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item_proto specular table does not save

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// vim:ts=4 sw=4
#include <map>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ClientManager.h"
#include "Main.h"
#include "Monarch.h"
#include "CsvReader.h"
#include "ProtoReader.h"

using namespace std;

extern int g_test_server;
extern std::string g_stLocaleNameColumn;

bool CClientManager::InitializeTables()
	if (!InitializeMobTable())
		sys_err("InitializeMobTable FAILED");
		return false;
	if (!MirrorMobTableIntoDB())
		sys_err("MirrorMobTableIntoDB FAILED");
		return false;

	if (!InitializeItemTable())
		sys_err("InitializeItemTable FAILED");
		return false;

	if (!MirrorItemTableIntoDB())
		sys_err("MirrorItemTableIntoDB FAILED");
		return false;

	if (!InitializeShopTable())
		sys_err("InitializeShopTable FAILED");
		return false;

	if (!InitializeSkillTable())
		sys_err("InitializeSkillTable FAILED");
		return false;

	if (!InitializeRefineTable())
		sys_err("InitializeRefineTable FAILED");
		return false;

	if (!InitializeItemAttrTable())
		sys_err("InitializeItemAttrTable FAILED");
		return false;

	if (!InitializeItemRareTable())
		sys_err("InitializeItemRareTable FAILED");
		return false;

	if (!InitializeBanwordTable())
		sys_err("InitializeBanwordTable FAILED");
		return false;

	if (!InitializeLandTable())
		sys_err("InitializeLandTable FAILED");
		return false;

	if (!InitializeObjectProto())
		sys_err("InitializeObjectProto FAILED");
		return false;

	if (!InitializeObjectTable())
		sys_err("InitializeObjectTable FAILED");
		return false;

	if (!InitializeMonarch())
		sys_err("InitializeMonarch FAILED");
		return false;

	return true;

bool CClientManager::InitializeRefineTable()
	char query[2048];

	snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
		"SELECT id, cost, prob, vnum0, count0, vnum1, count1, vnum2, count2,  vnum3, count3, vnum4, count4 FROM refine_proto%s",

	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(query));
	SQLResult * pRes = pkMsg->Get();

	if (!pRes->uiNumRows)
		return true;

	if (m_pRefineTable)
		sys_log(0, "RELOAD: refine_proto");
		delete[] m_pRefineTable;
		m_pRefineTable = NULL;

	m_iRefineTableSize = pRes->uiNumRows;

	m_pRefineTable = new TRefineTable[m_iRefineTableSize];
	memset(m_pRefineTable, 0, sizeof(TRefineTable) * m_iRefineTableSize);

	TRefineTable* prt = m_pRefineTable;
	MYSQL_ROW data;

	while ((data = mysql_fetch_row(pRes->pSQLResult)))
		//const char* s_szQuery = "SELECT src_vnum, result_vnum, cost, prob, "
		//"vnum0, count0, vnum1, count1, vnum2, count2,  vnum3, count3, vnum4, count4 "

		int col = 0;
		//prt->src_vnum = atoi(data[col++]);
		//prt->result_vnum = atoi(data[col++]);
		str_to_number(prt->id, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(prt->cost, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(prt->prob, data[col++]);

		for (int i = 0; i < REFINE_MATERIAL_MAX_NUM; i++)
			str_to_number(prt->materials[i].vnum, data[col++]);
			str_to_number(prt->materials[i].count, data[col++]);
			if (prt->materials[i].vnum == 0)
				prt->material_count = i;

		sys_log(0, "REFINE: id %ld cost %d prob %d mat1 %lu cnt1 %d", prt->id, prt->cost, prt->prob, prt->materials[0].vnum, prt->materials[0].count);

	return true;

class FCompareVnum
	bool operator () (const TEntityTable & a, const TEntityTable & b) const
		return (a.dwVnum < b.dwVnum);

bool CClientManager::InitializeMobTable() {

	char query[4096];
	snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
		"SELECT vnum, name, %s, type, rank, battle_type, level, size+0, ai_flag+0, setRaceFlag+0, setImmuneFlag+0, on_click, empire, drop_item, resurrection_vnum, folder, st, dx, ht, iq, damage_min, damage_max, max_hp, regen_cycle, regen_percent, exp, gold_min, gold_max, def, attack_speed, move_speed, aggressive_hp_pct, aggressive_sight, attack_range, polymorph_item, enchant_curse, enchant_slow, enchant_poison, enchant_stun, enchant_critical, enchant_penetrate, resist_sword, resist_twohand, resist_dagger, resist_bell, resist_fan, resist_bow, resist_fire, resist_elect, resist_magic, resist_wind, resist_poison, dam_multiply, summon, drain_sp, skill_vnum0, skill_level0, skill_vnum1, skill_level1, skill_vnum2, skill_level2, skill_vnum3, skill_level3, skill_vnum4, skill_level4 , sp_berserk, sp_stoneskin, sp_godspeed, sp_deathblow, sp_revive FROM mob_proto%s ORDER BY vnum",
		g_stLocaleNameColumn.c_str(), GetTablePostfix());

