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Gameforge sucks


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I kinda understand that gf is fighting against p servers. Imagine you develop game sized of metin2 with large community and stable business. You would not be happy if someone came and stole all of your files and made money on it. Even if you were a publisher .


I am not defending them btw. The way they are solving things they made incorrectly in past is soo wrong.

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  • Honorable Member
12 hours ago, VegaS™ said:

people who do not pay taxes in the law

I think Rubinum got busted by the government and not by GF. They probably earned 500k+€ & evaded paying taxes.

So basically GF can only report videos tagged as "metin2", and occasionally they also report p-servers to the governments for tax fraud.

11 hours ago, 523113111x said:

But at least they didn't harmed womt2 yet

WOM had a little company in Romania, and regularly paid taxes.

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Well, it seems like it's time to dust off my old account...

Another m2dev user and I have been working for the past almost two years in our free time in order to create a new server concept (with a lot of technical improvements etc. It's still not ready if you're asking). This is a major roadblock for us.

At least for me, Metin2 is the game that taught me a lot about programming. I always experimented with P Servers and have been in the field for almost eight full years now. In these eight years, I never, not even once had any account greater than lvl. 30 on any GF server. I don't have a clue how to get a horse on an official server. And frankly, I don't care. Because it's not fun and private servers offered a much better and complete experience, including everything from the community to gameplay.

To me, private servers are what define Metin2's culture, and I guess it's normal to be this way: there's a lot more room to experiment with the game when you can make your own pserver. You're not tied to the hands of all-mighty Gameforge.

In a sense, what Gameforge is trying to achieve here can be compared to a dictatorship of sorts. They're dying and, like a cornered animal, are desperately trying to keep their "monopoly" and squeeze every last euro-cent out of the player's pockets. Just look at those stupid updates which came out in the past... idk, 4 years? Do they have anything to do with the essence of Metin2? It depends on one's taste, of course, but I think the majority would argue that those updates are no more than a money-grabbing technique.

I'm not sure if many people look at the Pserver scene this way, but what we are is essentially a modding community. A game which can't be modded becomes dull after a while, be it a couple of months or a year. Yet games that are moddable still thrive. What GF & Webzen (or whoever owns Metin2 nowadays) don't realise is you can't have a free market without options.

By each day, we're seeing Gameforge marching centimetre by centimetre towards killing Metin2 alltogether. Unless they'll come up with a way of accepting PServers on the market, they'll die. I'm aware that you could argue that M2 is their Intellectual Property, yet you could as well argue that laws serve the people, and if people want change, then it's rightful to do so.

Enough ethics in this rant. I guess if we have to stay underground, pre-paid credit cards and Russian/(maybe even Swiss?) servers are an option. Or we could go back to the old days to a Hamachi-like experience. Maybe hosting servers through a large, community-owned VPN server?

Maybe we're just being angry for no reason. GF will die one day and the PServer community, albeit shrinking, will outlive them, and then it's free real estate for all of us.

Le roi est mort, vive le roi.


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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Exynox:

Well, it seems like it's time to dust off my old account...

Another m2dev user and I have been working for the past almost two years in our free time in order to create a new server concept (with a lot of technical improvements etc. It's still not ready if you're asking). This is a major roadblock for us.

At least for me, Metin2 is the game that taught me a lot about programming. I always experimented with P Servers and have been in the field for almost eight full years now. In these eight years, I never, not even once had any account greater than lvl. 30 on any GF server. I don't have a clue how to get a horse on an official server. And frankly, I don't care. Because it's not fun and private servers offered a much better and complete experience, including everything from the community and to gameplay.

To me, private servers are what define Metin2's culture, and I guess it's normal to be this way: there's a lot more room to experiment with the game when you can make your own pserver. You're not tied to the hands of all-mighty Gameforge.

In a sense, what Gameforge is trying to achieve here can be compared to a dictatorship of sorts. They're dying and, like a cornered animal, are desperately trying to keep their "monopoly" and squeeze every last euro-cent out of the player's pockets. Just look at those stupid updates which came out in the past... idk, 4 years? Do they have anything to do with the essence of Metin2? It depends on one's taste, of course, but I think the majority would argue that those updates are no more than a money-grabbing technique.

