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Kind of Belt System for r34083


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I made this quest some time ago, I was still using rev 34083 and iMer posted a very useful lib. So, thanks to the quest functions which this lib has included, it allowed me to do something like belt system, but without belt inventory.

Also, nowadays, we have that crap systems full, and that's why I post this here.


Now first of all, iMer's stuff:

And now the quest:


quest belt_system begin
    state start begin

        function is_belt()
            return item.vnum >= 18000 and item.vnum <= 18089

        function equip_belt()
            pc.setqf('belt', item.vnum)

        when 18000.use or 18001.use or 18002.use or 18003.use or 18004.use or 18005.use or 18006.use or 18007.use or
        18008.use or 18009.use or 18010.use or 18011.use or 18012.use or 18013.use or 18014.use or 18015.use or 18016.use or
        18017.use or 18018.use or 18019.use or 18020.use or 18021.use or 18022.use or 18023.use or 18024.use or 18025.use or
        18026.use or 18027.use or 18028.use or 18029.use or 18030.use or 18031.use or 18032.use or 18033.use or 18034.use or
        18035.use or 18036.use or 18037.use or 18038.use or 18039.use or 18040.use or 18041.use or 18042.use or 18043.use or
        18044.use or 18045.use or 18046.use or 18047.use or 18048.use or 18049.use or 18050.use or 18051.use or 18052.use or
        18053.use or 18054.use or 18055.use or 18056.use or 18057.use or 18058.use or 18059.use or 18060.use or 18061.use or
        18062.use or 18063.use or 18064.use or 18065.use or 18066.use or 18067.use or 18068.use or 18069.use or 18070.use or
        18071.use or 18072.use or 18073.use or 18074.use or 18075.use or 18076.use or 18077.use or 18078.use or 18079.use or
        18080.use or 18081.use or 18082.use or 18083.use or 18084.use or 18085.use or 18086.use or 18087.use or 18088.use or 18089.use begin
            local v = item.vnum
            local bonus = {{item2.get_attr(0)}, {item2.get_attr(1)}, {item2.get_attr(2)}, {item2.get_attr(3)}, {item2.get_attr(4)}, {item2.get_attr(5)}, {item2.get_attr(6)}}
            if belt_system.is_belt() and v ~= pc.getqf('belt') then
            elseif item.select_cell(101) then
                for i = 1, table.getn(bonus) do
                    if tonumber(bonus[i][1]) > 0 then
                        item2.set_attr(i-1, bonus[i][1], bonus[i][2])

        when 20090.take with belt_system.is_belt() begin
            local maintab = {
                [0] = {
                    {18000, 1, 50},
                    {18010, 2, 20},
                    {18020, 44, 1},
                    {18030, 44, 1},
                    {18040, 78, 1},
                    {18050, 79, 1},
                    {18060, 80, 1},
                    {18070, 81, 1},
                    {18080, 63, 1}
                [1] = {
                    {18000, 1, 50},
                    {18010, 2, 20},
                    {18020, 44, 1},
                    {18030, 44, 1},
                    {18040, 78, 1},
                    {18050, 79, 1},
                    {18060, 80, 1},
                    {18070, 81, 1},
                    {18080, 63, 1}
                [2] = {
                    {18000, 1, 100},
                    {18010, 2, 40},
                    {18020, 44, 1},
                    {18030, 44, 1},
                    {18040, 78, 1},
                    {18050, 79, 1},
                    {18060, 80, 1},
                    {18070, 81, 1},
                    {18080, 63, 1}
            if pc.count_item(18900) < 1 then
                syschat("You dont have "..item_name(18900)..".")
            for i = 0, 2 do
                for k = 1, table.getn(maintab[i]) do
                    if item.vnum >= maintab[i][k][1] and item.vnum <= maintab[i][k][1]+9 and item2.get_attr(i) == 0 then
                        if number(1,3) == 1 then
                            item2.set_attr(i, maintab[i][k][2], maintab[i][k][3])
                            syschat('Your belt received a bonus.')
                            syschat('Wasnt possible to put a bonus in your belt.')
                pc.remove_item(18900, 1)

It also wasn't possible to add the stones to belt's, so I made also a NPC which gives your belt a bonus in exchange for that item.

All we have to do in clientside, is adding a new line on our inventorywindow.py which is localed in locale.

So we search this:

{"index":EQUIPMENT_START_INDEX+10, "x":75, "y":35, "width":32, "height":32},

And we write down the following line:

{"index":EQUIPMENT_START_INDEX+11, "x":39, "y":106, "width":32, "height":32},

We also need equipment_bg_without_ring.tga, or with_ring as you wish. And change the inventory image path to that file.

That's all.

Special thanks to iMer who had written the lib that made this possible, and without cmdchats and affects, because, since the item is equipped into a true slot, the bonuses are defined on item_proto, like a normal weapon, armor, etc.

  • Metin2 Dev 6
  • Eyes 1
  • Good 4
  • Love 20

when you return 0 and server doesn't boot:


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  • Developer

Items with quest should have ITEM_QUEST (18) as type.




LD_PRELOAD (32 bits) or LD_32_PRELOAD (64 bits), depending on your OS.


In your start shell script:

LD_PRELOAD = "/path/to/ libgame_item2_pc2.so"


Before: ./game



when you return 0 and server doesn't boot:


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I  made the LD and symlinks in channels etc 


SYSERR: Aug 27 16:30:05 :: RunState: LUA_ERROR: [string "belt_system"]:1: attempt to index global `item2' (a nil value)
SYSERR: Aug 27 16:30:05 :: WriteRunningStateToSyserr: LUA_ERROR: quest belt_system.start click
Edit : It works, the lib shoud have 444 permisions not 777
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What type we put to item?

Where we put libs?



I installed the quest,added  {"index":EQUIPMENT_START_INDEX+11, "x":39, "y":106, "width":32, "height":32},

i coyped the libs to /usr/lib and still dont work


type belts is 34


you must add it to your start script (first lib)

the scound one add it to lib (it shouldnt be even add installing gcc should be more then enough + some config on /etc/make.conf

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  • 3 weeks later...

no work!

library OK

quest OK

icons and querys all OK

but when you click in belt no work ..no equip!

and we need client part ...uiinventory etc etc


case $chs in 
echo -e "033[31m iniciando database ..033[0m"
cd /usr/game/db
env LD_32_PRELOAD="/usr/game/share/dblib/db_notxt.so" ./db &
sleep 2
echo -e "033[31m n Auth inditasa ..033[0m"
cd /usr/game/auth 
./auth &
sleep 2
echo -e "033[31m n CH1 iniciando ..033[0m"
cd /usr/game/channel1
env LD_32_PRELOAD="/usr/game/share/gamelib/kickhackfix.so:/usr/game/share/gamelib/libgame_item2_pc2.so" ./game &
sleep 2
echo -e "033[31m n Game99 iniciando ..033[0m"
cd /usr/game/game99
env LD_32_PRELOAD="/usr/game/share/gamelib/kickhackfix.so:/usr/game/share/gamelib/libgame_item2_pc2.so" ./game &
sleep 2
echo -e "033[32m n servidor iniciado! CH1033[0m"
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