	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(query));
	MYSQL_RES * pRes = pkMsg->Get()->pSQLResult;

	if (!pRes->row_count)
		sys_err("no result from mob_proto");
		return false;

	if (!m_vec_mobTable.empty())
		sys_log(0, "RELOAD: mob_proto");

	while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(pRes))) {
		SMobTable temp;
		memset(&temp, 0, sizeof(temp));

		if (row[0]) temp.dwVnum = strtoul(row[0], NULL, 10);
		if (row[1]) snprintf(temp.szName, 25, "%s", row[1]);
		if (row[2]) snprintf(temp.szLocaleName, 25, "%s", row[2]);
		if (row[3]) temp.bType = strtoul(row[3], NULL, 10);
		if (row[4]) temp.bRank = strtoul(row[4], NULL, 10);
		if (row[5]) temp.bBattleType = strtoul(row[5], NULL, 10);
		if (row[6]) temp.bLevel = strtoul(row[6], NULL, 10);
		if (row[7]) temp.bSize = strtoul(row[7], NULL, 10);
		if (row[8]) temp.dwAIFlag = strtoul(row[8], NULL, 10);
		if (row[9]) temp.dwRaceFlag = strtoul(row[9], NULL, 10);
		if (row[10]) temp.dwImmuneFlag = strtoul(row[10], NULL, 10);
		if (row[11]) temp.bOnClickType = strtoul(row[11], NULL, 10);
		if (row[12]) temp.bEmpire = strtoul(row[12], NULL, 10);
		if (row[13]) temp.dwDropItemVnum = strtoul(row[13], NULL, 10);
		if (row[14]) temp.dwResurrectionVnum = strtoul(row[14], NULL, 10);
		if (row[15]) snprintf(temp.szFolder, 65, "%s", row[15]);
		if (row[16]) temp.bStr = strtoul(row[16], NULL, 10);
		if (row[17]) temp.bDex = strtoul(row[17], NULL, 10);
		if (row[18]) temp.bCon = strtoul(row[18], NULL, 10);
		if (row[19]) temp.bInt = strtoul(row[19], NULL, 10);
		if (row[20]) temp.dwDamageRange[0] = strtoul(row[20], NULL, 10);
		if (row[21]) temp.dwDamageRange[1] = strtoul(row[21], NULL, 10);
		if (row[22]) temp.dwMaxHP = strtoul(row[22], NULL, 10);
		if (row[23]) temp.bRegenCycle = strtoul(row[23], NULL, 10);
		if (row[24]) temp.bRegenPercent = strtoul(row[24], NULL, 10);
		if (row[25]) temp.dwExp = strtoul(row[25], NULL, 10);
		if (row[26]) temp.dwGoldMin = strtoul(row[26], NULL, 10);
		if (row[27]) temp.dwGoldMax = strtoul(row[27], NULL, 10);
		if (row[28]) temp.wDef = strtol(row[28], NULL, 10);
		if (row[29]) temp.sAttackSpeed = strtol(row[29], NULL, 10);
		if (row[30]) temp.sMovingSpeed = strtol(row[30], NULL, 10);
		if (row[31]) temp.bAggresiveHPPct = strtol(row[31], NULL, 10);
		if (row[32]) temp.wAggressiveSight = strtol(row[32], NULL, 10);
		if (row[33]) temp.wAttackRange = strtol(row[33], NULL, 10);
		if (row[34]) temp.dwPolymorphItemVnum = strtoul(row[34], NULL, 10);
		if (row[35]) temp.cEnchants[0] = strtol(row[35], NULL, 10);
		if (row[36]) temp.cEnchants[1] = strtol(row[36], NULL, 10);
		if (row[37]) temp.cEnchants[2] = strtol(row[37], NULL, 10);
		if (row[38]) temp.cEnchants[3] = strtol(row[38], NULL, 10);
		if (row[39]) temp.cEnchants[4] = strtol(row[39], NULL, 10);
		if (row[40]) temp.cEnchants[5] = strtol(row[40], NULL, 10);
		if (row[41]) temp.cResists[0] = strtol(row[41], NULL, 10);
		if (row[42]) temp.cResists[1] = strtol(row[42], NULL, 10);
		if (row[43]) temp.cResists[2] = strtol(row[43], NULL, 10);
		if (row[44]) temp.cResists[3] = strtol(row[44], NULL, 10);
		if (row[45]) temp.cResists[4] = strtol(row[45], NULL, 10);
		if (row[46]) temp.cResists[5] = strtol(row[46], NULL, 10);
		if (row[47]) temp.cResists[6] = strtol(row[47], NULL, 10);
		if (row[48]) temp.cResists[7] = strtol(row[48], NULL, 10);
		if (row[49]) temp.cResists[8] = strtol(row[49], NULL, 10);
		if (row[50]) temp.cResists[9] = strtol(row[50], NULL, 10);
		if (row[51]) temp.cResists[10] = strtol(row[51], NULL, 10);
		if (row[52]) temp.fDamMultiply = strtod(row[52], NULL);
		if (row[53]) temp.dwSummonVnum = strtoul(row[53], NULL, 10);
		if (row[54]) temp.dwDrainSP = strtoul(row[54], NULL, 10);
		if (row[55]) temp.Skills[0].dwVnum = strtoul(row[55], NULL, 10);
		if (row[56]) temp.Skills[0].bLevel = strtoul(row[56], NULL, 10);
		if (row[57]) temp.Skills[1].dwVnum = strtoul(row[57], NULL, 10);
		if (row[58]) temp.Skills[1].bLevel = strtoul(row[58], NULL, 10);
		if (row[59]) temp.Skills[2].dwVnum = strtoul(row[59], NULL, 10);
		if (row[60]) temp.Skills[2].bLevel = strtoul(row[60], NULL, 10);
		if (row[61]) temp.Skills[3].dwVnum = strtoul(row[61], NULL, 10);
		if (row[62]) temp.Skills[3].bLevel = strtoul(row[62], NULL, 10);
		if (row[63]) temp.Skills[4].dwVnum = strtoul(row[63], NULL, 10);
		if (row[64]) temp.Skills[4].bLevel = strtoul(row[64], NULL, 10);
		if (row[65]) temp.bBerserkPoint = strtoul(row[65], NULL, 10);
		if (row[66]) temp.bStoneSkinPoint = strtoul(row[66], NULL, 10);
		if (row[67]) temp.bGodSpeedPoint = strtoul(row[67], NULL, 10);
		if (row[68]) temp.bDeathBlowPoint = strtoul(row[68], NULL, 10);
		if (row[69]) temp.bRevivePoint = strtoul(row[69], NULL, 10);

