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KoYGeR last won the day on April 29 2020

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  1. Nope. In world editor you can check how it looks on your character or attach effects to mobs.
  2. Save for what? If you want to attach this effect to the weapon in game or something else you have to do it in a different way - by playersettingmodule.py or in binary source.
  3. Right panel -> Attaching Bone Change to 'right hand' or smth.
  4. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi, I made simple image slider. Download: Here Author: @KoYGeR (Back to the past)
  5. char_affect.cpp (bool CHARACTER::RemoveAffect(CAffect * pkAff)) replace: if (AFFECT_REVIVE_INVISIBLE != pkAff->dwType) { ComputePoints(); } with: if (AFFECT_REVIVE_INVISIBLE != pkAff->dwType) { ComputePoints(); } else { UpdatePacket(); }
  6. Replace def __FindWhisperButton To: def FindWhisperButton
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Someone asked me for cache chat messages. Here is the release constInfo.py Add: lastSentenceStack = [] lastSentencePos = 0 game.py In def Open(self): add: if len(constInfo.lastSentenceStack) > 0: constInfo.lastSentencePos = 0 uiChat.py remove: self.lastSentenceStack = [] self.lastSentencePos = 0 All: self.lastSentenceStack Replace with: constInfo.lastSentenceStack All: self.lastSentencePos Replace with: constInfo.lastSentencePos That's all, enjoy
  8. Topic updated - removed bug with double messages.
  9. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi. This small release save our sent and received private messages till we change the character. If you close by mistake PM with somebody and after you'll open the converastion with that player the old messages will be loaded from dictionary. All changes are in root. Let's begin. constInfo.py Add: WHISPER_MESSAGES = {} game.py Replace these methods: def OnRecvWhisper(self, mode, name, line): if mode == chat.WHISPER_TYPE_GM: self.interface.RegisterGameMasterName(name) line.replace(" : ", ": ") if not self.interface.FindWhisperButton(name) and constInfo.WHISPER_MESSAGES.has_key(name) and not self.interface.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name): self.interface.RecvWhisper(mode, name, line, True) else: self.interface.RecvWhisper(mode, name, line, False) if not constInfo.WHISPER_MESSAGES.has_key(name): constInfo.WHISPER_MESSAGES.update({name : [(mode, line)]}) else: constInfo.WHISPER_MESSAGES[name].append((mode, line)) chat.AppendWhisper(mode, name, line) def OnRecvWhisperSystemMessage(self, mode, name, line): chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_SYSTEM, name, line) self.interface.RecvWhisper(mode, name, line, False) def OnRecvWhisperError(self, mode, name, line): if localeInfo.WHISPER_ERROR.has_key(mode): chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_SYSTEM, name, localeInfo.WHISPER_ERROR[mode](name)) else: chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_SYSTEM, name, "Whisper Unknown Error(mode=%d, name=%s)" % (mode, name)) self.interface.RecvWhisper(mode, name, line, False) interfaceModule.py Replace this method: def RecvWhisper(self, mode, name, line, loadMsg): if loadMsg: for text in constInfo.WHISPER_MESSAGES[name]: chat.AppendWhisper(text[0], name, text[1]) if not self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name): btn = self.FindWhisperButton(name) if 0 == btn: btn = self.__MakeWhisperButton(name) btn.Flash() chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, localeInfo.RECEIVE_MESSAGE % (name)) else: btn.Flash() elif self.IsGameMasterName(name): dlg = self.whisperDialogDict[name] dlg.SetGameMasterLook() introSelect.py In def Open(self): add: WHISPER_MESSAGES = {} uiWhisper.py Add: import constInfo Replace this method: def OpenWithTarget(self, targetName="", loadMessages=False): chat.CreateWhisper(targetName) chat.SetWhisperBoxSize(targetName, self.GetWidth() - 60, self.GetHeight() - 90) self.chatLine.SetFocus() self.titleName.SetText(targetName) self.targetName = targetName self.textRenderer.SetTargetName(targetName) self.titleNameEdit.Hide() self.ignoreButton.Hide() if app.IsDevStage(): self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Show() else: self.reportViolentWhisperButton.Hide() self.acceptButton.Hide() self.gamemasterMark.Hide() self.minimizeButton.Show() if loadMessages: if constInfo.WHISPER_MESSAGES.has_key(targetName): for text in constInfo.WHISPER_MESSAGES[targetName]: chat.AppendWhisper(text[0], targetName, text[1]) in def AcceptTarget(self): at botton add: if constInfo.WHISPER_MESSAGES.has_key(name): for text in constInfo.WHISPER_MESSAGES[name]: chat.AppendWhisper(text[0], name, text[1]) And replace this method: def SendWhisper(self): text = self.chatLine.GetText() textLength = len(text) if textLength > 0: if net.IsInsultIn(text): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.CHAT_INSULT_STRING) return net.SendWhisperPacket(self.targetName, text) self.chatLine.SetText("") if not constInfo.WHISPER_MESSAGES.has_key(self.targetName): constInfo.WHISPER_MESSAGES.update({self.targetName : [(1, ("{}: {}".format(player.GetName(), text)))]}) else: constInfo.WHISPER_MESSAGES[self.targetName].append([1, "{}: {}".format(player.GetName(), text)]) chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_CHAT, self.targetName, player.GetName() + ": " + text) That's all If you will find any bugs just give me some feedback.
  10. Hi community after run db item_proto table is crashed like: [Hidden Content] and db error_log looks like: [Hidden Content] can anyone help me?
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