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I'm looking for a partner

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Hello. My name is Andrei, I am 25 years old and I am from Romania.

Yes, as I said ~ Romania ~ probably many of you will consider that ~ ugly.. romania...~ or ~ it's safe because it's from romania ~...

But no, I'm looking for a serious partner to develop a server as good as possible. I mention that I have no knowledge of being a good technician on the server and because of this I am looking for a partner's help. What I am looking for in a partner and what it means to me :  

    - First of all, I want him to be a mature, resourceful boy and to think about what he has to gain, what he has to lose before he comes with a proposal to me.

    - I don't want to know how to build a system from 0, because I'm going to collaborate with developers in the future, I already have some connections with a few people I don't give names, because I don't think that would matter.

    - I want him, to take care of the server let's both think, let's both invest, if he does not have a budget, I will invest, but be a serious boy not to go after money or other things, money will be made from the server but I go on the premise that money from the server is reinvested a part to have a server as successful as possible.

    At the moment, I have gathered a very serious, mature team with which I get along very well. Starting from [CoMa] on certain nationalities such as:  

- Spain, Romania, Germany, Turkey, Poland, Portugal, Great Britain

We have two active discrdos, one with the team and one with members who support us Currently, the discord server has reached 350 members, of which 200 are active daily. We did not do any promotion, people simply support us.

Thank you very much.


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Hi, Andrei!
First of all, I am romanian too.

Now, let's get into your subject. I was like you too, until I've started to realize that the only person you can count on is yourself. I was willing to invest all my money into a thing that would pay off in the future. Things are not like that. I've tried to pick up some people, to gather some information about the metin programming languages, I even work(atm) on my project too, but as I said, being a beginner doesn't really helps. 

Trust is hard to find and easy to broke. Today, with all the resources and using the internet, you can create something with absolutely no money and get rewarded in 5-6 months, because you can't build a project in 2-3 days. 

Talking about "rewards"... to get more, you have to invest more. Don't think about money, just act like you gain nothing from your project. Use them in paying really strong devs (you can find the best ones here, on M2Dev, they usually ask for more, just because they know what they are selling) to optimize/fix/modify your project, use them in promoting your server, use them in upgrading to a stronger host provider, etc.  

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I know, I understand you, but I haven't found a person to help me, to guide me so far. At present I am very demoralized and I have given up somewhat in creating something new. I kept trying to learn on my own but I can't... and yes, I'm going to work with developers in this community, I'm even contacting a few people to purchase custom counter-cost systems. But the point is, I have no idea how to add how to compile s.a.m.d

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