	sort(m_vec_mobTable.begin(), m_vec_mobTable.end(), FCompareVnum());
	std::cout << "CClientManager::InitializeMobTable:: " << m_vec_mobTable.size() << " mobs loaded." << std::endl;

	return true;

bool CClientManager::InitializeItemTable() {

	char query[4096];
	snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
		"SELECT vnum, type, subtype, name, %s, gold, shop_buy_price, weight, size, flag, wearflag, antiflag, immuneflag+0, refined_vnum, refine_set, magic_pct, socket_pct, addon_type, limittype0, limitvalue0, limittype1, limitvalue1, applytype0, applyvalue0, applytype1, applyvalue1, applytype2, applyvalue2, value0, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5, socket0, socket1, socket2 FROM item_proto%s ORDER BY vnum",
		g_stLocaleNameColumn.c_str(), GetTablePostfix());

	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(query));
	MYSQL_RES * pRes = pkMsg->Get()->pSQLResult;

	if (!pRes->row_count)
		sys_err("no result from item_proto");
		return false;

	if (!m_vec_itemTable.empty())
		sys_log(0, "RELOAD: item_proto");

	while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(pRes))) {
		SItemTable temp;
		memset(&temp, 0, sizeof(temp));

		if (row[0] && *row[0]) temp.dwVnum = strtoul(row[0], NULL, 10);
		if (row[1] && *row[1]) temp.bType = strtoul(row[1], NULL, 10);
		if (row[2] && *row[2]) temp.bSubType = strtoul(row[2], NULL, 10);
		if (row[3] && *row[3]) snprintf(temp.szName, 25, "%s", row[3]);
		if (row[4] && *row[4]) snprintf(temp.szLocaleName, 25, "%s", row[4]);
		if (row[5] && *row[5]) temp.dwGold = strtoul(row[5], NULL, 10);
		if (row[6] && *row[6]) temp.dwShopBuyPrice = strtoul(row[6], NULL, 10);
		if (row[7] && *row[7]) temp.bWeight = strtoul(row[7], NULL, 10);
		if (row[8] && *row[8]) temp.bSize = strtoul(row[8], NULL, 10);
		if (row[9] && *row[9]) temp.dwFlags = strtoul(row[9], NULL, 10);
		if (row[10] && *row[10]) temp.dwWearFlags = strtoul(row[10], NULL, 10);
		if (row[11] && *row[11]) temp.dwAntiFlags = strtoul(row[11], NULL, 10);
		if (row[12] && *row[12]) temp.dwImmuneFlag = strtoul(row[12], NULL, 10);
		if (row[13] && *row[13]) temp.dwRefinedVnum = strtoul(row[13], NULL, 10);
		if (row[14] && *row[14]) temp.wRefineSet = strtoul(row[14], NULL, 10);
		if (row[15] && *row[15]) temp.bAlterToMagicItemPct = strtoul(row[15], NULL, 10);
		if (row[16] && *row[16]) temp.bGainSocketPct = strtoul(row[16], NULL, 10);
		if (row[17] && *row[17]) temp.sAddonType = strtoul(row[17], NULL, 10);
		if (row[18] && *row[18]) temp.aLimits[0].bType = strtoul(row[18], NULL, 10);
		if (row[19] && *row[19]) temp.aLimits[0].lValue = strtoul(row[19], NULL, 10);
		if (row[20] && *row[20]) temp.aLimits[1].bType = strtoul(row[20], NULL, 10);
		if (row[21] && *row[21]) temp.aLimits[1].lValue = strtoul(row[21], NULL, 10);
		if (row[22] && *row[22]) temp.aApplies[0].bType = strtoul(row[22], NULL, 10);
		if (row[23] && *row[23]) temp.aApplies[0].lValue = strtoul(row[23], NULL, 10);
		if (row[24] && *row[24]) temp.aApplies[1].bType = strtoul(row[24], NULL, 10);
		if (row[25] && *row[25]) temp.aApplies[1].lValue = strtoul(row[25], NULL, 10);
		if (row[26] && *row[26]) temp.aApplies[2].bType = strtoul(row[26], NULL, 10);
		if (row[27] && *row[27]) temp.aApplies[2].lValue = strtoul(row[27], NULL, 10);
		if (row[28] && *row[28]) temp.alValues[0] = strtoul(row[28], NULL, 10);
		if (row[29] && *row[29]) temp.alValues[1] = strtoul(row[29], NULL, 10);
		if (row[30] && *row[30]) temp.alValues[2] = strtoul(row[30], NULL, 10);
		if (row[31] && *row[31]) temp.alValues[3] = strtoul(row[31], NULL, 10);
		if (row[32] && *row[32]) temp.alValues[4] = strtoul(row[32], NULL, 10);
		if (row[33] && *row[33]) temp.alValues[5] = strtoul(row[33], NULL, 10);

