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Everything posted by marvin

  1. if someone need i found on some romanian (or else) source site where you can update files to patcher. i made few edits for better look how it looks: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] dl: [Hidden Content]
  2. Themes from mt2 cms are compatible with it?
  3. When my sex is warrior m i see nothing. what can be wrong? few moments ago i don't see any class but with this fix i don't see only warrior m fixed
  4. Hey, when i try launch serverfiles on windows got this error on db CInputDB::Boot: ITEM ID RANGE size error
  5. But.. why? original code is made by me
  6. Before: After: Version with Tabs: PasteBin or M2Bin uitooltip.py Find def AppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = True): Delete or comment this if not self.CanEquip() and self.bCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor: color = self.DISABLE_COLOR Find def __SetNormalItemTitle(self): Before add def __CheckAntiFlag(self): race = player.GetRace() job = chr.RaceToJob(race) if item.IsAntiFlag(self.ANTI_FLAG_DICT[job]): return True else: return False def __CheckSex(self): sex = chr.RaceToSex(player.GetRace()) MALE = 1 FEMALE = 0 if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_MALE) and sex == MALE: return True if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_FEMALE) and sex == MALE: return False Find and replace def __SetNormalItemTitle(self): and def __SetSpecialItemTitle(self): with def __SetNormalItemTitle(self): if self.__CheckAntiFlag() == True: self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), self.DISABLE_COLOR) else: if self.__CheckSex() == True: self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), self.DISABLE_COLOR) else: self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), self.TITLE_COLOR) def __SetSpecialItemTitle(self): if self.__CheckAntiFlag() == True: self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), self.DISABLE_COLOR) else: if self.__CheckSex() == True: self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), self.DISABLE_COLOR) else: self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), self.SPECIAL_TITLE_COLOR) Find and replace def AppendWearableInformation(self): with def AppendWearableInformation(self): self.AppendSpace(5) if self.__CheckAntiFlag() == True: self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB, self.DISABLE_COLOR) else: self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB, self.NORMAL_COLOR) flagList = ( not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_WARRIOR), not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_ASSASSIN), not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SURA), not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SHAMAN)) characterNames = "" for i in xrange(self.CHARACTER_COUNT): name = self.CHARACTER_NAMES[i] flag = flagList[i] if flag: characterNames += " " characterNames += name if self.__CheckAntiFlag() == True: textLine = self.AppendTextLine(characterNames, self.DISABLE_COLOR, True) else: textLine = self.AppendTextLine(characterNames, self.NORMAL_COLOR, True) textLine.SetFeather() race = player.GetRace() sex = chr.RaceToSex(race) MALE = 1 FEMALE = 0 if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_MALE): if sex == MALE: textLine = self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.FOR_FEMALE, self.DISABLE_COLOR, True) textLine.SetFeather() else: textLine = self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.FOR_FEMALE, self.NORMAL_COLOR, True) textLine.SetFeather() if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_FEMALE): if sex == FEMALE: textLine = self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.FOR_MALE, self.DISABLE_COLOR, True) textLine.SetFeather() else: textLine = self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.FOR_MALE, self.NORMAL_COLOR, True) textLine.SetFeather() With help of chatgpt i made better version: [Hidden Content]
  7. I'm cheking ctrl +q and nothing. Function in game.py
  8. Quests are not visible on the left side :v I don't editing quest window etc. (I know, my english.. XD)
  9. Hi, i'm searching Channel Switcher :v Anybody have ?
  10. Where are include and lib in mainline_sg ?
  11. Can you create translating from other languages to Polish?
  12. Other players cant connect with server when they can't got Sura Kopf.. I'm not sure if I understood you well. My english
  13. Who today making hamachi servers? You can buy cheap vps for five dollars / euros per month... I NO WORKING ON HAMACHI OFC WORKIN ON LOCALHOST ASK IT BEFORE SAY NO ANYMORE GAIN MONEY FROM VPS If server are in your computer, you can connect with your server without "SuraKopf"
  14. Sorry xd i remove it because it crating bug with sidebar. Anyway if you would have belt, go to uiscript, open bltinvntorywindow and change "xymir" to "ymir"
  15. But my client are faster My friend checking it Sorry for multi post
  16. Hi, i wanna give you my Metin2 Client. Specification: "SideBar" in Inventory. Bonus Window by Sanki - Original Topic Change equipment window. BonusSwitcher by Mijago v2.2 Client are repacked, they have all updates to Wolfman (without Wolfman) Weight of unpacked client ~965 mb. Weight of client in archive ~790mb. Client are in polish language, maybe layter i create english language for this Download: [Hidden Content] mini update: [Hidden Content] Sorry for my bad english
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