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[Site] Publication news

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good morning, someone can help me with my site, is not publishing the news, I created a table in the db account but it did not solve, someone can help me.


<? PHP
  if (isset ($ _ POST ['submit']) && $ _POST ['submit'] == "Submit")
    if (! empty ($ _ POST ['title']) &&! empty ($ _ POST ['content']) && checkInt ($ _ POST ['category']) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['tag'], 0.31 ) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['month'], 1.12) && checkBetween ($ _ POST [year '], 1900, date ("Y", time ()) + 10) && checkBetween ($ _ POST [' hour ' ], 0.24) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['minute'], 0.59))
      $ zeitStempel = mktime ($ _ POST ['hour'], $ _ POST ['minute'], 0, $ _ POST ['month'], $ _ POST ['tag'], $ _ POST [year ']);
      $ anzeigen = (isset ($ _ POST ['anzeigen']) && $ _POST ['anzeigen'] == "true")? 1: 0;
      $ wichtig = (isset ($ _ POST ['wichtig']) && $ _POST ['wichtig'] == "true")? 1: 0;
      $ sqlNews = "INSERT INTO" .SQL_HP_DB. ". news
      VALUES (NULL, '". Mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST [' title '])."', '". Mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST [' content '])."', '". $ ZeitStempel."', '". $ wichtig. "','". $ _ POST ['category']. "','". $ _ SESSION ['user_id']. "','". $ anzeigen. "')";
      if (mysql_query ($ sqlNews, $ sqlHp))
        echo '<p class = "meldung_sucesso"> New news added successfully. </p>';
        echo '<p class = "meldung_erro"> An error has occurred, please try again. </p>';


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if(isset($_GET['id']) && checkInt($_GET['id']))
  $sqlNews = "SELECT * FROM ".SQL_HP_DB.".news WHERE anzeigen>0 AND id='".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id'])."' LIMIT 1";
  $qryNews = mysql_query($sqlNews,$sqlHp);
    while($getNews = mysql_fetch_object($qryNews))
      echo'<div class="newsblock">';
      echo'<h3>['.$newsKategorien[$getNews->kategorie].'] <b>'.$getNews->titel.'</b></h3>';
        echo'<p class="footer">post την <b>'.getDatum($getNews->datum).'</b>  post <b>'.getZeit($getNews->datum).' </b></p>';
        echo'<p class="footer">post <b>'.getDatum($getNews->datum).'</b>  post <b>'.getZeit($getNews->datum).' </b></p>';
    echo'<p class="meldung">post.</p>';
  echo'<p><a href="index.php?s=news">post </a></p>';
  $sqlNews = "SELECT * FROM ".SQL_HP_DB.".news WHERE anzeigen>0 AND kategorie!=2 ORDER BY datum DESC LIMIT 10";
  $qryNews = mysql_query($sqlNews,$sqlHp);
  while($getNews = mysql_fetch_object($qryNews))
    $newsText = (strlen($getNews->inhalt)>400) ? substr($getNews->inhalt,0,strpos($getNews->inhalt,' ',400)).'... <a href="index.php?s=news&id='.$getNews->id.'">post</a>' : $getNews->inhalt;
    echo'<div class="newsblock">';
    echo'<h3>['.$newsKategorien[$getNews->kategorie].'] <b><a href="index.php?s=news&id='.$getNews->id.'">'.$getNews->titel.'</a></b></h3>';
    echo'<p class="footer">post <b>'.getDatum($getNews->datum).'</b>  post <b>'.getZeit($getNews->datum).' </b></p>';


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I forgot to put the whole source, I don't know much about php and I wanted some help to solve this problem, if there is an error in the code. ?


<? PHP

  if ($ _ SESSION ['user_admin']> = $ adminRights ['web_news']) {

<h2> Add News </h2>
<p> From here you can edit or insert or delete a news about your server. </p>

<h3> Recent news </h3>

<? PHP
  if (isset ($ _ POST ['submit']) && $ _POST ['submit'] == "Submit")
    if (! empty ($ _ POST ['title']) &&! empty ($ _ POST ['content']) && checkInt ($ _ POST ['category']) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['tag'], 0.31 ) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['month'], 1.12) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['year'], 1900, date ("Y", time ()) + 10) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['hour'], 0.24) && checkBetween ($ _ POST ['minute'], 0.59))
      $ zeitStempel = mktime ($ _ POST ['hour'], $ _ POST ['minute'], 0, $ _ POST ['month'], $ _ POST ['tag'], $ _ POST ['year']);
      // id titel inhalt datum hot kategorie author anzeigen
      $ anzeigen = (isset ($ _ POST ['anzeigen']) && $ _POST ['anzeigen'] == "true")? 1: 0;
      $ wichtig = (isset ($ _ POST ['wichtig']) && $ _POST ['wichtig'] == "true")? 1: 0;
      $ sqlNews = "INSERT INTO" .SQL_HP_DB. "news
      VALUES (NULL, '". Mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST [' title '])."', '". Mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST [' content '])."', '". $ ZeitStempel."', '". $ wichtig. "','". $ _ POST ['category']. "','". $ _ SESSION ['user_id']. "','". $ anzeigen. "')";
      if (mysql_query ($ sqlNews, $ sqlHp))
        echo '<p class = "meldung_sucesso"> New news added successfully. </p>';
        echo '<p class = "meldung_erro"> An error has occurred, please try again. </p>';

