MMORPG, MU Online. The company was also awarded 
                    Gameforge’s Global Best Partner of the Year in 2011.
                    Source: https://mmos.com/publishers/ymir-entertainment
                    Thank you ymir ? ❤️ and F*** you Gameforge, 2011 you ruined it.


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1 hour ago, EnKor said:

That's not at all what im saying. We all was noob one day. All of us! And we're NOT all scammers. Not even 95% of us. And i belive MODTeam ban all scammers in here. so, Metin2dev is a very clean place.

What im trying to say is: Every player asking money to solve simple bugs. Who asking for help, most of the times cant find the soluction and the soluction is free. But many players ask for money to help others. And this create Scammers! Because later, they will find the soluction free somewhere, but he have to pay! Im talikng about small bugs\small lines of code!

And once again, i 100% hate scammers but my english is bad and i can't explain better what i think about scammers and why they scam. 



And this.... this is part of the problem but i dont know how to explain. Why you say "google before asking" if we are talking about Metin2 in Metin2dev forum. 

This forum was not supose help others!? People can go google and try to find help. But if they know Metin2dev, one or even maybe, the best place for all about Metin2dev... why they need google?

Please.... dont get me wrong. But i belive, if someone ask you for some kind of help. I realy belive you will say "Go google or i can help you for XXXXX€"

Then you came here, Search the topic someone did explain how to solve the problem, make copy-paste and you sell the soluction. Because someone, cant find it or dont know how to find it.


And once again... sorry.... but what you did was not HELP\sell Service. What you did was Scam!  


I don't really understand your point.

Everyone can make fresh lemonade. This doesn't stop people from making stands where they sell theirs.

Are lemonade stands scammers, by that logic? Of course not, cause while everyone can make lemonade at home you might not have access to it while walking 40 degrees under the scorching sun to go to your shitty job, so you'll gladly pay for it on the go.

This is how it always worked, ever since the beginning of society, in fact.

If you got money but no time = you pay. This applies both to services and everything else in life, and it's also the reason why item-shop exists in games.


In this case, nobody can stop you from asking to get paid to fix someone else's issue, cause they're essentially paying for your knowledge, no matter how you got it and no matter if it's available for free on the internet.

If you don't have money to pay people to solve the issue, then why not solve it yourself? Why are you here complaining about people getting paid for it instead? You said it yourself that this information is available to everyone for free, so why?

In the end the people who are gonna pay are people that got money and can't be arsed looking through the solution to their issue and how to apply it.

This tells me you're simply projecting your own personal issues and complexes onto this bigger picture, which is not something you should do. Logically speaking your pov makes no sense at all.

Edited by Syreldar


"Nothing's free in this life.

Ignorant people have an obligation to make up for their ignorance by paying those who help them.

Either you got the brains or cash, if you lack both you're useless."


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im not complain about anything ? i just say my point of view why people scam (or why i belive it is)

If you wanna ask money to help other... do it! If you wanna help for free do it too.... I only say why i think people scam thats all ?


I don't pay for "starter developers". If i need to pay someone for services, i will look for REAL Developers. Like Vegas, Marty and many others. Its not hard at all find True developers in metin2dev

And yes, Metin2dev, Turkkmo, epvp and many many many others forums have almos everyting you need to solve bugs without pay anything. If you spend time to search for soluction, you will find it. No reason at all to get scam or scam others!

But once again, and my final 2cents ?   "Asking money to solve free bugs create scammers"

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12 minutes ago, EnKor said:

 "Asking money to solve free bugs create scammers"

I've already explained to you that these people could just look for the solution on the internet, since it's free. You don't create scammers, it's human nature to try and get advantages with the least effort.

What you're saying makes no sense.


"Nothing's free in this life.

Ignorant people have an obligation to make up for their ignorance by paying those who help them.

Either you got the brains or cash, if you lack both you're useless."


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3 minutes ago, Syreldar said:

"...You don't create scammers, it's human nature to try and get advantages with the least effort.

What you're saying makes no sense.

