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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Same error. 0930 21:33:11104 :: self.HeaderLabe3.SetText(self.EditLine1.GetText()) 0930 21:33:11104 :: AttributeError 0930 21:33:11104 :: : 0930 21:33:11104 :: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'GetText' This happens 'cause your function returns more than 1 value. Try this: self.HeaderLabe3[1].GetText() self.HeaderLabe3.SetText(self.EditLine1[1].GetText()) works fine! Thx guys for help
  2. 0930 21:33:11104 :: self.HeaderLabe3.SetText(self.EditLine1.GetText()) 0930 21:33:11104 :: AttributeError 0930 21:33:11104 :: : 0930 21:33:11104 :: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'GetText'
  3. I want to make red label same as entered value in editbox, after I click run. Here is my code: import ui import dbg import os class Dialog1(ui.ThinBoard): def __init__(self): ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self) self.BuildWindow() def __del__(self): ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self) def BuildWindow(self): self.SetSize(600, 40) self.SetPosition(10, 40) self.AddFlag('float') self.comp = Component() self.HeaderLabe3 = self.comp.TextLine(self, '-----', 230, 9, self.comp.RGB(255, 0, 0)) self.Close = self.comp.Button(self, '', '', 575, 10, self.Close_func, 'd:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_01.sub', 'd:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_02.sub', 'd:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_03.sub') self.EditLine1 = self.comp.EditLine(self, '', 70, 8, 61, 18, 6) self.Run = self.comp.Button(self, 'Run', '', 185, 8, self.Run_func, 'd:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_01.sub', 'd:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.sub', 'd:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.sub') def Run_func(self): self.HeaderLabe3.SetText(self.EditLine1) def Close_func(self): self.Hide() def Close(self): self.Hide() class Component: def Button(self, parent, buttonName, tooltipText, x, y, func, UpVisual, OverVisual, DownVisual): button = ui.Button() button.SetParent(parent) button.SetPosition(x, y) button.SetUpVisual(UpVisual) button.SetOverVisual(OverVisual) button.SetDownVisual(DownVisual) button.SetText(buttonName) button.SetToolTipText(tooltipText) button.Show() button.SetEvent(func) return button def ToggleButton(self, parent, buttonName, tooltipText, x, y, funcUp, funcDown, UpVisual, OverVisual, DownVisual): button = ui.ToggleButton() button.SetParent(parent) button.SetPosition(x, y) button.SetUpVisual(UpVisual) button.SetOverVisual(OverVisual) button.SetDownVisual(DownVisual) button.SetText(buttonName) button.SetToolTipText(tooltipText) button.Show() button.SetToggleUpEvent(funcUp) button.SetToggleDownEvent(funcDown) return button def EditLine(self, parent, editlineText, x, y, width, heigh, max): SlotBar = ui.SlotBar() SlotBar.SetParent(parent) SlotBar.SetSize(width, heigh) SlotBar.SetPosition(x, y) SlotBar.Show() Value = ui.EditLine() Value.SetParent(SlotBar) Value.SetSize(width, heigh) Value.SetPosition(5, 1) Value.SetMax(max) Value.SetText(editlineText) Value.Show() return SlotBar, Value def TextLine(self, parent, textlineText, x, y, color): textline = ui.TextLine() textline.SetParent(parent) textline.SetPosition(x, y) if color != None: textline.SetFontColor(color[0], color[1], color[2]) textline.SetText(textlineText) textline.Show() return textline def RGB(self, r, g, b): return (r*255, g*255, b*255) def SliderBar(self, parent, sliderPos, func, x, y): Slider = ui.SliderBar() Slider.SetParent(parent) Slider.SetPosition(x, y) Slider.SetSliderPos(sliderPos / 100) Slider.Show() Slider.SetEvent(func) return Slider def ExpandedImage(self, parent, x, y, img): image = ui.ExpandedImageBox() image.SetParent(parent) image.SetPosition(x, y) image.LoadImage(img) image.Show() return image def ComboBox(self, parent, text, x, y, width): combo = ui.ComboBox() combo.SetParent(parent) combo.SetPosition(x, y) combo.SetSize(width, 15) combo.SetCurrentItem(text) combo.Show() return combo def ThinBoard(self, parent, moveable, x, y, width, heigh, center): thin = ui.ThinBoard() if parent != None: thin.SetParent(parent) if moveable == TRUE: thin.AddFlag('movable') thin.AddFlag('float') thin.SetSize(width, heigh) thin.SetPosition(x, y) if center == TRUE: thin.SetCenterPosition() thin.Show() return thin Dialog1().Show()
  4. How to get value entered by player into editline? I want to save editline value as VALUE and then make something like this: self.HeaderLabe3.SetText(VALUE) Pls help
  5. As long as you don't have any agreement with Ymir/Webzen yhere is always a chance for some bad shit from them, but as you know there are lots of private servers and they're doing nothing in that case
  6. Ref system cheks if someone achieve some lvl befora giving coins? Because if it works just with registrer of account, people will overuse it
  7. Ref system cheks if someone achieve some lvl befora giving coins? Because if it works just with registrer of account, people will overuse it
  8. Link: http://www.battlefield.com/hardline/beta Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex1GlZS-t7c
  9. try: self.__SendChatPacket(player.GetName() + " : " + text[1:], chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD)
  10. so replace it back and try: def __SendChatPacket(self, text, type): if net.IsChatInsultIn(text): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, locale.CHAT_INSULT_STRING) else: name = player.GetName() if type == chat.CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT or chat.CHAT_TYPE_PARTY or chat.CHAT_TYPE_GUILD or chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING:
  11. What about others ? guild, party chat? Try to change in uichat.py this: def __SendTalkingChatPacket(self, text): self.__SendChatPacket(text, chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING) self.__ResetChat() on that: def __SendTalkingChatPacket(self, text): self.__SendChatPacket(text[1:], chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING) self.__ResetChat() But im just guessing
  12. Try this: game_r34083_32 000FBD7F: E8 B8 000FBD80: DC EC 000FBD81: 77 4E 000FBD82: F2 47 000FBD83: FF 08 0042CEE9: 20 25 0042CEEA: 3A 73 0042CEEB: 20 00 0042CEEC: 25 00 0042CEED: 73 00 And this for unlimited glass: game_r34083_32 000F8F6F: 04 00 000F8F8B: 03 00 000F8FB9: 01 00 000F8FE1: 02 00
  13. Ah.. now I know Denic is right Your client side is ok but you have to change client side @UP: Now its nothing
  14. When I tried to do that, the client was frozen while video (but the music was on) and after movie I had login phase. Any ideas?
  15. Denic do you know where chat style is in client side?
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