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Everything posted by Shisui

  1. Do it again, this time carefuly. The last piece of code its suposed to be like this def __OnWiki(self): if self.wiki.IsShow(): self.wiki.Hide() else: self.wiki.Show()
  2. I think so, but vs 2013 automatically do what you looking for.
  3. How can I put color in here self.Teleporter = ui.Button() self.Teleporter.SetParent(self.menu_bg) self.Teleporter.SetPosition(9, 135) self.Teleporter.SetToolTipText("Warp Ring", -38, 6) self.Teleporter.SetUpVisual("zeta/9.tga") self.Teleporter.SetOverVisual("zeta/10.tga") self.Teleporter.SetDownVisual("zeta/9.tga") self.Teleporter.SetEvent(self.__activare_teleporter) self.Teleporter.Show()Thanks.
  4. Or your client, because my vc sucks and I don't have that kind of problem.
  5. When you click the right side button of your mouse repeatedly, does the camera spins?
  6. Grab the file, place in your server and change the name to yours. Forget about the test file.
  7. I've never had that issue after doing that step.
  8. After doing that, did you compiled again?You need to compile for every changes you make. cd /usr/src/mainline/Server/game/src gmake clean gmake -j20
  9. Copy both compiled files (game & db), and replace. Don't you know how to replace files?
  10. Open game and db folder take game and db and put in your server.
  11. And a small tip, don't use novaline for game/db.
  12. When you level up sometimes, or everytime, the text level (Lv x) don't update in real time. You keep the same level as you were before or update but then goes back to the previous one.
  13. Read the thread You'll find what you looking for.
  14. So your bsd has already all the branches. Now just pick one and start working on it. First you'll need to compile all things cd /usr/src/your_choosen_branch/Server gmake all Then edit your make files (game and db folders) and you're ready to go. There's plenty of tutorials here, or wtv, showing how it's done. Just look for them.
  15. First things first. Go to winscp /usr/src and send me a screen.
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