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@Denis esi pistevis oti den ksero programatismo katarxas akou ligo den thimosa gia tipota ala den thelo na exete tetia entiposi gia emena :)  ke tetia voithia zitisa giati poli apla to bugg pou ixa den ipirxe pouthena den ITAN diko mou sistima opote den gnorizo apo auto to sistima ke den gnorizo ti alages prepi na ginoun an itan diko mou system tote tha to ixa ftiaksi giati autos pou ixe ftiaksi to sistima me to extra katalogo ego ksero an exi vali olokliromenous kodikous ??

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On 6/20/2020 at 8:49 PM, Denis said:

You are just wasting your time, he wont be able to do it.

On 6/20/2020 at 9:00 PM, Denis said:

Common, if he had some knowledge of these stuff he would be able to debug it by himself without asking for help. But since he posted such a simple bug im guessing he cant do the stuff you told him.

On 6/21/2020 at 7:58 PM, Denis said:

Gia tetoia bugs den tha ebena kan sto kopo na kano post, einai apta pio eukola fixes efoson kseris pos dulevoun ta system pou exis. Alla na fantasto auta pou exeis einai kapoio leaked version. Oso gia to clean, den einai apo tin stigmi pou exis auta ta bugs. Kali tixi

On 6/21/2020 at 9:00 PM, Denis said:

pia 2020 bug ?

22 hours ago, Denis said:

Asteri eisai bravo ekanes fix to 2020 bug ??

22 hours ago, Denis said:

ela vre pitsirko isixase mia plaka se kaname thimoses, an isoun toso kalos den tha zituses edo voithia ?.

boris na pistevis oti thelis, den me kses apo xtes na les tetia pragmata gia mena, isos kseris ta sourgela tou ellinikou metin2 emena den me kses aha

22 hours ago, Denis said:



If you think that your reactions as a former staff, are fine just because this:

  • he's greek
  • he's using a public system
  • he doesn't know english
  • he's new on this forum
  • he isn't a 'dev' and don't know anything about coding

then, you're the bad person, not him, go and solve your problems in other parts and let'me show you the rules.

Edit: Apparently Denis didn't understand what I wanted to say with the "bad person, so he take it wrong. I apologize.



(1.1) Language

The language in this board is english. If you want to post something in your own language always add an english translation. The only exception for this rule is this section: Private Servers

(1.2) Behaviour

Don't flame at other users. We want this board to be the best possible experience. You maybe want help and everybody started with no or little knowledge. So help and don't flame! Also we don't want to see any racism or sexism.

(1.3) Spamming

Do not spam in this board. Posting a topic or a question once is enough. If you don't get an answer maybe your question needs more description. Or nobody is able to help you there. Double post aswell as double threads will be punished with an infraction.




(2.2) Bumping

Allowed bumping times: Q&A - 48 hours

(2.5) Questions & Answers specific rules

Don't modify your thread (or reply to it) to mark it solved, and not explain the solution to the issue.


@Denis +2 infractions

@perfect +3 infractions


Topic closed.

Edited by VegaS™
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