		temp.cLimitRealTimeFirstUseIndex = -1;
		temp.cLimitTimerBasedOnWearIndex = -1;
		for (int i = 0; i < ITEM_LIMIT_MAX_NUM; ++i) {
			if (LIMIT_REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE == temp.aLimits[i].bType)
				temp.cLimitRealTimeFirstUseIndex = (char)i;

			if (LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == temp.aLimits[i].bType)
				temp.cLimitTimerBasedOnWearIndex = (char)i;

	std::cout << "CClientManager::InitializeItemTable:: " << m_vec_itemTable.size() << " items loaded." << std::endl;

	std::vector<TItemTable>::iterator it = m_vec_itemTable.begin();

	while (it != m_vec_itemTable.end()) {
		TItemTable * item_table = &(*(it++));

		sys_log(1, "ITEM: #%-5lu %-24s %-24s VAL: %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld WEAR %lu ANTI %lu IMMUNE %lu REFINE %lu REFINE_SET %u MAGIC_PCT %u",

		m_map_itemTableByVnum.insert(std::map<DWORD, TItemTable *>::value_type(item_table->dwVnum, item_table));
	sort(m_vec_itemTable.begin(), m_vec_itemTable.end(), FCompareVnum());
	return true;

bool CClientManager::InitializeShopTable()
	MYSQL_ROW	data;
	int		col;

	static const char * s_szQuery =
		"shop.vnum, "
		"shop.npc_vnum, "
		"shop_item.item_vnum, "
		"shop_item.count "
		"FROM shop LEFT JOIN shop_item "
		"ON shop.vnum = shop_item.shop_vnum ORDER BY shop.vnum, shop_item.item_vnum";

	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg2(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(s_szQuery));

	// shop의 vnum은 있는데 shop_item 이 없을경우... 실패로 처리되니 주의 요망.
	// 고처야할부분
	SQLResult * pRes2 = pkMsg2->Get();

	if (!pRes2->uiNumRows)
		sys_err("InitializeShopTable : Table count is zero.");
		return false;

	std::map<int, TShopTable *> map_shop;

	if (m_pShopTable)
		m_pShopTable = NULL;

	TShopTable * shop_table = m_pShopTable;

	while ((data = mysql_fetch_row(pRes2->pSQLResult)))
		col = 0;

		int iShopVnum = 0;
		str_to_number(iShopVnum, data[col++]);

		if (map_shop.end() == map_shop.find(iShopVnum))
			shop_table = new TShopTable;
			memset(shop_table, 0, sizeof(TShopTable));
			shop_table->dwVnum = iShopVnum;

			map_shop[iShopVnum] = shop_table;
			shop_table = map_shop[iShopVnum];

		str_to_number(shop_table->dwNPCVnum, data[col++]);

		if (!data[col])	// 아이템이 하나도 없으면 NULL이 리턴 되므로..

		TShopItemTable * pItem = &shop_table->items[shop_table->byItemCount];

		str_to_number(pItem->vnum, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(pItem->count, data[col++]);


	m_pShopTable = new TShopTable[map_shop.size()];
	m_iShopTableSize = map_shop.size();

	typeof(map_shop.begin()) it = map_shop.begin();

	int i = 0;

	while (it != map_shop.end())
		thecore_memcpy((m_pShopTable + i), (it++)->second, sizeof(TShopTable));
		sys_log(0, "SHOP: #%d items: %d", (m_pShopTable + i)->dwVnum, (m_pShopTable + i)->byItemCount);

	return true;

bool CClientManager::InitializeQuestItemTable()
	using namespace std;

	static const char * s_szQuery = "SELECT vnum, name, %s FROM quest_item_proto ORDER BY vnum";

	char query[1024];
	snprintf(query, sizeof(query), s_szQuery, g_stLocaleNameColumn.c_str());

	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(query));
	SQLResult * pRes = pkMsg->Get();

	if (!pRes->uiNumRows)
		sys_err("query error or no rows: %s", query);
		return false;


	while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(pRes->pSQLResult)))
		int col = 0;

		TItemTable tbl;
		memset(&tbl, 0, sizeof(tbl));

		str_to_number(tbl.dwVnum, row[col++]);

		if (row[col])
			strlcpy(tbl.szName, row[col], sizeof(tbl.szName));


		if (row[col])
			strlcpy(tbl.szLocaleName, row[col], sizeof(tbl.szLocaleName));


		if (m_map_itemTableByVnum.find(tbl.dwVnum) != m_map_itemTableByVnum.end())
			sys_err("QUEST_ITEM_ERROR! %lu vnum already exist! (name %s)", tbl.dwVnum, tbl.szLocaleName);

		tbl.bType = ITEM_QUEST; // quest_item_proto 테이블에 있는 것들은 모두 ITEM_QUEST 유형
		tbl.bSize = 1;


	return true;

bool CClientManager::InitializeSkillTable()
	char query[4096];
	snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
		"SELECT dwVnum, szName, bType, bMaxLevel, dwSplashRange, "
		"szPointOn, szPointPoly, szSPCostPoly, szDurationPoly, szDurationSPCostPoly, "
		"szCooldownPoly, szMasterBonusPoly, setFlag+0, setAffectFlag+0, "
		"szPointOn2, szPointPoly2, szDurationPoly2, setAffectFlag2+0, "
		"szPointOn3, szPointPoly3, szDurationPoly3, szGrandMasterAddSPCostPoly, "
		"bLevelStep, bLevelLimit, prerequisiteSkillVnum, prerequisiteSkillLevel, iMaxHit, szSplashAroundDamageAdjustPoly, eSkillType+0, dwTargetRange "
		"FROM skill_proto%s ORDER BY dwVnum",