I'm not sure if many people look at the Pserver scene this way, but what we are is essentially a modding community. A game which can't be modded becomes dull after a while, be it a couple of months or a year. Yet games that are moddable still thrive. What GF & Webzen (or whoever owns Metin2 nowadays) don't realise is you can't have a free market without options.

By each day, we're seeing Gameforge marching centimetre by centimetre towards killing Metin2 alltogether. Unless they'll come up with a way of accepting PServers on the market, they'll die. I'm aware that you could argue that M2 is their Intellectual Property, yet you could as well argue that laws serve the people, and if people want change, then it's rightful to do so.

Enough ethics in this rant. I guess if we have to stay underground, pre-paid credit cards and Russian/(maybe even Swiss?) servers are an option. Or we could go back to the old days to a Hamachi-like experience. Maybe hosting servers through a large, community-owned VPN server?

Maybe we're just being angry for no reason. GF will die one day and the PServer communitty, albeit shrinking, will outlive them, and then it's free real estate for all of us.


Every single one of us works in their free time on something, otherwise we wouldn't develop stuff.. And yes, you're right with what you said. I played official and I dislike it. I think it's just as you described it - they fear that they'll loose money due to private servers, but they forget that if those servers don't exist, the money wouldn't magically transfer into their pocket. Because those people who spent their money on private servers (and you can argue if that's actually worth it or not) wouldn't just spend it on their official server instead. They are here for a reason.

I do not think they're crushing the private server stuff. They can't do it everywhere. Some people host outside. It's just getting.. different I guess. But, yeah, those who still want to open a server will have it much harder if they keep the pressure up. And more importantly - they're ruining the game. If they remove everything that actually attracts people to metin2, then there's no wonder no one wants to play it.

For example, who would want to play a game with shitty graphics, unbalance, pay-to-win like a maniac in 2019? Most people demand it to have at least fancy graphics and stuff. Rarely will someone scroll through steam and think "oh that game looks interesting, I might just play it." The people are being attracted because there are private servers. Servers which offer you to fell absolutely powerful without having to pay half your monthly income in order to at least be someone people might notice. In Private servers the community is different, everyone is somewhat valued because everyone is strong just by the game mechanic itself. Guilds invite you because you can be of help, even if you aren't on the top 10 tier list of the most imbalanced badasses around.

And that's the problem. It's not about efficiently killing the servers though they wish they'd do that. All they do is plug some holes into their sinking ship. Maybe, if one day Metin2 ultimately has it's end, they'll have their goal achieved. No one wants to open a private server if there are no players who are even the slightest bit interested in metin2.

So yeah, I don't think they'll kill all servers. Either they stop pursuing it, like they did before, or they'll continue and ruin their own game further which will sooner or later initiate it's end. At least, those are all possibilities that might or might not be true.

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9 hours ago, Speachless said:

It's time to act like criminals buy russian servers, hide under vpns, give falsa data. Live in a cave


I live in Russia, recently wanted to open a server, now we will think what to do next ...
Maybe it will not affect us?
(GTranslate ?).

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I kind of understand it though. You don't want your work to get copied and you'll do anything to make sure that won't happen again. 

Now the part that you don't want to understand, what about the era of P servers? There are more players than there is on officials. Is it still their right to close it? Yes it is, technically. But since we enlarge our imaginations, and no action was ever done to P servers by Gameforge, we kind of dismiss this 'rule'.  And so, the only thing that's left is to block/close things step by step. They have been claimed copyright on youtube metin2-related video's for a while and I already sensed stubborn connections in many servers, there had to be one day it is going worse. 

I too believe the Government jumped his noose into this. Because Germany already made a new law to shutdown copyrighted work AND something called like 'lootboxes' being sold in Itemshop (real money) that is depended on luck (aka guessing).

Sadly Rubinum got closed, it sure was one of my favorite servers due to its complex system/machines. But life goes on. 

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6 minutes ago, Vanilla said:

Every single one of us works in their free time on something, otherwise we wouldn't develop stuff..

