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Weird item_proto.txt things

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Hey Guys!

I'm using TXT protos and today I noticed a weird thing. In the most of the time, servers using an item several times with different properties. So pick an item that exist on every servers: Dragon God Life.
This item exist 6 times in default item_proto.txt with different IDs. So if we want to modify the item (like make it stackable, or make it tradeable, or something like that) which takes place at: 39017 ID. Guess what?  
It just NOTHING happens at all. Why? Cause this item which has UNIQUE ID, using the same proto values as 71027 does. So if you want to modify 39017 you need to modify 71027 FOR NO REASON
If you delete the "MAIN" item (which in that case is 71027), then try to generate 39017 with /item command, You will see an item with no name and the ID will be 71027.  -->  LINK
And this is just one example. There is a bunch of these items in the default files are working like that. It seems they're connected somehow, but I didn't find any clue neither in server source, nor in client source.

My question is:
Have you guys ever noticed these kind of weird things about some items and if yes, did you find why is this shit happens? OR this little thing only exist for me?

Show some mercy for my english skills pls ?

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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I liked your outburst so I tried it out, but I don't have good news for you ?
I removed ANTI_STACK from 39017, just from that, and:



Maybe you are using a source with the "mask system" (ori_to_new_table.txt) completed because in a basic 40k it not really do anything, like IsMaskedItem() nowhere in use.

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Heey, thanks for check. 
I'm using that too from the originally released "freebsd9.2_with_source" title.
All the time I thought there is some mistake in my source somewhere, but actually nothing is wrong. .
As you said, there is no calling that points to the IsMaskedItem() function,  but my game core is loading it anyway, cause if it has been found, then it will be loaded instatly.
Literally I thinked about everything, and I missed the easiest thing in this situation ?‍♂️

By the way thanks, that you checked out your files too.
This mistery has been solved  and my misery has been gone ? 


Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
  • Metin2 Dev 1
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