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Strange Error - Game Build

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Hello i have strange error in the game build situation, this is the error ;




This is my MarkConvert.cpp i bet doesnt have any problem ;


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MarkManager.h"

#ifdef __WIN32__
#include <direct.h>

#define OLD_MARK_INDEX_FILENAME "guild_mark.idx"
#define OLD_MARK_DATA_FILENAME "guild_mark.tga"

static Pixel * LoadOldGuildMarkImageFile()
	FILE * fp = fopen(OLD_MARK_DATA_FILENAME, "rb");

	if (!fp)
		sys_err("cannot open %s", OLD_MARK_INDEX_FILENAME);
		return NULL;

	int dataSize = 512 * 512 * sizeof(Pixel);
	Pixel * dataPtr = (Pixel *) malloc(dataSize);

	fread(dataPtr, dataSize, 1, fp);


	return dataPtr;

bool GuildMarkConvert(const std::vector<DWORD> & vecGuildID)
#ifndef __WIN32__
	mkdir("mark", S_IRWXU);

#ifndef __WIN32__
	if (0 != access(OLD_MARK_INDEX_FILENAME, F_OK))
	if (0 != _access(OLD_MARK_INDEX_FILENAME, 0))
		return true;

	FILE* fp = fopen(OLD_MARK_INDEX_FILENAME, "r");

	if (NULL == fp)
		return false;

	Pixel * oldImagePtr = LoadOldGuildMarkImageFile();

	if (NULL == oldImagePtr)
		return false;

	sys_log(0, "Guild Mark Converting Start.");

	char line[256];
	DWORD guild_id;
	DWORD mark_id;
	Pixel mark[SGuildMark::SIZE];

	while (fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, fp))
		sscanf(line, "%u %u", &guild_id, &mark_id);

		if (find(vecGuildID.begin(), vecGuildID.end(), guild_id) == vecGuildID.end())
			sys_log(0, "  skipping guild ID %u", guild_id);

		uint row = mark_id / 32;
		uint col = mark_id % 32;

		if (row >= 42)
			sys_err("invalid mark_id %u", mark_id);

		uint sx = col * 16;
		uint sy = row * 12;

		Pixel * src = oldImagePtr + sy * 512 + sx;
		Pixel * dst = mark;

		for (int y = 0; y != SGuildMark::HEIGHT; ++y)
			for (int x = 0; x != SGuildMark::WIDTH; ++x)
				*(dst++) = *(src+x);

			src += 512;

		CGuildMarkManager::instance().SaveMark(guild_id, (BYTE *) mark);
		line[0] = '\0';


#ifndef __WIN32__
	system("mv -f guild_mark.idx guild_mark.idx.removable");
	system("mv -f guild_mark.tga guild_mark.tga.removable");
	system("move /Y guild_mark.idx guild_mark.idx.removable");
	system("move /Y guild_mark.tga guild_mark.tga.removable");

	sys_log(0, "Guild Mark Converting Complete.");

	return true;


And this is Minilzo.h ;



#define MINILZO_VERSION         0x20a0

#if defined(__LZOCONF_H_INCLUDED)
#  error "you cannot use both LZO and miniLZO"

#  include <config.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#include "lzodefs.h"
#include "lzoconf.h"

#  error "version mismatch in header files"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define LZO1X_1_MEM_COMPRESS    ((lzo_uint32_t) (16384L * lzo_sizeof_dict_t))
#define LZO1X_MEM_DECOMPRESS    (0)

lzo1x_1_compress        ( const lzo_bytep src, lzo_uint  src_len,
                                lzo_bytep dst, lzo_uintp dst_len,
                                lzo_voidp wrkmem );

lzo1x_decompress        ( const lzo_bytep src, lzo_uint  src_len,
                                lzo_bytep dst, lzo_uintp dst_len,
                                lzo_voidp wrkmem /* NOT USED */ );

lzo1x_decompress_safe   ( const lzo_bytep src, lzo_uint  src_len,
                                lzo_bytep dst, lzo_uintp dst_len,
                                lzo_voidp wrkmem /* NOT USED */ );

#ifdef __cplusplus




Whats wrong ? Thank you.

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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minilzo.h line 24

extern "C" {


Now, look for the closing }. Do you see it anywhere in minilzo.h? Nope, neither do I :D

That's the issue you have here. You edited minilzo.h and removed the closing } thus causing the build error.

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6 minutes ago, Vanilla said:

minilzo.h line 24

extern "C" {


Now, look for the closing }. Do you see it anywhere in minilzo.h? Nope, neither do I :D

That's the issue you have here. You edited minilzo.h and removed the closing } thus causing the build error.


Poor me, i need to sleep :(



#ifdef __cplusplus
} // :/
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