	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(query));
	SQLResult * pRes = pkMsg->Get();

	if (!pRes->uiNumRows)
		sys_err("no result from skill_proto");
		return false;

	if (!m_vec_skillTable.empty())
		sys_log(0, "RELOAD: skill_proto");


	MYSQL_ROW	data;
	int		col;

	while ((data = mysql_fetch_row(pRes->pSQLResult)))
		TSkillTable t;
		memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));

		col = 0;

		str_to_number(t.dwVnum, data[col++]);
		strlcpy(t.szName, data[col++], sizeof(t.szName));
		str_to_number(t.bType, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevel, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.dwSplashRange, data[col++]);

		strlcpy(t.szPointOn, data[col++], sizeof(t.szPointOn));
		strlcpy(t.szPointPoly, data[col++], sizeof(t.szPointPoly));
		strlcpy(t.szSPCostPoly, data[col++], sizeof(t.szSPCostPoly));
		strlcpy(t.szDurationPoly, data[col++], sizeof(t.szDurationPoly));
		strlcpy(t.szDurationSPCostPoly, data[col++], sizeof(t.szDurationSPCostPoly));
		strlcpy(t.szCooldownPoly, data[col++], sizeof(t.szCooldownPoly));
		strlcpy(t.szMasterBonusPoly, data[col++], sizeof(t.szMasterBonusPoly));

		str_to_number(t.dwFlag, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.dwAffectFlag, data[col++]);

		strlcpy(t.szPointOn2, data[col++], sizeof(t.szPointOn2));
		strlcpy(t.szPointPoly2, data[col++], sizeof(t.szPointPoly2));
		strlcpy(t.szDurationPoly2, data[col++], sizeof(t.szDurationPoly2));
		str_to_number(t.dwAffectFlag2, data[col++]);

		strlcpy(t.szPointOn3, data[col++], sizeof(t.szPointOn3));
		strlcpy(t.szPointPoly3, data[col++], sizeof(t.szPointPoly3));
		strlcpy(t.szDurationPoly3, data[col++], sizeof(t.szDurationPoly3));

		strlcpy(t.szGrandMasterAddSPCostPoly, data[col++], sizeof(t.szGrandMasterAddSPCostPoly));

		str_to_number(t.bLevelStep, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bLevelLimit, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.preSkillVnum, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.preSkillLevel, data[col++]);

		str_to_number(t.lMaxHit, data[col++]);

		strlcpy(t.szSplashAroundDamageAdjustPoly, data[col++], sizeof(t.szSplashAroundDamageAdjustPoly));

		str_to_number(t.bSkillAttrType, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.dwTargetRange, data[col++]);

		sys_log(0, "SKILL: #%d %s flag %u point %s affect %u cooldown %s", t.dwVnum, t.szName, t.dwFlag, t.szPointOn, t.dwAffectFlag, t.szCooldownPoly);


	return true;

bool CClientManager::InitializeBanwordTable()

	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery("SELECT word FROM banword"));

	SQLResult * pRes = pkMsg->Get();

	if (pRes->uiNumRows == 0)
		return true;

	MYSQL_ROW data;

	while ((data = mysql_fetch_row(pRes->pSQLResult)))
		TBanwordTable t;

		if (data[0])
			strlcpy(t.szWord, data[0], sizeof(t.szWord));

	sys_log(0, "BANWORD: total %d", m_vec_banwordTable.size());
	return true;

bool CClientManager::InitializeItemAttrTable()
	char query[4096];
	snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
		"SELECT apply, apply+0, prob, lv1, lv2, lv3, lv4, lv5, weapon, body, wrist, foots, neck, head, shield, ear, costume, frysurexd FROM item_attr%s ORDER BY apply",

	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(query));
	SQLResult * pRes = pkMsg->Get();

	if (!pRes->uiNumRows)
		sys_err("no result from item_attr");
		return false;

	if (!m_vec_itemAttrTable.empty())
		sys_log(0, "RELOAD: item_attr");


	MYSQL_ROW	data;

	while ((data = mysql_fetch_row(pRes->pSQLResult)))
		TItemAttrTable t;

		memset(&t, 0, sizeof(TItemAttrTable));

		int col = 0;

		strlcpy(t.szApply, data[col++], sizeof(t.szApply));
		str_to_number(t.dwApplyIndex, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.dwProb, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lValues[0], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lValues[1], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lValues[2], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lValues[3], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lValues[4], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_WEAPON], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_BODY], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_WRIST], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_FOOTS], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_NECK], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_HEAD], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_SHIELD], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_EAR], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_KOSTIUM_BODY], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_KOSTIUM_HEAD], data[col++]);


	return true;

bool CClientManager::InitializeItemRareTable()
	char query[4096];
	snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
			"SELECT apply, apply+0, prob, lv1, lv2, lv3, lv4, lv5, weapon, body, wrist, foots, neck, head, shield, ear FROM item_attr_rare%s ORDER BY apply",

	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(query));
	SQLResult * pRes = pkMsg->Get();

	if (!pRes->uiNumRows)
		sys_err("no result from item_attr_rare");
		return false;

	if (!m_vec_itemRareTable.empty())
		sys_log(0, "RELOAD: item_attr_rare");


