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Hello guys!

How can i fix this?

DirectQuery: AsyncSQL::DirectQuery : mysql_query error: Illegal mix of collations (latin2_general_ci,COERCIBLE), (latin2_general_ci,COERCIBLE), (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'replace'
query: SELECT ps.id,ps.player_id,REPLACE('#PLAYER_NAME# - Hello','#PLAYER_NAME#',p.name),ps.vnum,ps.count,ps.look,ps.socket0,ps.socket1,ps.socket2,ps.socket3,ps.attrtype0,attrvalue0,ps.attrtype1,attrvalue1,ps.attrtype2,attrvalue2,ps.attrtype3,attrvalue3,ps.attrtype4,attrvalue4,ps.attrtype5,attrvalue5,ps.attrtype6,attrvalue6 FROM `player_shop_items` ps LEFT JOIN player p ON p.id=ps.player_id where not EXISTS(select name from player_shop WHERE id=ps.shop_id) and not ISNULL(p.name)


Thank you for your time!

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25 minutes ago, Akihiro said:


So you're using latin1_swedish_ci and latin2_general_ci, those are the collations of your 2 table. (player_shop_items, player_shop)

The error says "Illegal mix of collations"...

I'm not an expert of mysql but I have a common sense so what if you choose same collation for that 2 table? Then the mix is gone.


If you use navicat, right click to the table, design table, Options, and there "Character set" and "Collation". Choose the same, the default is the "latin1 -- West European", "latin1_swedish_ci" in Metin2 but you can choose the other one if you know you need that.


Edited by TMP4
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31 minutes ago, Akihiro said:

Hello @ TMP4,
I've already done this, but still got this error.
Also i've change the tables to the default ones, but still got this error.

So are you saying both table have the same collation but the mysql server thinks otherwise?
Bruh that's some black magic what is beyond my knowledge.
Jokes aside please check again the collations, you may have not saved the tables.
It is also possible after you fixed the collation you still got some nasty syserr but it was different what you did not notice.

If you 100% sure that both table have the same collation and this is actually the current syserr then maybe you are changing collation for one table in runtime, like you set a collation query in your source when you initialize this (offline?) shop system.

Edited by TMP4
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