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Everything posted by Shisui

  1. Good initiative. I'll definitely use this.
  2. Hello guys, does anyone know how to work with 3Ds max? And if so, can I borrow your skills for a moment? Please it's really really urgent! I kind of beg you. Thanks. #nometin2
  3. Watch this tutorial it may help you. Then watch this tutorial ('cause of the libs n stuff)
  4. You're trying to do something "unique" or by following the tut you've that error?
  5. And I think you didn't understand as well.I hope you know the meaning of sarcasm.
  6. You can trade non-tradable items right?
  7. Use rain or wtv. Google for metin2 server files, you'll find plenty.
  8. Thanks for adding spoilers and releasing this as well. Good luck.
  9. Can you edit your post and add spoilers? It will be easy 2read and understand.
  10. Is that even possible? Unless you made a pet from a monster and when you kill that monster you receive the seal, like Azrael for example.
  11. Lycan who? This char fits very well in Metin2 game, my opinion.
  12. Apologies accepted.Nice char, nice work.
  13. We've a comedian among us.Why you gotta act like that? I was going to congratulate you, but you may now f yourself. You'll go far.
  14. Use the original quest and change only Jinno coord.Make sure you click in the right button and see if works. Search in game.py for def Close(self): scroll to the end of that function and add if self.teleport.IsShow(): self.teleport.Open()
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