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Saddler last won the day on March 11 2014

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About Saddler

  • Birthday 01/25/1995


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  1. You need a little knowledge about c++ for do that. I already do that, but on my opinion Ymir do a crap work on Source. Maybe much workers on the same code. It's really annoying for you do that.. You will have like so many things with counts, it's a crazy thing to do. shop, move_item, buy_item, sell_item, split_item, etc etc etc... Everything is separated. Search for count with BYTE and put that on int.. Good luck.
  2. Replace the function from char.cpp void CHARACTER::MountVnum(DWORD vnum) with this: void CHARACTER::MountVnum(DWORD vnum) { if (m_dwMountVnum == vnum) return; m_dwMountVnum = vnum; m_dwMountTime = get_dword_time(); if (m_bIsObserver) return; m_posDest.x = m_posStart.x = GetX(); m_posDest.y = m_posStart.y = GetY(); EncodeRemovePacket(this); EncodeInsertPacket(this); ENTITY_MAP::iterator it = m_map_view.begin(); while (it != m_map_view.end()) { LPENTITY entity = (it++)->first; EncodeRemovePacket(entity); if (!m_bIsObserver) EncodeInsertPacket(entity); if (entity->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER)) { LPCHARACTER lpChar = (LPCHARACTER)entity; if (lpChar->IsPC() || lpChar->IsNPC() || lpChar->IsMonster()) { if (!entity->IsObserverMode()) entity->EncodeInsertPacket(this); } } else { if (!entity->IsObserverMode()) { entity->EncodeInsertPacket(this); } } } SetValidComboInterval(0); SetComboSequence(0); ComputePoints(); }
  3. I don't have sure of that. I just have your bug and this fixed that. Regards
  4. Open uicharacter.py After the imports add this: def unsigned32(n): return n & 0xFFFFFFFFL The Exp_Value and the RestExp_Value should look like this: Regards
  5. Hi guys, Im having a really annoying problem.. If anyone experiencing this problem please.. help. Here is a printscreen: P.S: I have armor, etc equiped but dont show equiped on inventar.. Regards..
  6. Check the exp of monster. if equal to zero then don't work. Regards.
  7. Official have that. I tested On 34083 i pay to BlackYuko to made that for me and i fixed.. I don't explore the source for fix that but if i fix i will share.
  8. What is the dds? Regards P.s: Dragon Soul System?
  9. This has been released a long time ago on epvp. Here is the link: [Hidden Content] Regards
  10. Here is the libmd.so.5 [Hidden Content] If you are using x64 put on /usr/lib32 Regards
  11. I can give what you need (professional way). Send me a pm
  12. First of all add this in fastcgi_params: fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info; Then just follow the option on php part:
  13. This is executable of balika01 published on epvp. I use that large months and i never had problems. [Hidden Content]
  14. What is the problem of mounts? More id's? Mounts back when you ride? Regards
  15. I know exactly your problem. I have that a long time ago. Here is your salvation: [Hidden Content] Regards
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