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here you go 



May 15 19:00:00 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Diamantader 20047

May 15 19:00:00 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Amethyst Ader 20058
May 15 19:00:04 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Fossilholzader 20049
May 15 19:00:08 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Goldader 20052
May 15 19:00:09 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Kupferader 20050
May 15 19:00:16 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Fossilholzader 20049
May 15 19:00:17 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Fossilholzader 20049
May 15 19:00:20 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Kupferader 20050
May 15 19:00:23 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Kupferader 20050
May 15 19:00:25 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Himmelstränenader 20059
May 15 19:00:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:00:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:00:27 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Diamantader 20047
May 15 19:00:35 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Weißgoldader 20056
May 15 19:00:39 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Goldader 20052
May 15 19:00:40 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Silberader 20051
May 15 19:00:41 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Kupferader 20050
May 15 19:00:42 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Kupferader 20050
May 15 19:00:49 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Diamantader 20047
May 15 19:00:53 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Goldader 20052
May 15 19:00:55 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Ebenholzader 20054
May 15 19:00:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:01:01 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Goldader 20052
May 15 19:01:02 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Fossilholzader 20049
May 15 19:01:04 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Kupferader 20050
May 15 19:01:08 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Ebenholzader 20054
May 15 19:01:14 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Silberader 20051
May 15 19:01:16 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Silberader 20051
May 15 19:01:19 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Silberader 20051
May 15 19:01:26 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Diamantader 20047
May 15 19:01:26 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Weißgoldader 20056
May 15 19:01:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:01:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:01:35 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Fossilholzader 20049
May 15 19:01:42 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Himmelstränenader 20059
May 15 19:01:44 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Kupferader 20050
May 15 19:01:45 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Fossilholzader 20049
May 15 19:01:54 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Amethyst Ader 20058
May 15 19:01:58 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Goldader 20052
May 15 19:01:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:01:59 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Diamantader 20047
May 15 19:02:04 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Kupferader 20050
May 15 19:02:16 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Fossilholzader 20049
May 15 19:02:21 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Ebenholzader 20054
May 15 19:02:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:02:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:02:27 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Diamantader 20047
May 15 19:02:29 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Amethyst Ader 20058
May 15 19:02:37 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Goldader 20052
May 15 19:02:47 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Fossilholzader 20049
May 15 19:02:47 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Ebenholzader 20054
May 15 19:02:55 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Diamantader 20047
May 15 19:02:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:03:07 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Ebenholzader 20054
May 15 19:03:08 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Goldader 20052
May 15 19:03:19 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Ebenholzader 20054
May 15 19:03:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:03:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:03:45 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Amethyst Ader 20058
May 15 19:03:53 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Muschelstapel 20055
May 15 19:03:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:04:24 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Diamantader 20047
May 15 19:04:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:04:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:04:48 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Diamantader 20047
May 15 19:04:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:05:01 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Weißgoldader 20056
May 15 19:05:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:05:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:05:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:06:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:06:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:06:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:07:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:07:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:07:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:08:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:08:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:08:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:09:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:09:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:09:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:10:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:10:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:10:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:11:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:11:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:11:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:12:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:12:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:12:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 15 19:13:26 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 15 19:13:26 time_gap 0
May 15 19:13:58 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)


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  • Premium

I think you aren't using the vanilla db core.


"Nothing's free in this life.

Ignorant people have an obligation to make up for their ignorance by paying those who help them.

Either you got the brains or cash, if you lack both you're useless."


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  • Bot

sysser ch1 core1

SYSERR: May 15 01:59:23 :: pid_init:

Start of pid: 1007

SYSERR: May 15 01:59:27 :: ReadDragonSoulTableFile: dragon_soul_table.txt load error
SYSERR: May 15 01:59:27 :: Boot: cannot load DragonSoulTable: locale/germany/dragon_soul_table.txt
SYSERR: May 15 12:44:47 :: pid_init:
Start of pid: 2765

SYSERR: May 15 12:44:58 :: ReadDragonSoulTableFile: dragon_soul_table.txt load error
SYSERR: May 15 12:44:58 :: Boot: cannot load DragonSoulTable: locale/germany/dragon_soul_table.txt
SYSERR: May 15 14:54:56 :: hupsig: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM signal has been received. shutting down.
SYSERR: May 15 14:55:00 :: pid_deinit:
End of pid

SYSERR: May 15 14:57:52 :: pid_init:
Start of pid: 890

SYSERR: May 15 14:57:57 :: ReadDragonSoulTableFile: dragon_soul_table.txt load error
SYSERR: May 15 14:57:57 :: Boot: cannot load DragonSoulTable: locale/germany/dragon_soul_table.txt

and i am using 40k test client , inya have posted it. i only edited the serverinfo.py , replaced my ips and corrected the ports.


