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Everything posted by .plechito'

  1. There are all new icons. The pet seals included New official icons.rar
  2. I think it's not in client yet. GF has everytime a lot of icons of stuff before the stuff are in the client.
  3. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi everyone! Halloween is coming and your players waiting for something special! You can use these barrells for "searching" pumpkins. I've made 2 barrells. One of them has pumpking inside, the other one is empty. Download: [Hidden Content]
  4. Hi everyone! Halloween is coming and your players waiting for something special! Make a special event with this new map! Cost of the map is 30€, cost of the full pack (map + monsters) 55€. The pack contains Map, new objects, textures, effects, property files, environment and textureset + 7x mobs and 1x boss. Everything you can see in the video.
  5. Then try to copy data from 24.msa of orc boss to your .msa file of the skill ... (On the server - locale/data/monster) I'm not sure if msa file of his skill is 24.msa, but probably yes:)
  6. And do you have this skill ids in mob_proto? Or have you folder with mob uploaded on your server? locale/data/monster..
  7. But why do you want make it so complicated? You can easy put .mse file (via .pre file ofc) with World edtior. I don't understand why do you want to use c++ for positing effect on the map. That doesn't make any sense.
  8. https://mega.nz/#!DhxDmQDI!BBfeDSbepsLSOf8AWKJLX6-QEyPdJNR0iWR0klOLkF8
  9. There is more animations action.rar
  10. Man, when you click on the "New" button and create new map, you have to load the map then Because you just make the map in ymir work folder by this way. So click to the "New" button -> Write map name and then click "OK" -> Now click to "Load" button, find the map you've made and load it... That's full magic
  11. I like it! Yeah a lot of people will now say that is another game and so.... 90% of mmo games are the same.. But i really like it and how someone of you said, first real update from 2012, when was the update of dark dracons...
  12. Alpha canal in your texture is too white, make it a little darker..
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