	MYSQL_ROW	data;

	while ((data = mysql_fetch_row(pRes->pSQLResult)))
		TItemAttrTable t;

		memset(&t, 0, sizeof(TItemAttrTable));

		int col = 0;

		strlcpy(t.szApply, data[col++], sizeof(t.szApply));
		str_to_number(t.dwApplyIndex, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.dwProb, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lValues[0], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lValues[1], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lValues[2], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lValues[3], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lValues[4], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_WEAPON], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_BODY], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_WRIST], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_FOOTS], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_NECK], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_HEAD], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_SHIELD], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bMaxLevelBySet[ATTRIBUTE_SET_EAR], data[col++]);

		sys_log(0, "ITEM_RARE: %-20s %4lu { %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d } { %d %d %d %d %d %d %d }",


	return true;

bool CClientManager::InitializeLandTable()
	using namespace building;

	char query[4096];

	snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
		"SELECT id, map_index, x, y, width, height, guild_id, guild_level_limit, price "
		"FROM land%s WHERE enable='YES' ORDER BY id",

	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(query));
	SQLResult * pRes = pkMsg->Get();

	if (!m_vec_kLandTable.empty())
		sys_log(0, "RELOAD: land");


	MYSQL_ROW	data;

	if (pRes->uiNumRows > 0)
		while ((data = mysql_fetch_row(pRes->pSQLResult)))
		TLand t;

		memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));

		int col = 0;

		str_to_number(t.dwID, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lMapIndex, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.x, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.y, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.width, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.height, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.dwGuildID, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.bGuildLevelLimit, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.dwPrice, data[col++]);

		sys_log(0, "LAND: %lu map %-4ld %7ldx%-7ld w %-4ld h %-4ld", t.dwID, t.lMapIndex, t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height);


	return true;

void parse_pair_number_string(const char * c_pszString, std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > & vec)
	// format: 10,1/20,3/300,50
	const char * t = c_pszString;
	const char * p = strchr(t, '/');
	std::pair<int, int> k;

	char szNum[32 + 1];
	char * comma;

	while (p)
		if (isnhdigit(*t))
			strlcpy(szNum, t, MIN(sizeof(szNum), (p - t) + 1));

			comma = strchr(szNum, ',');

			if (comma)
				*comma = '\0';
				str_to_number(k.second, comma + 1);
				k.second = 0;

			str_to_number(k.first, szNum);

		t = p + 1;
		p = strchr(t, '/');

	if (isnhdigit(*t))
		strlcpy(szNum, t, sizeof(szNum));

		comma = strchr(const_cast<char*>(t), ',');

		if (comma)
			*comma = '\0';
			str_to_number(k.second, comma + 1);
			k.second = 0;

		str_to_number(k.first, szNum);

bool CClientManager::InitializeObjectProto()
	using namespace building;

	char query[4096];
	snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
		"SELECT vnum, price, materials, upgrade_vnum, upgrade_limit_time, life, reg_1, reg_2, reg_3, reg_4, npc, group_vnum, dependent_group "
		"FROM object_proto%s ORDER BY vnum",

	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(query));
	SQLResult * pRes = pkMsg->Get();

	if (!m_vec_kObjectProto.empty())
		sys_log(0, "RELOAD: object_proto");

	m_vec_kObjectProto.reserve(MAX(0, pRes->uiNumRows));

	MYSQL_ROW	data;

	if (pRes->uiNumRows > 0)
		while ((data = mysql_fetch_row(pRes->pSQLResult)))
		TObjectProto t;

		memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));

		int col = 0;

		str_to_number(t.dwVnum, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.dwPrice, data[col++]);

		std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > vec;
		parse_pair_number_string(data[col++], vec);

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < OBJECT_MATERIAL_MAX_NUM && i < vec.size(); ++i)
			std::pair<int, int> & r = vec[i];

			t.kMaterials[i].dwItemVnum = r.first;
			t.kMaterials[i].dwCount = r.second;

		str_to_number(t.dwUpgradeVnum, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.dwUpgradeLimitTime, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lLife, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lRegion[0], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lRegion[1], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lRegion[2], data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.lRegion[3], data[col++]);

		str_to_number(t.dwNPCVnum, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.dwGroupVnum, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(t.dwDependOnGroupVnum, data[col++]);

		t.lNPCX = 0;
		t.lNPCY = MAX(t.lRegion[1], t.lRegion[3]) + 300;

		sys_log(0, "OBJ_PROTO: vnum %lu price %lu mat %lu %lu",
			t.dwVnum, t.dwPrice, t.kMaterials[0].dwItemVnum, t.kMaterials[0].dwCount);


	return true;

bool CClientManager::InitializeObjectTable()
	using namespace building;

	char query[4096];
	snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT id, land_id, vnum, map_index, x, y, x_rot, y_rot, z_rot, life FROM object%s ORDER BY id", GetTablePostfix());

	std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pkMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(query));
	SQLResult * pRes = pkMsg->Get();

	if (!m_map_pkObjectTable.empty())
		sys_log(0, "RELOAD: object");