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  • Active Member


SYSERR: May 15 14:57:57 :: Boot: cannot load DragonSoulTable: locale/germany/dragon_soul_table.txt


# żëČĄĽ® Ĺ×ŔĚşíµé...										
# TAB Ŕ¸·Î ±¸şĐµÇ´Ď ż˘Ľż·Î şĽ °Í.										
# vimŔ¸·Î ş»´Ů¸é ĹÇ°Ł °Ł°ÝŔ» Á¶Á¤ÇĎ°í şĽ °Í. (set ts=16 Ăßõ)										
# Ĺ« µűżČÇĄ·Î ą­ŔÎ şÎşĐŔş ľČ ±¸şĐ. 										
# " Ŕ̵ý°Ĺ Áöżř ľČÇÔ.										
# żëČĄĽ® Vnumżˇ ´ëÇŃ comment										
# ITEM VNUMŔ» 10¸¸ ŔÚ¸®şÎĹÍ, FEDCBA¶ó°í ÇѴٸé										
# FE : żëČĄĽ® Áľ·ů.	D : µî±Ţ									
# C : ´Ü°č			B : °­Č­							
# A : ż©ąúŔÇ ąřČŁµé... 										
# ŔĚ ĂĽ°čżˇĽ­ ąţľîłŞ´Â żëČĄĽ®Ŕş żëĽ­ÇĎÁö ľĘŔ» °ÍŔĚ´Ů.										
# ok?										
# żëČĄĽ®ŔĚ łĘą«łŞµµ ¸ą±â ¶§ą®żˇ VnumŔĚ Áß±¸ł­ąćŔ̸é,										
#	Special item groupżˇĽ­ groupŔ¸·Î ą­ľîĽ­ Ăł¸®Çϱ⵵ Čűµé°í,									
#	VnumHelper.hżˇĽ­ Ăł¸®ÇĎ´Â °Íµµ Čűµé´Ů. 									
# 	Group Ŕâ´ÂµĄ¸¸ ĽöõÁŮŔ» ˝áľßÇŇ Áöµµ...									
# Vnumżˇ ĂĽ°č¸¦ ŔâľĆĽ­ ŔÚ¸´Ľö ±âąÝŔ¸·Î Çؾ߸¸ ÇŃ´Ů.										
# TableŔş "Group"°ú "Ŕ̸§"Ŕ¸·Î ˝ĂŔŰÇŃ´Ů.										
# Table ł»şÎżˇ ¶Ç TableŔĚ ŔÖŔ» Ľö ŔÖ´Ů.										
# ±×·¸´Ů°í ľű¶×ÇŃ Ĺ×ŔĚşíŔ» ˝áłő´Â´Ů°í Ľ­ąö°ˇ ŔνÄÇĎ´Â °ÍŔş ľĆ´Ď´Ů.										
# ÇĘżäÇŃ Ĺ×ŔĚşíŔş ´ŮŔ˝°ú °°´Ů.										
# BaseVnums, BaseAttrs, AddtionalAttrs, AttrSettings, UpgradeTable, ImproveTable,										
# RefineTable, UpgradeMoneys, ImproveTable, RefineMoneys, WeightTable, DurationTable,										
# DragonHeartExtTable, DragonSoulExtTable										
# Č®·ü Ĺ×ŔĚşíŔÇ °ŞŔş ±âş»ŔűŔ¸·Î floatŔĚ´Ů.										
# Áßżä !!!!!										
# Ĺ×ŔĚşíŔ» ş¸´Ů ş¸¸é #--#ŔĚ¶ó ľ˛ż©Ář şÎşĐŔĚ ŔִµĄ Ŕý´ë·Î ÁöżěÁö ¸»°Í.										
# ŔĚ°Ç vnum to Ŕ̸§ mapping.										
# ŔĚ°É·Î ĆŻÁ¤ vnumŔÇ żëČĄĽ®ŔĚ ľî¶˛ Áľ·ůŔÇ żëČĄĽ®ŔÎÁö(Ŕ̸§ŔĚ ąşÁö) ľËľĆł˝ ČÄ,										
# ±× żëČĄĽ®żˇ ÇŘ´çÇĎ´Â ĽÓĽşŔ» ĂŁ´Â´Ů.										
# ¶ÇÇŃ ż©±âżˇ ŔűÇôŔÖÁö ľĘŔş żëČĄĽ®ŔĚ ąŘżˇ Group Á¤ŔÇÇĎ´Â şÎşĐżˇ Ŕִٸé										
# żˇ·Ż.										
Group VnumMapper										
	# ˝ĂŔŰ vnum.									
	# ż©±âĽ­ ˝áľßÇŇ şÎşĐŔş Ŕ§żˇ Ľł¸íÇŃ FEżˇ ÇŘ´çÇĎ´Â şÎşĐ. 									
	# FE¸¦ ˝áÁŮ °Í									
	#--#	DragonSoulName	Type							
	1	ąé·ćĽ®	11							
	2	Č­·ćĽ®	12							
	3	Çł·ćĽ®	13							
	4	ö·ćĽ®	14							
	5	łú·ćĽ®	15							
	6	Čć·ćĽ®	16							
Group BasicApplys										
	Group ąé·ćĽ®									
	# 1şÎĹÍ ĽřĽ­´ë·Î şÎż©µČ´Ů.									
		#--#	Apply_Type	Apply_value						
		1	INT	10						
		2	RESIST_ICE	10						
	Group Č­·ćĽ®									
		#--#	Apply_Type	Apply_value						
		1	STR	10						
	Group Çł·ćĽ®									
		#--#	Apply_Type	Apply_value						
		1	MAX_SP	500						
		2	RESIST_WIND	10						
	Group ö·ćĽ®									
		#--#	Apply_Type	Apply_value						
		1	DEX	10						
		2	RESIST_EARTH	10						
	Group łú·ćĽ®									
		#--#	Apply_Type	Apply_value						
		1	MAX_HP	1500						
		2	RESIST_ELEC	10						
	Group Čć·ćĽ®									
		#--#	Apply_Type	Apply_value						
		1	CON	10						
		2	RESIST_DARK	10						
Group AdditionalApplys										
	Group ąé·ćĽ®									
	# ľŐŔÇ Ăą ÄĂ·łŔş ĽřĽ­żÍ °ü°č ľř´Ů. öŔúČ÷ Č®·üżˇ µű¶ó ĽÓĽşŔĚ şÎż©µÉ »ÓŔĚ´Ů.									
		#--#	Apply_Type	Apply_value	Prob					
		1	MAGIC_ATT_GRADE	15	10					
		2	MAGIC_DEF_GRADE	15	10					
		3	SKILL_DAMAGE_BONUS	15	10					
		4	SKILL_DEFEND_BONUS	15	10					
	Group Č­·ćĽ®									
		#--#	Apply_Type	Apply_value	Prob					
		1	ATT_BONUS	300	10					
		2	DEF_BONUS	200	10					
	Group Çł·ćĽ®									
		#--#	Apply_Type	Apply_value	Prob					
		1	MAX_HP	3000	10					
		2	HP_REGEN	10	10					