I feel like there's a huge crisis of manpower which prevents us from doing anything awesome though... This is why I take this chance to tell you that you just go above and beyond with the improvements you make on the gamecore. It's just plain impressive to see what you achieve alone. Thank you for your service ^^

12 minutes ago, Vanilla said:

I do not think they're crushing the private server stuff. They can't do it everywhere.

I'm pretty sure they have the resources to reach out far and wide across the EU. For all I remember, there were some raids here in Romania some time ago as well. Though you're probably right when you say that they can't take down all the servers. They just go for the big fish. As someone already said in the thread, I wonder how WoM is still standing...

17 minutes ago, Vanilla said:

Maybe, if one day Metin2 ultimately has it's end, they'll have their goal achieved. No one wants to open a private server if there are no players who are even the slightest bit interested in metin2.

To be fair, given how popular the game was, I feel like there will always be a demand for it, maybe even just for nostalgia reasons. People are still playing GTA:SA and CS1.6 in 2019. That's why I say the official Metin2 servers will be long gone by the time private servers finally die. But if we keep the spirit of just having fun, even silly dumb fun like on those PvP servers on which you start with the max level and give 100k of damage per hit with a FMS+9, if we do all this we just might be able to keep the game alive.

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb CaNNab1S:

Ok .. when you put the files on the internet and i will download it for free, what is the problem ? i can open a server.. because the resources are free

No. Just no.

If someone leaves a bomb in a park you aren't planning to use it, too. At least I hope so.
It's definitely not allowed and Gameforge has the right to take legal action if someone uses their source. The resource is not free, afaik it got leaked back then.

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Acum 26 minute, Vanilla a spus:

No. Just no.

If someone leaves a bomb in a park you aren't planning to use it, too. At least I hope so.
It's definitely not allowed and Gameforge has the right to take legal action if someone uses their source. The resource is not free, afaik it got leaked back then.

And will remain open source 4 ever and some people worked for years on that sources.

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vor 54 Minuten schrieb Speachless:

And will remain open source 4 ever and some people worked for years on that sources.

Eren is that you?

But leaked is not open source. It's not allowed. You can't say drugs are legal by magic just because people use them either way. And since YMIR/WEBZEN/whatever now did not decide to make it open source, it just isn't. It's only leaked, even though many people contributed their thoughts on it. It's still protected by copyright and I don't see that they released any license that allows people to use it as an open source project. So yeah, if they wanna sue people, they'll definitely have all the legal rights on their side.

You'd have to write everything on your own and still that won't change a single thing since you'd only copycat their ideas and work which means you're still infringe copyright. Let alone that you'd still be using their graphical stuff (client item icons etc.). So no matter what you do, you'll always break the law if you're running a server. But I think the government is more concerned about those who do not pay taxes.

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Here's my take at making an analogy of what happened with the source code.

Let's say that your family owns a cookie store. They make the best cookies in town, children are flocking after school just to grab a cookie. It's great for your family, you make tons of money etc. Then, one night, when everyone's at home and the store's empty, somebody sneakily breaks into the store and sets up a hidden camera in the store's kitchen. The next day, business as usual, grandma is working on baking those cookies, but unbeknownst to her, the camera is silently recording the recipe: what ingredients she uses, how long the cookies stay in the oven etc.

The bad guy then opens another cookie store, and bakes the cookies using exactly the same recipe as your family does. And sells them at half the price. Naturally, you'll start losing money as everyone is now getting their sweet cookies from the bad guy's store. Now, your store sits empty and you look at the stack of unpaid bills on your desk.

Is it fair? Of course not. This is called intellectual property theft and there are laws made specifically to protect the guys who invested time and effort into creating something from others stealing their work. In this case, the cookie recipe is the source code and your family's store is Gameforge/Webzen. It's their game afterall, and there's no changing that.

Does it suck? Duuuuh! Of course it does. We worked so hard to create nice versions of the game, but at the end of the day, most of the community is doing that for money and on the backs of other people who worked on this game. (This is why I seriously considered making a non-profit server once, it's just not ethical to do this...)

Of course it would be nice for Gameforge to just let it slide, and maybe licensing the game to third parties or even making it open-source. But there's no forcing them into this.

This is the sad truth, private servers can't exist legally and we have to own this fact.

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