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Rules Update


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Questions & Answers: 48 hours...

Services & Sales: 1 month with excluding messages announcing an update...

Private Servers: 1 month with excluding messages announcing an update...

Searching: 7 days...


Any other bumping will result in an infraction or the deletion of the topic!

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Hacking / Cheating


Metin2 Dev is not a cheat or hack board. We do not tolerate any messages about hacking, cheating on Metin2 or decrypting Metin2 clients from Metin2 private servers.




We ban all accounts that are linked to the same IP address. If you share your account, you accept your responsibility and you accept the consequences if your IP address or a linked account is banned. The rule also applies to the use of VPN, Proxy.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Section : Questions & Answers


Don't modify your thread (or reply to it) to mark it solved, and not explain the solution to the issue. Please use our tag system and vote good / bad answers so everyone can clearly see what matters! Do not ask for any help if you are using leaks, we will not help you, it's forbidden, you must contact the owner of the system, source, serverfile...

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Marketplace Rules


  • The rules of the Marketplace have been updated.
  • These are mostly explanations, no significant change.
  • Deletion of the 250 required messages.
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  • 2 months later...
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From now on, all messages in the Private Servers forum must be in English (pictures are not affected). If you want to post something in your own language always add an english translation. 

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  • 2 months later...
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  • Product comments are the seller's ability to announce updates or answer questions from future customers. Comments are not intended to leave a review.


  • The seller is not authorized to bump his product page except for announcements or updates. The seller must indicate what has been updated (update of a product, addition of a new product, product name and price, discount...), everything must be specified. In case of abuse, we can lock new comments and new reviews on your topic.
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  • 9 months later...
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Marketplace => These rules apply from today for new sellers...

Sell on Metin2 Dev

The seller must create his topic in the marketplace platform, the topic will be subject to approval by moderation. If we believe you are a risk to our community, we will deny your authorization to sell or offer your services. The sales topic within the marketplace must be created by the seller himself, no trusted third party is accepted. This also applies for the transaction between seller and customer. Regardless of the reasons given, the seller must be the sole contact for the customer.

Before approving the seller's topic, we will do some checks, the seller is known on other communities on Metin2? The seller is known or has been known for scamming or reselling in other Metin2 communities? What is the reputation of the seller? The seller get any recommendations? The seller is active on Metin2 Dev? This is not eliminatory but it considerably increases the seller's chances of being authorized on our marketplace by being active in our community. A well-known and fully trusted member can also recommend you.

We can also check the seller's public works, this is not eliminatory but it considerably increases the seller's chances of being authorized on our marketplace by allowing us to verify his reliability.

Our goal is not to exclude or prevent members from selling or offering your services on the Metin2 Dev Marketplace. We don't want any resellers or scammers in our marketplace. Metin2 Dev remains a guarantee of quality for the members of our community.


Do not forget, Metin2 Dev can not be considered responsible for any of your transactions. We provide filtering to avoid any scammers or resellers and to feature only trustable sellers on the forum, but we do not provide any guarantees concerning your transactions with members on or outside the forum.

Legal relationships are established exclusively between the parties involved in the trade. This means that the seller has successfully passed our filters which place certain requirements on the accuracy of the information they provide.

The seller may use a trusted third party for support and installation assistance. However, the trusted third party and the seller will be held responsible in the event of a problem.


You are not allowed to post more than one thread per section inside the Marketplace platform.

Only one topic is allowed per seller in the Marketplace platform. If you need to separate your products for sale into one or more topics, justify your request and contact us. However, keep in mind that having only one topic is highly recommended.

Reverse engineering is not considered a scam, can be freely published or sold only from official binaries.

You are not allowed to sell things created and sold by other sellers.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Management

Marketplace => Rules Update

  • Red -> Deleted
  • Green -> Added
  • Normal -> No change



The Discord is not an advertising area, it's not allowed to advertise your services, except for a member mentioning the seller to obtain information about these products or a recommendation from another member.

The seller is authorized to post product updates in the #sales-service text channel. Sellers should use this channel reasonably for everyone's convenience, no bump is tolerated, otherwise the dedicated rank can be withdrawn.


A seller's content can be promoted if the seller is active in the Metin2 Dev community. The content will be promoted in two ways, the seller's topics in the marketplace will be pinned and the seller can choose the topic to highlight in the dedicated marketplace advertising, subject to providing an advertising banner. Banner size: 728x90. The highlight is only available on the marketplace platform.

To be considered active within the Metin2 Dev community, you can either provide your help to members in the adequate section. Share things, might it be scripts, maps, 3d models, 2d graphics, quests or systems... Publish something new for the Metin2 Dev community!

We take the period of the last 3 / 6 months to check seller activity on Metin2 Dev. If the seller is no longer active, the topics will no longer be promoted and the dedicated advertising disabled.

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No significant change, however in order to simplify access to information on Metin2Dev, I merged the following pages into a single page!

  • Rules
  • Ranks
  • Frequently Asked Questions (And all questions have answers this time! :kekw:)
  • General Conditions of Sale
  • General Conditions of Use
  • Privacy Policy

Welcome to... About Us!

