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Introduction to C++

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Hello friends, 
I decided to share with you my knowledge of c + +, I will do a series of tutorials on C + + in the available time.
* If you are a beginner you definitely met people who told me to read manualu is true c + + programming language is quite difficult. 
* Books can be boring with too many unnecessary texts. 
* My intention is to learn c + + through tutorials, free books.
What will you learn in this tutorial? We leave the basic things ... .
1) What is a program? 
2) What is programming? 
3) What is c + +? 
4) What is the binary language? 
5) What is a byte? 
6) What is a bit? 
7) The role of microprocessor?



Let's do it:



What is a program?

- A program is a list of instructions given to the computer for execution. 
* Imagine you have a maid, and you give me a list of instructions that: 
-Clean up 
-cook dinner 
-take out the garbage 
-wash the dishes 
* Housekeeper will execute your instructions possible in the same order in which leai point, exactly what does and a computer program executes instructions given in the order they give them.
What is programming?
-programming involves inserting instructions and the computer must perform. 
* It is a program on your computer. 
Right now we use the largest existing program Microsoft Windows. 
* Imagine if you know c + + can make the computer execute great things. You can make your own game, your own computer numbers, winamp playlist. 
To better understand these things, you must go to the root of the microprocessor programming ie it is called the brain of the computer.
What is the role of the CPU?
* The microprocessor reads the instructions that we introduce and he executes them. 
* Now how the microprocessor reads the instructions is very special. 
* We can say that the processor has its own language, the language known process called binary language.
What is the binary language?
* 100110100110 This bunch of 0's and 1's called binary language. This is also called machine code. 
* So language is the language consisting of binary 0 and 1.
What is a bit?
* These numbers 1 and 0 are called bits.
What is a byte?
A byte is an 8-bit format 
* 00110011 = this is a byte 
* A byte is equal to a letter or a number in c + + 
Lite 00110011 means high ..  ( letter A)
When the computer executes an instruction byte long string it through the group.
What is c + +?
Before programming consists in the introduction of those (01010001001010) that he cares microprocessor executes vla bla bla. 
* But those orders 0 and 1 was too heavy and the researchers came up with assembly language, which was somewhat less friendly, some assembly language commands: 
- MOV;       (mov means move instruction) 
- JMP;           (Stop that skip certain instructions and the instruction x, this example) 
- AEX;
* Still and assembly language was too difficult to understand by some programmers, so later invented the programming language C + +. 
* What is great in c + + is that with some knowledge of English can learn c + + with ease, has commands such as: 
- If = if 
- When = when 
- Do = execute (fa) 
-while = while 
* So clearly a more comfortable programming by language.
What we need to understand in this tutorial?
-A program is a list of instructions given to the computer for execution. 
-Processor knows only binary code consisting of 1 and 0 bits appointed group in strings formed by 9 bytes.
Perhaps you have wondered, as though c + + is not binary code, how to make the transition in my c + + in binary / machine code? With the help of what turns C + + into binary code. Well that we passed out in the next tutorial called: Compiling programs and instructions
If you want I will post tutorials, I was going to post 10?


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I think its a good idead for beginners like me. I want to see the other parts.


Yes it's introduction, the next tutorial will introduce compiler programs. The third tutorial will be about the structure of the program and the easiest program in C + + Hello World. 
A variable to be and more. 
IF function.
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