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  1. it->second is the value the object associated with the key in the map, meaning the object containing the buff. GiveAllAttributes() is a method called on that object likely an active buff that applies all attributes (stats or effects) to a character or entity. Thus, the function ensures that all buffs in m_map_buff_on_attrs apply their attributes to the associated character or entity.
  2. I posted this just to help others, yes, it's from Marty Fix, but I don't think we need to be so mean and mock it. If it doesn't help you at all, I ask for this post to be deleted, and that's all. I posted this because I couldn't find a solution on the internet, and not all of us are PROs in C++. I was hoping it would help others as well.
  3. Nothing will happen, it's from the Ymir source, so it won't cause any issues because most likely a pointer this . This is the default function.
  4. It doesn’t matter where the fix comes from, as long as it works and solves the problem. Not everyone is a "PRO" dev, and that's perfectly fine. What matters is that you found a solution, even if it wasn’t online but in the source code. Everyone has their own learning path, and it’s normal not to find every answer on the internet. The important thing is that you adapted and figured it out. You don’t have to be a pro to make progress or solve problems—every achievement counts.
  5. Hello, 2-3 days ago I encountered a small bug, and it took me a while to figure out what the problem was. Q: What does this bug consist of? When you mount/unmount with an active affect, it decreases your HP/MP." Like : [Hidden Content] Let's fix it. Open char.cpp and search : void CHARACTER::ComputePoints() then search on that functions : SetMaxStamina(iMaxStamina); add under like : SetMaxStamina(iMaxStamina); int iCurHP = this->GetHP(); int iCurSP = this->GetSP(); then on that function too search : CPetSystem* pPetSystem = GetPetSystem(); if (NULL != pPetSystem) / u will have like this ComputeSkillPoints(); RefreshAffect(); CPetSystem* pPetSystem = GetPetSystem(); if (NULL != pPetSystem) { pPetSystem->RefreshBuff(); } for (TMapBuffOnAttrs::iterator it = m_map_buff_on_attrs.begin(); it != m_map_buff_on_attrs.end(); it++) { it->second->GiveAllAttributes(); } UpdatePacket(); } just make it like this ComputeSkillPoints(); RefreshAffect(); if (IsPC()) { CPetSystem * pPetSystem = GetPetSystem(); if (pPetSystem) pPetSystem->RefreshBuff(); // @Fixed Hp/Mp mount/unmount if (this->GetHP() != iCurHP) this->PointChange(POINT_HP, iCurHP-this->GetHP()); if (this->GetSP() != iCurSP) this->PointChange(POINT_SP, iCurSP-this->GetSP()); } UpdatePacket(); } like u copy just this if (IsPC()) { CPetSystem * pPetSystem = GetPetSystem(); if (pPetSystem) pPetSystem->RefreshBuff(); // @Fixed Hp/Mp mount/unmount if (this->GetHP() != iCurHP) this->PointChange(POINT_HP, iCurHP-this->GetHP()); if (this->GetSP() != iCurSP) this->PointChange(POINT_SP, iCurSP-this->GetSP()); } UpdatePacket(); } I know that it mentions the pet system there, but this solution resolved the mount/unmount HP/MP decrease issue AFTER: [Hidden Content]
  6. Hello , how can i fix this little bug ? [Hidden Content]
  7. This error typically happens when you're trying to access an index in a list that doesn't exist. Add a check before accessing the index to make sure it's within the valid range. exemple if index < len(channel_list):
