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kodepiko last won the day on September 27 2015

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  1. Just edit the wear part of weapon costume at clientside source when the model is set and add there shining part from normal weapons/armors
  2. why you don't ask @VegaS (author) for help if you buy this system from him? if this is stolen then good luck
  3. you can't use any skill of characters or what? describe it or make video ilustrating this problem
  4. What I remember when leader isn't same map as party members they don't receive bonuses.. so when leader logout they of course loss profits... it's correct.
  5. Check socket0 of this items in player.item database, if there's stone vnum instead of sword vnum (like on gif) you have mismatch packets or something broken with src code you recently change.
  6. Create group of items in special_item_group with item vnums like exp rings group and other buff items, so it wasn't be possible to wear same vnums at the same time
  7. Try to save server_attr in worldeditor and upload serverside to your map folder - I don't remember does ATTR is also checked at serverside PS. it's important to have this also clientside so pack your map when you finish editing attr in worldeditor (try water and maybe attr type 3?).
  8. Here is quest: [Hidden Content] I don't know your mob vnum so you need to replace MOB_VNUM and MAP_INDEX with index of map you are warping to.. I asked for local coordinates, not global... I told you local are for ex. 568, 115 (exactly x, y of your character on minimap) - so you need to change them
  9. still looking for idea or maybe someone can do some debugs what is inflicted in that move
  10. I can do this for you but at first you need to give me INDEX of this map, and LOCAL coordinates (for ex. 200, 68 of every corner / bottom) and mob vnum
  11. maybe you have CMD file at share folder so inside this you can block commands (or set privileges) - or maybe they are disabled inside source code, check cmd.cpp
  12. Yes you need to edit clientside src UserInterface/Packet.h SHOP_HOST_ITEM_MAX_NUM = 40
  13. make sure you change GRID clientside and serverside, you change only python part?
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