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Fishing rod - how to add effect?

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  • 2 weeks later...

What you are looking for is a quite composite task. Basically you can declare the effect inside playersettingmodule.py like this:

	chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_DUST, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/dust/dust.mse")
	chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HORSE_DUST, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/etc/dust/running_dust.mse")
	chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_HIT, "", "d:/ymir work/effect/hit/blow_1/blow_1_low.mse")
	chrmgr.RegisterCacheEffect(chrmgr.EFFECT_FISHING_ROD, "Bip01 R Hand", "d:/ymir work/effect/fishing_rod/fishing_effect.mse") #Bip01 R Hand is the standard hand bone, you can anyway attach it to every bone you desire

then declare EFFECT_FISHING_ROD in InstanceBase.h in the effect enum and in PythonCharacterManagerModule.cpp add

    PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "EFFECT_FISHING_ROD",        CInstanceBase::EFFECT_FISHING_ROD);

And then in InstanceBase.cpp in function:  

UINT CInstanceBase::__GetRefinedEffect(CItemData* pItem)
	DWORD refine = max(pItem->GetRefine() + pItem->GetSocketCount(),CItemData::ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM) - CItemData::ITEM_SOCKET_MAX_NUM;
	switch (pItem->GetType())
	case CItemData::ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON:
	case CItemData::ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR:
/*add->*/ case CItemData::ITEM_TYPE_ROD:
		if (any_condition_you_desire)

Anyway this is a very rough example beacuse i do not have enough information about the condition needed for this effect to show.
Be careful: If you want to perform a serverside check of any type before applying this effect you might need to setup a packet work-around.

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