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Forum & Discord => Rules Update

  • Demon -> Deleted
  • Emerald -> Added
  • Golden -> Moved
  • White -> No change



Asking for non-allowed content and support on such is strictly forbidden, specially if you already knew beforehand about its permissiveness. Don't post commercial stuff others made and / or sell commercial stuff others made. You are allowed to release a free systems made by others if you did modifications to it. Don't ask for commercial stuff made by others, neither free or for resell, we don't support resell in any form. No posting (whether to sell or give away for free) anything that involves cheating or stealing from people's clients or servers.


Conversations must respect the theme of its place, if they start to significantly deviate please be kind to move them to the place suited for such as early as possible. Meta conversations are forbidden (talking about what happens on the place, for example about discord / forum members or about moderation actions), if you need to do so make a ticket report instead.


Links to competing forums are only tolerated if the content of the link is related to the latest posts, for example: a response to a request for help if Metin2 Dev does not have the information, during a public debate... Keep in mind that this is tolerated, if you abuse it for no good reason you can be penalized. Take advantage of missing content to improve Metin2 Dev by creating a new tutorial.

Don't post commercial stuff others made and / or sell commercial stuff others made. You are allowed to release systems made by others if you did modifications to it. Don't ask for commercial stuff made by others, neither free or for resell, we don't support resell in any form. No posting (whether to sell or give away for free) anything that involves cheating or stealing from people's clients or servers.

The title of your topic should be clear and understandable. It must match the content of your message.

You are not allowed to remove releases you did.

It's not allowed to give your / our social media contact information (skype, discord...) in public topics / posts or signatures, only via private message.

Exception: The only exception is for people that are trying to sell their services.


Don't flame at other users. You maybe want help and everybody started with no or little knowledge. We don't want to see any racism, sexism or homophobia...

Don't generate a negative atmosphere intentionally, if someone said something you dislike debate them without engaging in combative behaviour (if its offensive report it instead), and be kind and susceptible to amend the situation with kindness.

Attack ideas, not people, arguments must be directed at other arguments, not at people. This includes both the people that you are arguing with and third parties such as ethnic groups, sexual minorities, and other groups.

Don't push boundaries or be edgy simply for its own sake. Only say things that you actually want to say, not simply things that you expect to get reaction out of people.

Extremist / negative nationalism, Religion attacks, Homophobia, Racism, Xenophobia, Misandry/Misogyny are heavily forbidden, also making hints that support these views by things like wordplay are also contextually sanctionable.

Don't give the impression of trying to trivialize horrific events such as death or assault. Show basic respect for the value of human life and dignity.

Profanity is not disallowed but requires allowed context, for example emphasizing a phrase that is not meant to be negatively offensive in nature, nevertheless use it with moderation.


The updated rules apply immediately. There will be a tolerance over a few days (For a preventive purpose) regarding the behavior.

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  • 5 weeks later...
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M2Dev => Rules Update

  • Demon -> Deleted
  • Emerald -> Added
  • Golden -> Moved
  • White -> No change




Links to competing forums are only tolerated if the content of the link is related to the latest posts, for example: a response to a request for help if Metin2 Dev does not have the information, during a public debate... Keep in mind that this is tolerated, if you abuse it for no good reason you can be penalized. Take advantage of missing content to improve Metin2 Dev by creating a new tutorial.

The title of your topic should be clear and understandable. It must match the content of your message.

You are not allowed to remove releases you did. Abusive editing of a topic and / or post whose purpose is to remove the content is prohibited.

It's not allowed to give your / our social media contact information (skype, discord...) in public topics / posts or signatures, only via private message.

Exception: The only exception is for people that are trying to sell their services.


Advertising is available for metin2 private servers or the marketplace for sellers. No hidden advertising will be approved. We reserve the right to kick a member from the discord server and / or modify their profile on the forum if we detect a hidden advertisement.



Metin2 Dev is a platform where you share your knowledge about Metin2, games improvements and systems development.

You can sell things on Metin2 Dev if you follow these terms. The following rules must be strictly respected in order for a member to publish his paid service. Failure to comply with the sales and service rules on Metin2 Dev will result in the deletion of your topic without any justification. Failure to comply with the sales and service rules will result in your product page being disapproved.

Know that a member who has just registered can't immediately create a product page. A prolonged inactivity of a member, will see his product page archived and / or deleted without notice. Also, no restoration will be considered if the product page has been deleted.

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Marketplace rules update. No significant changes, rewriting of a few sentences and addition of a clarification regarding access to our marketplace.

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  • 3 months later...
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Marketplace => Rules Update

  • Demon -> Deleted
  • Emerald -> Added
  • Golden -> Moved
  • White -> No change



The seller must create his product page in the marketplace platform, it will be subject to approval by moderation. If we believe you're a risk to our community, we will deny your authorization to sell or offer your services (Without response from you within 72 hours after our last response, the product page will be deleted...). It must be created by the seller himself, no trusted third party is accepted. This also applies for the transaction between seller and customer. Regardless of the reasons given, the seller must be the sole contact for the customer.

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