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Everything posted by Lufbert

  1. Xd So can you describe what we must do to shutdown the channel with that bug?
  2. So, why i have that error: 0729 17:41:07990 :: LZObject: not a valid data 0729 17:41:07990 :: LoadLocaleData - LoadItemProto(locale/pl/item_proto) Error 0729 17:41:08533 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR 0729 17:41:09843 :: CPythonBackground::GetFarClip m_eViewDistanceNum=0
  3. Thanks Sanchez. When I change LZO in binary, i must change it for item_proto and mob_proto?
  4. What LZO is in that tool?
  5. Because you have a error in query. You must replace this: '"..pc.get_account_id()"' To this: '"..pc.get_account_id().."'
  6. You must change something in binary too. Game - taken damage Binary - effect hit sword on mount Bad english, i know xd
  7. I think you don't have npc.get_level function in your game
  8. Hello guys. Can somebody give me a C++ code for get petX and petY? Something like ch->GetX but with pet. Thanks Sorry for my English
  9. Imer which version of yaml-cpp you use? [Hidden Content] Im using 0.3.0 and I have that error while try to compile your lib error: 'LoadFile' is not a member of 'YAML' YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile("config.yaml");
  10. How I can solv it? cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=c++11" Full error: I think it's error because i have the old version of gcc (4.2.1) Which version i must install to compile that lib? Sorry for bad english :/
  11. I want to known which file i must edit to increase the max yang. Thanks
  12. Which version of yaml-cpp i must use? I type cd /usr/ports/devel/yaml-cpp and make install clean. But i have error when i try to compile the lib:
  13. Very very nice. Good work. But how to compile it?
  14. I increase max yang in config, but can anybody explain me what i must change in my binary, please?
  15. chat("|ccff00200|Hitem:0:0:0:0:0|h Red Text")
  16. /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient When i try to compile mainline db. Any fix?
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