It's not what scammers do? "get advantages with the least effort"

3 minutes ago, Syreldar said:

What you're saying makes no sense.


makes all sence for me ?

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1 minute ago, EnKor said:

It's not what scammers do? "get advantages with the least effort"

So what you're saying is that humanity as a whole is a big scam since literally every human being prefers the least effort way of doing things.

Not so far from the truth, but still delusional.


"Nothing's free in this life.

Ignorant people have an obligation to make up for their ignorance by paying those who help them.

Either you got the brains or cash, if you lack both you're useless."


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8 minutes ago, Syreldar said:

So what you're saying is that humanity as a whole is a big scam since literally every human being prefers the least effort way of doing things.

Not so far from the truth, but still delusional.

There's alot of things that make people scam others. One for one reason, one for other. But for me all start when people start asking money to help others in very simple steps. And yes! I start in metin2 when people help for free and for pleasure. and i was present in metin2 when people start "asking money". At the time, i see this will happen.

And i can agree with you in "but still delusional."... but, i'm not "so far from the truth" 


edit: xD

I recall now, some years ago, in skype we have a very very very big group in there. Many of the best Developers this days was in that skype group. And i recall 100% of one BIG discusion i have with T4EMP (something like this) because of this point. Someone start asking money to help in that skype group.... And i disagree and that generate a BIG discusion lol! This was.... 8 years ago?!

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29 minutes ago, EnKor said:

There's alot of things that make people scam others. One for one reason, one for other. But for me all start when people start asking money to help others in very simple steps. And yes! I start in metin2 when people help for free and for pleasure. and i was present in metin2 when people start "asking money". At the time, i see this will happen.

And i can agree with you in "but still delusional."... but, i'm not "so far from the truth" 


edit: xD

I recall now, some years ago, in skype we have a very very very big group in there. Many of the best Developers this days was in that skype group. And i recall 100% of one BIG discusion i have with T4EMP (something like this) because of this point. Someone start asking money to help in that skype group.... And i disagree and that generate a BIG discusion lol! This was.... 8 years ago?!

I'll have to agree with @ Syreldarhere, mate.


It doesn't matter if the bugs are already solved on some forum, as you're not paying for the bugfix, you're paying for that guy's time, knowledge, or experience. If you're not competent enough to even copy/paste the solution, then you shouldn't open a server.

Instead of complaining that someone's asking for money for a "free" bugfix, you should go back to learning, fix your incompetence and fix them yourself (I'm not talking about you, I'm talking in general, I don't know who you are, so don't take it the wrong way).

Many of us share stuff in the community, but we do it because we want to, not because we have to. Most of us aren't kids anymore, we have bills to pay, work, side projects, families/girlfriends/boyfriends, other hobbies, etc. We all want to help, but many simply don't have the time(or the mood) to spend 3 hours with every person asking for help.


There's much more to say, but I'll just stop here, there's no point in writing a book about it. However, I hope you get my point.


Have a great day!

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Based on other international forums, currently Umbra is trying again to scam the people with "OFFLINE SHOP & SEARCH SHOP AELDRA STRUCTURE FULL FIXED & NO BUGS".

Make sure you don't fall for this scammer.




His discord: SNap#0402

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  • 3 weeks later...


Umbra aka Snap! forum banned from Gazduirejocuri.ro
Umbra aka Snap! forum banned from Blazingfast.io
Current hosting company: Hostinger.com
New domain:  metin2.click
(this is probably the next scamming project he is creating?)

Umbra aka Snap! is always moving his shitty forum to different hosting companies.
I'm always reporting and sending the needed information to this hosting
companies and they're cancelling this user services. 
He still continues scamming users and selling copyright protected / illegal related things.
I'll continue reporting to every single hosting company.

Most part of the donations in metin2.solutions forum are fake.
Umbra aka Snap! is creating fake accounts, commenting in his own posts and
simulating donations so innocent users think it worth to pay for vip.
I really do not understand why some users are still paying for vip
in metin2.solutions forum, cause all the content in VIP area 
is already public in several metin2 forums.
If you really want to support someone, at least support real and original developers,
not this bullshit scammers.

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