	MYSQL_ROW data;

	if (pRes->uiNumRows > 0)
		while ((data = mysql_fetch_row(pRes->pSQLResult)))
		TObject * k = new TObject;

		memset(k, 0, sizeof(TObject));

		int col = 0;

		str_to_number(k->dwID, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(k->dwLandID, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(k->dwVnum, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(k->lMapIndex, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(k->x, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(k->y, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(k->xRot, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(k->yRot, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(k->zRot, data[col++]);
		str_to_number(k->lLife, data[col++]);

		sys_log(0, "OBJ: %lu vnum %lu map %-4ld %7ldx%-7ld life %ld",
			k->dwID, k->dwVnum, k->lMapIndex, k->x, k->y, k->lLife);

		m_map_pkObjectTable.insert(std::make_pair(k->dwID, k));

	return true;

bool CClientManager::InitializeMonarch()

	return true;

bool CClientManager::MirrorMobTableIntoDB()
	for (itertype(m_vec_mobTable) it = m_vec_mobTable.begin(); it != m_vec_mobTable.end(); it++)
		const TMobTable& t = *it;
		char query[4096];
		if (g_stLocaleNameColumn == "name")
			snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
				"replace into mob_proto%s "
				"vnum, name, type, rank, battle_type, level, size, ai_flag, setRaceFlag, setImmuneFlag, "
				"on_click, empire, drop_item, resurrection_vnum, folder, "
				"st, dx, ht, iq, damage_min, damage_max, max_hp, regen_cycle, regen_percent, exp, "
				"gold_min, gold_max, def, attack_speed, move_speed, aggressive_hp_pct, aggressive_sight, attack_range, polymorph_item, "

				"enchant_curse, enchant_slow, enchant_poison, enchant_stun, enchant_critical, enchant_penetrate, "
				"resist_sword, resist_twohand, resist_dagger, resist_bell, resist_fan, resist_bow, "
				"resist_fire, resist_elect, resist_magic, resist_wind, resist_poison, "
				"dam_multiply, summon, drain_sp, "

				"skill_vnum0, skill_level0, skill_vnum1, skill_level1, skill_vnum2, skill_level2, "
				"skill_vnum3, skill_level3, skill_vnum4, skill_level4, "
				"sp_berserk, sp_stoneskin, sp_godspeed, sp_deathblow, sp_revive"
				") "
				"values ("

				"%d, \"%s\", %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %u, %u, %u, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "

				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%f, %d, %d, "

				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d"
				GetTablePostfix(), /*g_stLocaleNameColumn.c_str(),*/

				t.dwVnum, t.szName, /*t.szLocaleName, */t.bType, t.bRank, t.bBattleType, t.bLevel, t.bSize, t.dwAIFlag, t.dwRaceFlag, t.dwImmuneFlag,
				t.bOnClickType, t.bEmpire, t.dwDropItemVnum, t.dwResurrectionVnum, t.szFolder,
				t.bStr, t.bDex, t.bCon, t.bInt, t.dwDamageRange[0], t.dwDamageRange[1], t.dwMaxHP, t.bRegenCycle, t.bRegenPercent, t.dwExp,

				t.dwGoldMin, t.dwGoldMax, t.wDef, t.sAttackSpeed, t.sMovingSpeed, t.bAggresiveHPPct, t.wAggressiveSight, t.wAttackRange, t.dwPolymorphItemVnum,
				t.cEnchants[0], t.cEnchants[1], t.cEnchants[2], t.cEnchants[3], t.cEnchants[4], t.cEnchants[5],
				t.cResists[0], t.cResists[1], t.cResists[2], t.cResists[3], t.cResists[4], t.cResists[5],
				t.cResists[6], t.cResists[7], t.cResists[8], t.cResists[9], t.cResists[10],
				t.fDamMultiply, t.dwSummonVnum, t.dwDrainSP,

				t.Skills[0].dwVnum, t.Skills[0].bLevel, t.Skills[1].dwVnum, t.Skills[1].bLevel, t.Skills[2].dwVnum, t.Skills[2].bLevel,
				t.Skills[3].dwVnum, t.Skills[3].bLevel, t.Skills[4].dwVnum, t.Skills[4].bLevel,
				t.bBerserkPoint, t.bStoneSkinPoint, t.bGodSpeedPoint, t.bDeathBlowPoint, t.bRevivePoint
			snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
				"replace into mob_proto%s "
				"vnum, name, %s, type, rank, battle_type, level, size, ai_flag, setRaceFlag, setImmuneFlag, "
				"on_click, empire, drop_item, resurrection_vnum, folder, "
				"st, dx, ht, iq, damage_min, damage_max, max_hp, regen_cycle, regen_percent, exp, "
				"gold_min, gold_max, def, attack_speed, move_speed, aggressive_hp_pct, aggressive_sight, attack_range, polymorph_item, "

				"enchant_curse, enchant_slow, enchant_poison, enchant_stun, enchant_critical, enchant_penetrate, "
				"resist_sword, resist_twohand, resist_dagger, resist_bell, resist_fan, resist_bow, "
				"resist_fire, resist_elect, resist_magic, resist_wind, resist_poison, "
				"dam_multiply, summon, drain_sp, "

				"skill_vnum0, skill_level0, skill_vnum1, skill_level1, skill_vnum2, skill_level2, "
				"skill_vnum3, skill_level3, skill_vnum4, skill_level4, "
				"sp_berserk, sp_stoneskin, sp_godspeed, sp_deathblow, sp_revive"
				") "
				"values ("

				"%d, \"%s\", \"%s\", %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %u, %u, %u, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "

				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%f, %d, %d, "