  8. Why can t open 4 CH ? the ch 1 work fine but the rest didn t work.
  9. #0 0x00595b0a in CPetSystem::DeletePet (this=0x33130740, petActor=0x4f60f9ec) at PetSystem.cpp:643 643 } i got this here it's all function void CPetSystem::DeletePet(CPetActor* petActor) { for (TPetActorMap::iterator iter = m_petActorMap.begin(); iter != m_petActorMap.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second == petActor) { delete petActor; m_petActorMap.erase(iter); return; } } sys_err("[CPetSystem::DeletePet] Can't find petActor(0x%x) on my list(size: %d) ", petActor, m_petActorMap.size()); } --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--bt full #0 0x005955af in CPetActor::BringItem (this=0x22123480) at PetSystem.cpp:395 395 if (!m_pkOwner || !m_pkChar || !item || !item->GetSectree()) [Current thread is 1 (LWP 100095)]
  10. Here, i think the he Value 0x4008002 of Item is corupted of invalid: (gdb) print m_pkOwner $1 = (LPCHARACTER) 0x39220000 (gdb) print m_pkChar $2 = (LPCHARACTER) 0x39223000 (gdb) print item $3 = (LPITEM) 0x4008002 (gdb) print item->GetSectree() Cannot evaluate function -- may be inlined Here it s Pet System.cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include "utils.h" #include "vector.h" #include "char.h" #include "sectree_manager.h" #include "char_manager.h" #include "mob_manager.h" #include "PetSystem.h" #include "../../common/VnumHelper.h" #include "packet.h" #include "item_manager.h" #include "item.h" extern int passes_per_sec; EVENTINFO(petsystem_event_info) { CPetSystem* pPetSystem; }; // PetSystemŔ» update ÇŘÁÖ´Â event. // PetSystemŔş CHRACTER_MANAGERżˇĽ­ ±âÁ¸ FSMŔ¸·Î update ÇŘÁÖ´Â ±âÁ¸ chractersżÍ ´Ţ¸®, // OwnerŔÇ STATE¸¦ update ÇŇ ¶§ _UpdateFollowAI ÇÔĽö·Î update ÇŘÁŘ´Ů. // ±×·±µĄ ownerŔÇ state¸¦ update¸¦ CHRACTER_MANAGERżˇĽ­ ÇŘÁֱ⠶§ą®żˇ, // petsystemŔ» updateÇĎ´Ů°ˇ petŔ» unsummonÇĎ´Â şÎşĐżˇĽ­ ą®Á¦°ˇ »ý°ĺ´Ů. // (CHRACTER_MANAGERżˇĽ­ update Çϸé chracter destroy°ˇ pendingµÇľî, CPetSystemżˇĽ­´Â dangling Ć÷ŔÎĹ͸¦ °ˇÁö°í ŔÖ°Ô µČ´Ů.) // µű¶óĽ­ PetSystem¸¸ ľ÷µĄŔĚĆ® ÇŘÁÖ´Â event¸¦ ąß»ý˝ĂĹ´. EVENTFUNC(petsystem_update_event) { petsystem_event_info* info = dynamic_cast<petsystem_event_info*>( event->info ); if ( info == NULL ) { sys_err( "check_speedhack_event> <Factor> Null pointer" ); return 0; } CPetSystem* pPetSystem = info->pPetSystem; if (NULL == pPetSystem) return 0; pPetSystem->Update(0); // 0.25Ăʸ¶´Ů °»˝Ĺ. return PASSES_PER_SEC(1) / 4; } /// NOTE: 1Äł¸ŻĹÍ°ˇ ¸î°łŔÇ ĆęŔ» °ˇÁú Ľö ŔÖ´ÂÁö Á¦ÇŃ... Äł¸ŻĹ͸¶´Ů °łĽö¸¦ ´Ů¸Ł°Ô ÇҰŶó¸é şŻĽö·Î łÖµî°ˇ... Ŕ˝.. /// °ˇÁú Ľö ŔÖ´Â °łĽöżÍ µż˝Ăżˇ ĽŇČŻÇŇ Ľö ŔÖ´Â °łĽö°ˇ Ʋ¸± Ľö ŔִµĄ ŔĚ·±°Ç ±âČą ľřŔ¸´Ď ŔĎ´Ü ą«˝Ă const float PET_COUNT_LIMIT = 3; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CPetActor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CPetActor::CPetActor(LPCHARACTER owner, DWORD vnum, DWORD options) { m_dwVnum = vnum; m_dwVID = 