		3	STEAL_HP	10	10					
		4	KILL_HP_RECOVER	5	10					
		5	MAX_HP_PCT	20	10					
	Group ö·ćĽ®									
		#--#	Apply_Type	Apply_value	Prob					
		1	ATT_BONUS_TO_WARRIOR	15	10					
		2	ATT_BONUS_TO_ASSASSIN	15	10					
		3	ATT_BONUS_TO_SURA	15	10					
		4	ATT_BONUS_TO_SHAMAN	15	10					
		5	RESIST_WARRIOR	15	10					
		6	RESIST_ASSASSIN	15	10					
		7	RESIST_SURA	15	10					
		8	RESIST_SHAMAN	15	10					
	Group łú·ćĽ®									
		#--#	Apply_Type	Apply_value	Prob					
		1	MAX_SP	1500	10					
		2	SP_REGEN	10	10					
		3	STEAL_SP	10	10					
		4	KILL_SP_RECOVER	5	10					
		5	MAX_SP_PCT	20	10					
	Group Čć·ćĽ®									
		#--#	Apply_Type	Apply_value	Prob					
		1	BLOCK	10	10					
		2	DODGE	10	10					
		3	REFLECT_MELEE	10	10					
		4	RESIST_CRITICAL	10	10					
		5	RESIST_PENETRATE	10	10					
# ż©±âşÎĹÍ Default¸¦ µĐ´Ů.										
# Default °ŞŔ» ¸đµç żëČĄĽ®ŔĚ µű¸Ł°í, 										
# ĆŻÁ¤ °ŞŔĚ ŔÖ´Â żëČĄĽ®Ŕş Default¸¦ ąŮĹÁŔ¸·Î ±× °ŞŔ» µ¤ľîľ´´Ů.										
# µî±Ţżˇ µű¸Ą ĽÓĽşĽö										
# ´Ü, basis, add_max´Â 3ş¸´Ů Ĺ©¸é ľČµČ´Ů.										
Group ApplyNumSettings										
	Group Default									
		basis	1	1	1	2	2			
		add_min	0	0	0	0	0			
		add_max	0	1	2	2	3			
#	Group ąé·ćĽ®									
#	{									
#		basis	1	1	1	2	2			
#	}									
# żëČĄĽ® °ˇÁßġ Ĺ×ŔĚşí.										
# ŔĚ Ĺ×ŔĚşíżˇĽ­ °ŞŔĚ 0Ŕ̶ó¸é ±× ŔĚ»óŔÇ °­Č­´Â şŇ°ˇ´ÉÇĎ´Ů°í ĆÇ´ÜÇŃ´Ů.										
Group WeightTables										
	Group Default									
		Group GRADE_NORMAL								
	#		´Ü°č	°­Č­						
			#--#	0	1	2	3	4	5	6
			STEP_LOWEST	1	2	3	0	0	0	0
			STEP_LOW	2	3	4	0	0	0	0
			STEP_MID	3	4	5	6	0	0	0
			STEP_HIGH	4	5	6	7	0	0	0
			STEP_HIGHEST	5	6	7	8	10	0	0
		Group GRADE_BRILLIANT								
			STEP_LOWEST	3	4	5	6	0	0	0
			STEP_LOW	4	5	6	8	0	0	0
			STEP_MID	5	6	8	10	0	0	0
			STEP_HIGH	6	8	10	12	15	0	0
			STEP_HIGHEST	8	10	12	15	20	0	0
		Group GRADE_RARE								
			#--#	0	1	2	3	4	5	6
			STEP_LOWEST	6	7	9	11	15	0	0
			STEP_LOW	7	9	11	15	20	0	0
			STEP_MID	9	11	15	20	25	0	0
			STEP_HIGH	11	15	20	25	30	0	0
			STEP_HIGHEST	15	20	25	30	40	0	0
		Group GRADE_ANCIENT								
			#--#	0	1	2	3	4	5	6
			STEP_LOWEST	10	12	15	18	20	0	0
			STEP_LOW	12	15	18	20	25	0	0
			STEP_MID	15	18	20	25	35	0	0
			STEP_HIGH	18	20	25	35	40	0	0
			STEP_HIGHEST	20	25	35	40	60	80	0
		Group GRADE_LEGENDARY								
			#--#	0	1	2	3	4	5	6
			STEP_LOWEST	30	35	40	45	50	0	0
			STEP_LOW	35	40	45	50	55	0	0
			STEP_MID	40	45	50	55	65	0	0
			STEP_HIGH	45	50	55	65	75	90	0
			STEP_HIGHEST	50	55	65	75	90	105	120
#	Group ąé·ćĽ®									
#	{									
#		Group GRADE_NORMAL								
#		{								
#			#--#	0	1	2	3	4	5	6
#			STEP_LOWEST	10	20	53	0	0	0	0
#			STEP_HIGHEST	50	60	37	18	10	0	0
#		}								
#	}									
# °ł·® table									
Group RefineGradeTables									
	Group Default								
		GRADE_NORMAL	15	30000	70	25	5	0	0
		GRADE_BRILLIANT	10	50000	25	70	5	0	0
		GRADE_RARE	5	70000	8	15	75	2	0
		GRADE_ANCIENT	3	100000	2	3	8	85	2
Group RefineStepTables									
	Group Default								
		STEP_LOWEST	4	20000	70	25	5	0	0
		STEP_LOW	3	30000	25	70	5	0	0
		STEP_MID	2	40000	10	20	80	1	0
		STEP_HIGH	1	50000	2	3	5	89	1
Group RefineStrengthTables									
	Group Default								
		#--#	FEE	0	1	2	3	4	5
		MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_NORMAL	10000	100	80	70	50	30	20
		MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_BLESSED	20000	100	88	77	55	33	22
		MATERIAL_DS_REFINE_HOLLY	30000	100	90	80	60	40	30

