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Everything posted by .plechito'

  1. Hi everyone, I tihnk everybody know the Map names funciton, the map name image is show everytime you login on the map for a few seconds. I need something similar, but for quest. I'll set the image in quest, and it show for every plyers on the map - that's very important for me. I can accept alternative option - every map will have deafult image, but the setting via quest is better for me. Send me PM here on the forum I pay with paypal. Have a nice day
  2. I have fixed the problem already. Problem was in constant.h with delta table of drop. Thanks
  3. I dont want this, becasue with type limit you can drop it in the same % with level 1 or level 99.. Thats bad for me but thanks
  4. Hi devs, I have strange problem with drop. For example drop from orc boss... The boss has normal drop setting like this: Group orc_boss { Type drop mob 691 1 50070 1 400 } The chest should drop from level 1.... But i can't drop it when I'm +- 6 levels higher or lower...I really don't know where would be the problem, I have to fix it to normal settings.. Like player is 35 level and can drop it.. It's just an example.. Sorry for my bad english, thanks for answer. Have a nice day!
  5. You don't need to change anything in source. Just open msm file of the npc and change Radius.. I don't know, maybe 30-20 should be ok
  6. New boss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4Dxu0FU6GQ
  7. It's not a bug, you just miss some lines in msa files of attack
  8. New ice dungeon is availible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAFM1nihsOw
  9. I have my money back. I know what to do in this situatuion. But i just want other people know about him. With love Plechito
  10. YEah this and for me he used this skype:
  11. ymir work/npc/horse or horse2 ... In the npc.epk and eix
  12. I can write you the skype in PM, not here in the topic.
  13. Hi devs, Today i want to warn you about one person here on the forum. He want buy a lot of things. Yesterday he bought from me models for 200€. I gave him 100€ sale discount. He paid, i sent him the files, everything was ok. Today, he made refund of the money. So, don't sell anything to this person. Have a nice day
  14. New christmas update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvtTjQl5aP4
  15. Update: New map - Saphire Valley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9gI10QJrPw New mounts:
  16. Hi devs, i'm here after long time. I add new things on my web again. More things! Like new maps, bosses and so. I will daily updated this topic. A lot of things aren't on the web yet, i will add it soon. Newest stuff:
  17. Ok guys.. Christmas is around the corner, a lot of from you have to prepare christmas events for your servers.. Think of it as a christmas gift from me [Hidden Content]
  18. Do you have placed property? It seems like you haven't property or objects in right folder.
  19. Reupload: [Hidden Content]
  20. -EDIT- [Hidden Content] costum halloween 2015? hair? pet? mob ? Not out yet...
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