0; m_dwOptions = options; m_dwLastActionTime = 0; m_pkChar = 0; m_pkOwner = owner; m_originalMoveSpeed = 0; m_dwSummonItemVID = 0; m_dwSummonItemVnum = 0; } CPetActor::~CPetActor() { this->Unsummon(); m_pkOwner = 0; } void CPetActor::SetName(const char* name) { std::string petName = m_pkOwner->GetName(); if (0 != m_pkOwner && 0 == name && 0 != m_pkOwner->GetName()) { petName += "'s Pet"; } else petName += name; if (true == IsSummoned()) m_pkChar->SetName(petName); m_name = petName; } bool CPetActor::Mount() { if (0 == m_pkOwner) return false; if (true == HasOption(EPetOption_Mountable)) m_pkOwner->MountVnum(m_dwVnum); return m_pkOwner->GetMountVnum() == m_dwVnum;; } void CPetActor::Unmount() { if (0 == m_pkOwner) return; if (m_pkOwner->IsHorseRiding()) m_pkOwner->StopRiding(); } void CPetActor::Unsummon() { if (true == this->IsSummoned()) { // ąöÇÁ »čÁ¦ this->ClearBuff(); this->SetSummonItem(NULL); #ifdef __PET_PICKUP this->SetPickupItem(NULL); this->SetPickup(false); #endif if (NULL != m_pkOwner) m_pkOwner->ComputePoints(); if (NULL != m_pkChar) M2_DESTROY_CHARACTER(m_pkChar); m_pkChar = 0; m_dwVID = 0; } } DWORD CPetActor::Summon(const char* petName, LPITEM pSummonItem, bool bSpawnFar) { long x = m_pkOwner->GetX(); long y = m_pkOwner->GetY(); long z = m_pkOwner->GetZ(); if (true == bSpawnFar) { x += (number(0, 1) * 2 - 1) * number(2000, 2500); y += (number(0, 1) * 2 - 1) * number(2000, 2500); } else { x += number(-100, 100); y += number(-100, 100); } if (0 != m_pkChar) { m_pkChar->Show (m_pkOwner->GetMapIndex(), x, y); m_dwVID = m_pkChar->GetVID(); return m_dwVID; } m_pkChar = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().SpawnMob( m_dwVnum, m_pkOwner->GetMapIndex(), x, y, z, false, (int)(m_pkOwner->GetRotation()+180), false); if (0 == m_pkChar) { sys_err("[CPetSystem::Summon] Failed to summon the pet. (vnum: %d)", m_dwVnum); return 0; } m_pkChar->SetPet(); // m_pkOwner->DetailLog(); // m_pkChar->DetailLog(); //ĆęŔÇ ±ą°ˇ¸¦ ÁÖŔÎŔÇ ±ą°ˇ·Î ĽłÁ¤ÇÔ. m_pkChar->SetEmpire(m_pkOwner->GetEmpire()); m_dwVID = m_pkChar->GetVID(); this->SetName(petName); // SetSummonItem(pSummonItem)¸¦ şÎ¸Ą ČÄżˇ ComputePoints¸¦ şÎ¸Ł¸é ąöÇÁ ŔűżëµĘ. this->SetSummonItem(pSummonItem); m_pkOwner->ComputePoints(); m_pkChar->Show(m_pkOwner->GetMapIndex(), x, y, z); return m_dwVID; } bool CPetActor::_UpdatAloneActionAI(float fMinDist, float fMaxDist) { float fDist = number(fMinDist, fMaxDist); float r = (float)number (0, 359); float dest_x = GetOwner()->GetX() + fDist * cos(r); float dest_y = GetOwner()->GetY() + fDist * sin(r); //m_pkChar->SetRotation(number(0, 359)); // ąćÇâŔş ·Ł´ýŔ¸·Î ĽłÁ¤ //GetDeltaByDegree(m_pkChar->GetRotation(), fDist, &fx, &fy); // ´Ŕ˝ĽÇŃ ¸ř°¨ ĽÓĽş ĂĽĹ©; ĂÖÁľ Ŕ§ÄˇżÍ Áß°Ł Ŕ§Äˇ°ˇ °ĄĽöľř´Ů¸é °ˇÁö ľĘ´Â´Ů. //if (!(SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().IsMovablePosition(m_pkChar->GetMapIndex(), m_pkChar->GetX() + (int) fx, m_pkChar->GetY() + (int) fy) // && SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().IsMovablePosition(m_pkChar->GetMapIndex(), m_pkChar->GetX() + (int) fx/2, m_pkChar->GetY() + (int) fy/2))) // return true; m_pkChar->SetNowWalking(true); //if (m_pkChar->Goto(m_pkChar->GetX() + (int) fx, m_pkChar->GetY() + (int) fy)) // m_pkChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_WAIT, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (!m_pkChar->IsStateMove() && m_pkChar->Goto(dest_x, dest_y)) m_pkChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_WAIT, 0, 0, 0, 0); m_dwLastActionTime = get_dword_time(); return true; } // char_state.cpp StateHorseÇÔĽö ±×łÉ C&P -_-; bool CPetActor::_UpdateFollowAI() { if (0 == m_pkChar->m_pkMobData) { //sys_err("[CPetActor::_UpdateFollowAI] m_pkChar->m_pkMobData is NULL"); return false; } // NOTE: Äł¸ŻĹÍ(Ćę)ŔÇ żř·ˇ Ŕ̵ż ĽÓµµ¸¦ ľËľĆľß ÇϴµĄ, ÇŘ´ç °Ş(m_pkChar->m_pkMobData->m_table.sMovingSpeed)Ŕ» Á÷Á˘ŔűŔ¸·Î Á˘±ŮÇŘĽ­ ľËľĆłľ Ľöµµ ŔÖÁö¸¸ // m_pkChar->m_pkMobData °ŞŔĚ invalidÇŃ °ćżě°ˇ ŔÚÁÖ ąß»ýÇÔ. ÇöŔç ˝Ă°Ł°ü°č»ó żřŔÎŔş ´ŮŔ˝żˇ ĆÄľÇÇĎ°í ŔĎ´ÜŔş m_pkChar->m_pkMobData °ŞŔ» ľĆżą »çżëÇĎÁö ľĘµµ·Ď ÇÔ. // ż©±âĽ­ ¸Ĺąř °Ë»çÇĎ´Â ŔĚŔŻ´Â ĂÖĂĘ ĂʱâČ­ ÇŇ ¶§ Á¤»ó °ŞŔ» Á¦´ë·Î ¸řľňľîżŔ´Â °ćżěµµ ŔÖŔ˝.. -_-;; ¤Đ¤Đ¤Đ¤Đ¤Đ¤Đ¤Đ¤Đ¤Đ if (0 == m_originalMoveSpeed) { const CMob* mobData = CMobManager::Instance().Get(m_dwVnum); if (0 != mobData) m_originalMoveSpeed = mobData->m_table.sMovingSpeed; } float START_FOLLOW_DISTANCE = 300.0f; // ŔĚ °Ĺ¸® ŔĚ»ó ¶łľîÁö¸é ÂѾưˇ±â ˝ĂŔŰÇÔ float START_RUN_DISTANCE = 900.0f; // ŔĚ °Ĺ¸® ŔĚ»ó ¶łľîÁö¸é ¶ŮľîĽ­ ÂѾư¨. float RESPAWN_DISTANCE = 4500.f; // ŔĚ °Ĺ¸® ŔĚ»ó ¸ÖľîÁö¸é ÁÖŔÎ ż·Ŕ¸·Î ĽŇČŻÇÔ. int APPROACH = 200; // Á˘±Ů °Ĺ¸® bool bDoMoveAlone = true; // Äł¸ŻĹÍżÍ °ˇ±îŔĚ ŔÖŔ» ¶§ ČĄŔÚ ż©±âŔú±â żňÁ÷ŔĎ°ÇÁö ż©şÎ -_-; bool bRun = false; // ¶Ůľîľß ÇĎłŞ? DWORD currentTime = get_dword_time(); long ownerX = m_pkOwner->GetX(); long ownerY = m_pkOwner->GetY(); long charX = m_pkChar->GetX(); long charY = m_pkChar->GetY(); float fDist = DISTANCE_APPROX(charX - ownerX, charY - ownerY); if (fDist >= RESPAWN_DISTANCE) { float fOwnerRot = m_pkOwner->GetRotation() * 3.141592f / 180.f; float fx = -APPROACH * cos(fOwnerRot); float fy = -APPROACH * sin(fOwnerRot); if (m_pkChar->Show(m_pkOwner->GetMapIndex(), ownerX + fx, ownerY + fy)) { return true; } } if (fDist >= START_FOLLOW_DISTANCE) { if( fDist >= START_RUN_DISTANCE) { bRun = true; } m_pkChar->SetNowWalking(!bRun); // NOTE: ÇÔĽö Ŕ̸§ş¸°í ¸ŘĂߴ°ÇÁŮ ľËľŇ´ÂµĄ SetNowWalking(false) ÇĎ¸é ¶Ů´Â°ĹŔÓ.. -_-; Follow(APPROACH); m_pkChar->SetLastAttacked(currentTime); m_dwLastActionTime = currentTime; } //else //{ // if (fabs(m_pkChar->GetRotation() - GetDegreeFromPositionXY(charX, charY, ownerX, ownerX)) > 10.f || fabs(m_pkChar->GetRotation() - GetDegreeFromPositionXY(charX, charY, ownerX, ownerX)) < 