# żë˝ÉŔş 100000(Ŕӽà vnum)ŔĚ°í, ĂćŔü·®Ŕş socket (0)żˇ ąÚľĆłÖ´Â´Ů.										
# ´Ü, special item groupżˇ vnum 10053Ŕ¸·Î Á¤ŔǵǾîŔÖ´Â ´Ů¸Ą żë˝ÉµéŔş Value(0)żˇ ŔÖ´Â °ŞŔĚ ĂćŔü·®.										
# żë˝É ĂßĂâ Č®·ü Ĺ×ŔĚşí										
# ĂćŔü·®ŔĚ 0Ŕ̶ó´Â °ÍŔş ĂßĂâ ˝ÇĆжó´Â °Ĺ.										
Group DragonHeartExtTables										
	Group Default									
		#--#	1	2	3	4	5			
	# żë˝É ĂćŔü·®(%)									
		CHARGING	0	5	15	30	50			
	#	µî±Ţ°ú ĂćŔü·®żˇ µű¸Ą Č®·ü Ĺ×ŔĚşí								
	#	µî±Ţ 	Č®·ü							
		GRADE_NORMAL	50	35	12	2	1			
		GRADE_BRILLIANT	35	40	20	4	1			
		GRADE_RARE	20	35	30	12	3			
		GRADE_ANCIENT	15	30	35	15	5			
		GRADE_LEGENDARY	10	20	40	20	10			
# żëČĄĽ® ĂßĂâ Č®·ü Ĺ×ŔĚşí.										
# Ŕ̰͵µ 1, 2ľČŔĚ ŔÖľî ĹëÇŐÇŇ Ľö ŔÖ´Â ąćľČŔ¸·Î °¨.										
# ĂßĂâ Č®·üŔ» Á¤ÇŇ Ľö ŔÖ°í, ˝ÇĆĐ şÎ»ęą°µµ Á¤ÇŇ Ľö ŔÖŔ˝.(0ŔĚ¸é ľČÁÜ)										
Group DragonSoulExtTables										
	Group Default									
				#˝ÇĆĐ şÎ»ęą°						
		#--#	Prob	ByProduct						
		GRADE_NORMAL	50	30270						
		GRADE_BRILLIANT	40	30270						
		GRADE_RARE	30	30270						
		GRADE_ANCIENT	30	30270						
		GRADE_LEGENDARY	20	30270						