<form method = "POST" action = "index.php? s = admin & a = news">
      <th class = "topLine"> Title: </th>
      <td class = "thell"> <input type = "text" size = "40" maxlength = "200" name = "titel" /> </td>
      <th class = "topLine"> Text of News: </th>
      <td class = "tdunkel"> <textarea style = "resize: none;" rows = "5" cols = "40" name = "inhalt"> </textarea> </td>
      <th class = "topLine"> Date: </th>
      <td class = "tdunkel"> <input type = "text" size = "2" maxlength = "2" value = "<? PHP echo date (" d ", time ());?>" name = "tag "/>.<input type =" text "size =" 2 "value =" <? PHP echo date ("m", time ());?> "maxlength =" 2 "name =" month "/>. <input type = "text" size = "4" maxlength = "4" value = "<? PHP echo date (" Y ", time ());?>" name = "year" /> - <input type = "text" size = "2" maxlength = "2" value = "<? PHP echo date (" H ", time ());?>" name = "hour" />: <input type = "text" size = "2" maxlength = "2" value = "<? PHP echo date (" i ", time ());?>" Name = "minute" /> </td>
      <th class = "topLine"> Category: </th>
      <td class = "thell">
        <? PHP listNewsKat (); ?>
      <th class = "topLine"> Important News ?: </th>
      <td class = "tdunkel"> <input type = "checkbox" name = "wichtig" value = "true" /> </td>
      <th class = "topLine"> View News: </th>
      <td class = "thell"> <input type = "checkbox" name = "anzeigen" value = "true" /> </td>
      <th class = "topLine" colspan = "2"> <input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Submit" /> </th>

<h3> News List </h3>
<table class = "fullrank_guild" style = "border-radius: 10px">
    <th class = "topLine"> News ID </th>
    <th class = "topLine"> Data </th>
    <th class = "topLine"> Title </th>
    <th class = "topLine"> Category </th>
    <th class = "topLine"> Content </th>
    <th class = "topLine"> Active </th>
    <th class = "topLine"> Delete </th>
  <? PHP
    $ sqlNews = "SELECT * FROM" .SQL_HP_DB. "news ORDER BY datum DESC";
    $ qryNews = mysql_query ($ sqlNews, $ sqlHp);
    $ x = 0;
    while ($ getNews = mysql_fetch_object ($ qryNews))
      $ nWichtig = ($ getNews-> hot> 0)? "./img/success.gif": "./img/fail.gif";
      $ nAnzeigen = ($ getNews-> anzeigen> 0)? "./img/success.gif": "./img/fail.gif";
      $ nTitel = (strlen ($ getNews-> title)> 60)? substr ($ getNews-> title, 0, strpos ($ getNews-> title, '', 60)) .'... ': $ getNews-> title;
      $ zF = ($ x% 2 == 0)? "tdunkel": "thell";
      echo '<tr>
        <td style = "height: 25px;" class = "'. $ zF.'"> '. $ getNews-> id.' </td>
        <td class = "'. $ zF.'"> '. getDatum ($ getNews-> datum).' </td>
        <td class = "'. $ zF.'"> <a href="index.php?s=admin&a=news_edit&id='.$getNews-> id. '">'. $ ntitle. '</a> < / td>
        <td class = "'. $ zF.'"> '. $ newsKategorien [$ getNews-> category].' </td>
        <td class = "'. $ zF.'"> <img src = "'. $ nWichtig.'" alt = "wichtig" /> </td>
        <td class = "'. $ zF.'"> <img src = "'. $ nAnzeigen.'" alt = "wichtig" /> </td>
        <td class = "'. $ zF.'"> <a href="index.php?s=admin&a=news_delete&id='.$getNews-> id. '"> <img src =" ./ img / fail. gif "alt =" delete "/> </a> </td>
      </tr> ';
      $ x ++;
<? PHP
  else {
    echo '<p class = "meldung_erro"> You cannot access this area </p>';


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Wrong names in input values, in the php cehck you have:

$_POST ['title'] ; $_POST ['content']


But in the html part you have:

<input type="text" size="40" maxlength="200" name="titel" />
<textarea style="resize: none;" rows="5" cols="40" name="inhalt">


The names must match.


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