				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d"
				GetTablePostfix(), g_stLocaleNameColumn.c_str(),

				t.dwVnum, t.szName, t.szLocaleName, t.bType, t.bRank, t.bBattleType, t.bLevel, t.bSize, t.dwAIFlag, t.dwRaceFlag, t.dwImmuneFlag,
				t.bOnClickType, t.bEmpire, t.dwDropItemVnum, t.dwResurrectionVnum, t.szFolder,
				t.bStr, t.bDex, t.bCon, t.bInt, t.dwDamageRange[0], t.dwDamageRange[1], t.dwMaxHP, t.bRegenCycle, t.bRegenPercent, t.dwExp,

				t.dwGoldMin, t.dwGoldMax, t.wDef, t.sAttackSpeed, t.sMovingSpeed, t.bAggresiveHPPct, t.wAggressiveSight, t.wAttackRange, t.dwPolymorphItemVnum,
				t.cEnchants[0], t.cEnchants[1], t.cEnchants[2], t.cEnchants[3], t.cEnchants[4], t.cEnchants[5],
				t.cResists[0], t.cResists[1], t.cResists[2], t.cResists[3], t.cResists[4], t.cResists[5],
				t.cResists[6], t.cResists[7], t.cResists[8], t.cResists[9], t.cResists[10],
				t.fDamMultiply, t.dwSummonVnum, t.dwDrainSP,

				t.Skills[0].dwVnum, t.Skills[0].bLevel, t.Skills[1].dwVnum, t.Skills[1].bLevel, t.Skills[2].dwVnum, t.Skills[2].bLevel,
				t.Skills[3].dwVnum, t.Skills[3].bLevel, t.Skills[4].dwVnum, t.Skills[4].bLevel,
				t.bBerserkPoint, t.bStoneSkinPoint, t.bGodSpeedPoint, t.bDeathBlowPoint, t.bRevivePoint

	return true;

bool CClientManager::MirrorItemTableIntoDB()
	for (itertype(m_vec_itemTable) it = m_vec_itemTable.begin(); it != m_vec_itemTable.end(); it++)
		if (g_stLocaleNameColumn != "name")
			const TItemTable& t = *it;
			char query[4096];
			snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
				"replace into item_proto%s ("
				"vnum, type, subtype, name, %s, gold, shop_buy_price, weight, size, "
				"flag, wearflag, antiflag, immuneflag, "
				"refined_vnum, refine_set, magic_pct, socket_pct, addon_type, specular,"
				"limittype0, limitvalue0, limittype1, limitvalue1, "
				"applytype0, applyvalue0, applytype1, applyvalue1, applytype2, applyvalue2, "
				"value0, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5 ) "
				"values ("
				"%d, %d, %d, \"%s\", \"%s\", %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d )",
				GetTablePostfix(), g_stLocaleNameColumn.c_str(),
				t.dwVnum, t.bType, t.bSubType, t.szName, t.szLocaleName, t.dwGold, t.dwShopBuyPrice, t.bWeight, t.bSize,
				t.dwFlags, t.dwWearFlags, t.dwAntiFlags, t.dwImmuneFlag,
				t.dwRefinedVnum, t.wRefineSet, t.bAlterToMagicItemPct, t.bGainSocketPct, t.sAddonType, t.bSpecular,
				t.aLimits[0].bType, t.aLimits[0].lValue, t.aLimits[1].bType, t.aLimits[1].lValue,
				t.aApplies[0].bType, t.aApplies[0].lValue, t.aApplies[1].bType, t.aApplies[1].lValue, t.aApplies[2].bType, t.aApplies[2].lValue,
				t.alValues[0], t.alValues[1], t.alValues[2], t.alValues[3], t.alValues[4], t.alValues[5]);
			const TItemTable& t = *it;
			char query[4096];
			snprintf(query, sizeof(query),
				"replace into item_proto%s ("
				"vnum, type, subtype, name, gold, shop_buy_price, weight, size, "
				"flag, wearflag, antiflag, immuneflag, "
				"refined_vnum, refine_set, magic_pct, socket_pct, addon_type, "
				"limittype0, limitvalue0, limittype1, limitvalue1, "
				"applytype0, applyvalue0, applytype1, applyvalue1, applytype2, applyvalue2, "
				"value0, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5 ) "
				"values ("
				"%d, %d, %d, \"%s\", %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d )",
				t.dwVnum, t.bType, t.bSubType, t.szName, t.dwGold, t.dwShopBuyPrice, t.bWeight, t.bSize,
				t.dwFlags, t.dwWearFlags, t.dwAntiFlags, t.dwImmuneFlag,
				t.dwRefinedVnum, t.wRefineSet, t.bAlterToMagicItemPct, t.bGainSocketPct, t.sAddonType, t.bSpecular,
				t.aLimits[0].bType, t.aLimits[0].lValue, t.aLimits[1].bType, t.aLimits[1].lValue,
				t.aApplies[0].bType, t.aApplies[0].lValue, t.aApplies[1].bType, t.aApplies[1].lValue, t.aApplies[2].bType, t.aApplies[2].lValue,
				t.alValues[0], t.alValues[1], t.alValues[2], t.alValues[3], t.alValues[4], t.alValues[5]);
	return true;


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vor 6 Stunden schrieb WeedHex:


				"refined_vnum, refine_set, magic_pct, socket_pct, addon_type, "  x5 args

				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, "  x6 args

				t.dwRefinedVnum, t.wRefineSet, t.bAlterToMagicItemPct, t.bGainSocketPct, t.sAddonType, t.bSpecular,  x6 args

I hope you'll understand xD

Yes i understand Should I enter specular in the first row? Have checked other files and in no specular is registered there and it works anyway

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Have it done now, I'll write here how others can do that too.


MirrorItemTableIntoDB  add specular : ( Above and below )

				"refined_vnum, refine_set, magic_pct, socket_pct, addon_type, specular, "
				"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d"

Go to GetTablePostfix  and add:



Go to MYSQL_ROW row and add:

		if (row[34] && *row[34]) temp.bSpecular = strtoul(row[16], NULL, 10);

Close and Open ProtoReader.cpp

Go to  //column for 'Specular' and add:

	itemTable->bSpecular = dataArray[34];


  • Metin2 Dev 1
  • Love 2
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