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About HuNterukh

  • Birthday 01/01/1901


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  1. Dualities - No One Like You (feat. Loé)
  2. The simplest way is to copy-paste an already existing biologist quest and just change values and maybe also texts.
  3. Personally I would not suggest you to move your data from .txt files to database tables. Keeping the data in a file like .txt or .csv or whatever allows you to integrate it in a versioning system like Git, which is a great advantage. If your simply don’t like the txt file parser written by Ymir, you can anytime convert to a different markup language like json or xml.
  4. Yes a public voice chat could be cool, but could also be spammy if too many players gather in a small area. In the past I was thinking about a voice chat inside the party, so the players can communicate better while doing a dungeon.
  5. Not really, you may use 3Ds Max to create the assets and Metin2 World Editor to create the terrain (texture, heights, environment etc) and then to place the assets onto it.
  6. Really nice work. Good job!
  7. Yas! http://store.steampowered.com/app/550900/Metin2/ Available from 8th of May. xD
  8. I think you need to upgrade your client python 2.2 to 2.7. See here [Hidden Content] . 0807 02:07:00410 :: __main__:2: RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception 0807 02:07:00411 :: introLogin.py(line:546) introLogin.LoginWindow.__LoadScript (introLogin.c:10229) ui.py(line:3008) ui.PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile (ui.c:71397) ui.py(line:3210) ui.PythonScriptLoader.LoadChildren (ui.c:74988) ui.py(line:3210) ui.PythonScriptLoader.LoadChildren (ui.c:74988) ui.py(line:3015) ui.PythonScriptLoader.LoadChildren (ui.c:71584) LoginWindow.__LoadScript.LoadObject - <type 'exceptions.OverflowError'>:Python int too large to convert to C long 0807 02:07:00412 :: ============================================================================================================ 0807 02:07:00412 :: Abort!!!! I'm getting those errors when i try to launch the client. It opens for 1 second and then close. EDIT: I solved the problem with Ken's method from here: Ty.
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