350.f) // { // m_pkChar->Follow(m_pkOwner, APPROACH); // m_pkChar->SetLastAttacked(currentTime); // m_dwLastActionTime = currentTime; // } //} // Follow ÁßŔĚÁö¸¸ ÁÖŔΰú ŔĎÁ¤ °Ĺ¸® ŔĚł»·Î °ˇ±îżöÁł´Ů¸é ¸ŘĂă else m_pkChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_WAIT, 0, 0, 0, 0); //else if (currentTime - m_dwLastActionTime > number(5000, 12000)) //{ // this->_UpdatAloneActionAI(START_FOLLOW_DISTANCE / 2, START_FOLLOW_DISTANCE); //} return true; } bool CPetActor::Update(DWORD deltaTime) { bool bResult = true; // Ćę ÁÖŔÎŔĚ Á׾ú°ĹłŞ, ĽŇČŻµČ ĆęŔÇ »óĹ°ˇ ŔĚ»óÇϴٸé ĆęŔ» ľřľÚ. (NOTE: °ˇ˛ű°ˇ´Ů ŔĚ·± Ŕú·± ŔĚŔŻ·Î ĽŇČŻµČ ĆęŔĚ DEAD »óĹÂżˇ şüÁö´Â °ćżě°ˇ ŔÖŔ˝-_-;) // ĆęŔ» ĽŇČŻÇŃ ľĆŔĚĹŰŔĚ ľř°ĹłŞ, ł»°ˇ °ˇÁř »óĹ°ˇ ľĆ´Ď¶ó¸é ĆęŔ» ľřľÚ. if (m_pkOwner->IsDead() || (IsSummoned() && m_pkChar->IsDead()) || NULL == ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID()) || ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())->GetOwner() != this->GetOwner() ) { this->Unsummon(); return true; } #ifdef __PET_PICKUP if (this->IsSummoned()){ this->BringItem(); this->PickUpItems(900); // 900 = RANGE } #endif if (this->IsSummoned() && HasOption(EPetOption_Followable)) bResult = bResult && this->_UpdateFollowAI(); return bResult; } #ifdef __PET_PICKUP // Structura pentru func?ia de preluare a itemelor de către pet struct PetPickUpItemStruct { CPetActor* pet; int range; PetPickUpItemStruct(CPetActor* p, int r) : pet(p), range(r) {} void operator()(LPENTITY pEnt) { if (!pet->GetOwner() || !pet->GetCharacter()) return; if (pet->IsPickup()) return; if (pEnt->IsType(ENTITY_ITEM)) { LPITEM item = dynamic_cast<LPITEM>(pEnt); if (!item) return; LPCHARACTER player = pet->GetOwner(); if (!item->GetSectree() || !item->IsOwnership(player)) return; int iDist = DISTANCE_APPROX(item->GetX() - player->GetX(), item->GetY() - player->GetY()); if (iDist > range) return; pet->SetPickup(true); pet->SetPickupItem(item); } } }; // Func?ie pentru a căuta ?i a ridica iteme în raza specificată de către pet void CPetActor::PickUpItems(int range) { if (IsPickup()) return; long map = m_pkChar->GetMapIndex(); PIXEL_POSITION m = m_pkChar->GetXYZ(); LPSECTREE tree = SECTREE_MANAGER::instance().Get(map, m.x, m.y); if (!tree) { sys_err("Cannot find sectree at %dx%d", m.x, m.y); return; } PetPickUpItemStruct f(this, range); tree->ForEachAround(f); } // Func?ie pentru a aduce itemul ridicat de pet la owner void CPetActor::BringItem() { if (!IsPickup()) return; // Ob?ine item-ul asociat LPITEM item = GetPickupItem(); // Verifică dacă item-ul este nullptr sau al?i pointeri sunt invalizi if (!m_pkOwner || !m_pkChar || !item) { // Dacă item este nullptr, înregistrează o eroare ?i ie?i din func?ie sys_err("BringItem() - Invalid pointer detected. Owner: %p, Char: %p, Item: %p", m_pkOwner, m_pkChar, item); return; } // Verifică dacă item-ul are un sectree valid if (!item->GetSectree()) { sys_err("BringItem() - Item has no valid