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  • Bot

well i placed the dragon soul table but it doesnt work either



syser says that now


SYSERR: May 15 14:57:57 :: ReadDragonSoulTableFile: dragon_soul_table.txt load error
SYSERR: May 15 14:57:57 :: Boot: cannot load DragonSoulTable: locale/germany/dragon_soul_table.txt
SYSERR: May 16 15:53:12 :: hupsig: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM signal has been received. shutting down.
SYSERR: May 16 15:53:13 :: pid_deinit: 
End of pid
SYSERR: May 16 19:55:38 :: pid_init: 
Start of pid: 1272
SYSERR: May 17 00:48:14 :: pid_init: 
Start of pid: 2407
SYSERR: May 17 00:48:14 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use
client syser is blank 
SYSERR: May 17 00:48:14 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use
May 17 00:48:14 :: AsyncSQL: closing mysql connection.
May 17 00:48:14 :: AsyncSQL: closing mysql connection.
May 17 00:48:14 :: AsyncSQL: closing mysql connection.
May 17 00:48:14 :: AsyncSQL: closing mysql connection.
May 17 00:48:14 :: AsyncSQL: closing mysql connection.
May 17 00:48:40 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 17 00:48:51 :: SYSTEM: new connection from [] fd: 16 handshake 4163761929 output input_len 0, ptr 0x2f3bf400
May 17 00:48:52 :: SYSTEM: closing socket. DESC #16
May 17 00:49:12 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 17 00:49:12 time_gap 0
May 17 00:49:40 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 17 00:50:12 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 17 00:50:12 time_gap 0
May 17 00:50:40 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
May 17 00:51:12 :: GLOBAL_TIME: May 17 00:51:12 time_gap 0
May 17 00:51:40 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)



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