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metin2-factory last won the day on December 5 2017

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  1. I haven't been active on this forum since last year but i'v heard from a friend what has happened. I'm surprised metin2 is still alive to this day.. for the mmorpg's fan among us it has been obvious that mmorpg's is a dying genre. You barely see any new mmo's coming out and even those that do most of them are p2w crap. This actually could be the reason people still play old games such as WoW or metin2, because the lack of new mmorpgs. Anyway, now i'm sure this game will die for sure. the main reason it actually lived to this day is the innovation & creative thinking private servers has brought to keep this game alive. I'v even seen systems from popular new games such as battle royal, MOBA etc. these innovations is what keep players in this game because even tho the graphics are old, gameplay is medicore and animations are eh but the content is what really matters. And let's be honest here, what innovation did gameforge bring except of cash grab p2w systems? On the other hand, you can find plenty of extremely interesting innovative systems on these large pservers. Even on my own server(dead since 2 years) i have developed very unique dungeon competition timer ranking systems that no one until today have developed. Today it's the era of open source and sharing, companies who fail to adhere that will eventually die. why did microsoft published all of their recent products fully open source? microsoft was considered one of the biggest fan of closed source until few years ago. today, it doesn't catch. So, unless gameforge will publicly support pservers(or alternatively make this game open source) this game will for sure die. For those who relying their income on pserver, get a real job or open a real business. Peace
  2. Everything should work fine, if you understand a bit of c++ & python you will be able to implement it without issues what so ever.
  3. I Wouldn't recommend on using the client side one. the main reason is code duplication. if you forget to change in either client/server side you have a bug.
  4. The real reason is because there isn't any management in this forum ,either that or a really bad one because even tho i come here every few days i see nothing has changed. i said it last year already that the forum is dying, i guess the management is too lazy to find new moderators
  5. 2-step auth is a great idea as well, but entering a 2nd password with every entrance can hurt the user experience so i'm not sure about that(i'm not a UX expert xD). blocking ip + hwid is too much(why the rest of the family has to suffer if one is being a jackass?). blocking hwid can be bypassed aswell if i'm not mistaken? i know that mac address can be spoofed for sure. i'd go with the unique salt per account, or, make a very intuitive and user friendly 2-step auth system. GL
  6. [Hidden Content] Reading/googling before commenting can do wonders mate Basically, having a hash generator in client & server side with symmetric encryption methods can significantly minimize the chance of successful bruteforce. For example, in client you'll have the salt encrypt method, it will convert the login data into a one way hash. and server will check if the hashed data equivalent to the database data. server side check, example: if (clientLoginHashedData is not equal encrypt(databaseLoginData) { return false; } If you're interested i can code for you such a system(not free). Good luck.
  7. yep.. i used to contribute here quite often but i'v stopped since few months. since i saw the amount of people leeching and not sharing anything with others i have decided to stop. also few people just keep criticizing others work without even understanding how it works just cause they were bored. Right now im working full time as developer(c#) in finance company but i still develop games as hobby and im working on a generic game management system(metin2 included) that ill be selling in a month or two to public. metin2 is no longer alive as it used to be and that's a fact. one of the biggest reasons for metin2dev to die is because of lack of management(in my opinion).
  8. Hey, I'v been working on a very complex and impressive game & admin management with tons of features(written in c#). I'll be offering it for sale once it's complete(matter of few months). If you can wait until then, you probably won't regret it Regards,
  9. The best tutorial you will find is by exploring the metin2 client source code yourself. My advice would be start from the main function in userinterface.cpp then dive in and see where it leads you. metin2 UI is coded in python that is embedded in c++. so on run time the python code is being converted into c++. so your best bet is to either be strong in c++ or python(preferably both). You can code the client directly in c++ without python although that'd be harder for beginners since python is way easier than c++ for beginners. nodeJS is a server side language, won't help you here.
  10. @Syerldar I totally agree with you regarding the importance of code being readable, maintainable and etc. Yet, i do feel an urge to be a little pedant on such performance issues. because personally when developing systems you should always taking scalability factor into account. Right now it indeed has no impact but what if you had to iterate over 1000 or 1.000.000 or even 100.000.000 objects? metin2 is a real time action game and you always should aim for players to have the best performance possible. This case ofcours isn't included because we're iterating over a list of party members but i wrote it just as an example of why it is important to know how stuff works under the hood. and @Yiv i agree with what you said but again in my opinion using prefix incerement would always be preferable over postfix. because you always should expect for the worse. If you're using an old/crappy compiler it is not certain it will do the required optimizations. and, the best case scenerio for postfix incrementor would be to even out with prefix performance. There is a reason why the developers used prefix incerement for iterators and were very persistent and consistent about it in their entire code base.
  11. @ProfDrBielefeld We're talking here about iterators increment not integers. for iterators, ++it will always have a better performance than it++. Here's a good read: [Hidden Content]
  12. @Distraught the reason it ran faster is most likely due to this part of his code: if (GetNearMemberCount() <= iCount) { for (; it != m_memberMap.end(); it++) { if (it->second.pCharacter && it->second.pCharacter->CountSpecifyItem(itemVnum)) it->second.pCharacter->RemoveSpecifyItem(itemVnum); } return true; } he didn't assign a starting object to iterate over in this part of the code. and therefore it doesn't execute the loop part of the code. and as consequence you get supposedly a better performance. this for loop condition will always fail.. take a look.
  13. yeah you're just another child with bad attitude, i can see it by how you reply.. good night.
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