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Python Cipher

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I made a low cipher for my autologin system to encrypt user passwords.

I will make it harder to decrypt with autokey methods etc.

Feel free to use this version if you want.:

    def __init__(self):
        self.table = []

    def CreateTable(self, start_char="a", end_char="z", shift=0):
            start_char = chr(start_char)
            end_char = chr(end_char)
        start, end = ord(start_char)-(shift+1), ord(end_char)+1
        for j in range(end-start):
            j += shift
            for i in range(start+1, end):
                self.table[j-shift].append(chr(i+j if i+j < end else i+j-(end-start)))
                #print(chr(i+j if i+j < end else i+j-(end-start)), end=" ")

    def Check(self, value, row):
        for j in enumerate(row):
            if j[1] == value:
                return j[0]
            return False

    def CreateKey(self, data, key):
        long_key = ""
        x = -1
        #print("Creating long key from '{0}' to '{1}'...".format(key, data))
        for k in range(len(data)):
            x += 1
                long_key += key[x]
                x = 0
                long_key += key[x]

        #print("Created long key : '{0}'".format(long_key))
        return long_key

    def Encrypt(self, data, key):
        encrypted = ""
        err = ""
        key = self.CreateKey(data, key)
        for char in enumerate(data):
            col_char_pos = self.Check(char[1], self.table[0])
            row_char_pos = self.Check(key[char[0]], self.table[0])
            if col_char_pos != None and row_char_pos != None:
                #print("Encrypting '{0}' to '{1}'...".format(char[1], self.table[row_char_pos][col_char_pos]))
                encrypted += self.table[col_char_pos][row_char_pos]
                if not col_char_pos:
                    err += "This character: '{0}' is not in this row: '{1}'".format(char[1], self.table[0]) + "\n"
                if not row_char_pos:
                    err += "This character: '{0}' is not in this row: '{1}'".format(key[char[0]], self.table[0]) + "\n"
                return err
        return encrypted

    def Decrypt(self, data, key):
        decrypted = ""
        err = ""
        key = self.CreateKey(data, key)
        for char in enumerate(data):
            col_char_pos = self.Check(char[1], self.table[0])
            row_char_pos = self.Check(key[char[0]], self.table[0])
            if col_char_pos != None and row_char_pos != None:
                #print("Decrypting '{0}' to '{1}'".format(char[1], self.table[0][self.Check(self.table[row_char_pos][self.Check(char[1], self.table[row_char_pos])], self.table[row_char_pos])]))
                decrypted += self.table[0][self.Check(self.table[row_char_pos][self.Check(char[1], self.table[row_char_pos])], self.table[row_char_pos])]
                if not col_char_pos:
                    err += "This character: '{0}' is not in this row: '{1}'".format(char[1], self.table[0]) + "\n"
                if not row_char_pos:
                    err += "This character: '{0}' is not in this row: '{1}'".format(key[char[0]], self.table[0]) + "\n"
                return err
        return decrypted

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cipher = VIGENERE()
    cipher.CreateTable("a", "z", 70)
    encrypted = cipher.Encrypt("abcdyz", "tfkusgfhzenmaue")
    decrypted = cipher.Decrypt(encrypted, "tfkusgfhzenmaue")
    print(encrypted, decrypted)


Edited by pixelshasHUN
i corrected the error handling. The "a" letter is equal to 0 in the table and 0 is equal to False, so the first letter in the table never encrypted.
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Why did you overcomplicate this? 

There are shorter ways like the following:

def xor(data, key): 
    input = str(data)
    no_of_itr = len(input) 
    output = ""
    for i in range(no_of_itr):
        current = input[i]
        current_key = key[i%len(key)]
        output += chr(ord(current) ^ ord(current_key))
    return output

secretkey = "mysecretkey" 
secretpassword = "mysecretpassword"

ciphertext = xor(secretpassword, secretkey) 
print ciphertext 

decrypted = xor(ciphertext, secretkey) 
print decrypted

print secretpassword == str(decrypted)

Anyway good post. 

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This is an other cipher method what you wrote. Your method is XOR, but yeah XOR is shorter than Vigenère.  Thanks, I think i will use this method for make Vigenère harder.

The big difference between the two methods that Vigenère cant encrypt and decrypt the text with the same function.

Edited by pixelshasHUN
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On 6/26/2021 at 1:33 PM, pixelshasHUN said:




It does no matter on current situation.

If we want a rly secure encrypter, we have to go into c++ source, you can make a rly productive system with cython. But it does not need for a simple autologin system, because the login data (password) is always on player's computer, so in a normal situation that is not touchable by 2nd person to steal it. BUT if someone wants crypt his player's password on their pc, here is a posible way like your work. 🙂

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