sectree. Item: %p", item); return; } // Restul codului tău rămâne neschimbat... float fMinDistance = 20.0f; float fPetX = m_pkChar->GetX(); float fPetY = m_pkChar->GetY(); float itemX = item->GetX(); float itemY = item->GetY(); float fDist = DISTANCE_SQRT(itemX - fPetX, itemY - fPetY); if (fDist <= 250.0f) { SetPickup(false); m_pkOwner->PickupItemByPet(item->GetVID()); SetPickupItem(nullptr); m_pkChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_WAIT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); sys_log(0, "Item picked up: %s, Count: %u, Original Vnum: %u", item->GetName(), item->GetCount(), item->GetOriginalVnum()); return; } m_pkChar->SetRotationToXY(itemX, itemY); float fx, fy; float fDistToGo = fDist - fMinDistance; GetDeltaByDegree(m_pkChar->GetRotation(), fDistToGo, &fx, &fy); if (!m_pkChar->Goto(static_cast<int>(fPetX + fx + 0.5f), static_cast<int>(fPetY + fy + 0.5f))) return; m_pkChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_WAIT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } // Defini?ia func?iei PickupItemByPet din clasa CHARACTER bool CHARACTER::PickupItemByPet(DWORD dwVID) { LPITEM item = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(dwVID); if (!item || !item->GetSectree() || !item->IsOwnership(this)) return false; if (item->GetType() == ITEM_ELK) { GiveGold(item->GetCount()); item->RemoveFromGround(); M2_DESTROY_ITEM(item); } else { int iEmptyCell = GetEmptyInventory(item->GetSize()); if (iEmptyCell == -1) { sys_log(0, "No empty inventory slot for pet pickup. Owner PID: %d, Item VID: %d", GetPlayerID(), item->GetVID()); return false; } item->RemoveFromGround(); item->AddToCharacter(this, TItemPos(INVENTORY, iEmptyCell)); // Înlocuirea apelului de log sys_log(0, "Item picked up: %s, Count: %u, Original Vnum: %u", item->GetName(), item->GetCount(), item->GetOriginalVnum()); ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Picked up: %s", item->GetName()); } return true; } #endif //NOTE : ÁÖŔÇ!!! MinDistance¸¦ Ĺ©°Ô ŔâŔ¸¸é ±× şŻŔ§¸¸Ĺ­ŔÇ şŻČ­µżľČŔş followÇĎÁö ľĘ´Â´Ů, bool CPetActor::Follow(float fMinDistance) { // °ˇ·Á´Â Ŕ§Äˇ¸¦ ąŮ¶óşÁľß ÇŃ´Ů. if( !m_pkOwner || !m_pkChar) return false; float fOwnerX = m_pkOwner->GetX(); float fOwnerY = m_pkOwner->GetY(); float fPetX = m_pkChar->GetX(); float fPetY = m_pkChar->GetY(); float fDist = DISTANCE_SQRT(fOwnerX - fPetX, fOwnerY - fPetY); if (fDist <= fMinDistance) return false; m_pkChar->SetRotationToXY(fOwnerX, fOwnerY); float fx, fy; float fDistToGo = fDist - fMinDistance; GetDeltaByDegree(m_pkChar->GetRotation(), fDistToGo, &fx, &fy); if (!m_pkChar->Goto((int)(fPetX+fx+0.5f), (int)(fPetY+fy+0.5f)) ) return false; m_pkChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_WAIT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); return true; } void CPetActor::SetSummonItem (LPITEM pItem) { if (NULL == pItem) { m_dwSummonItemVID = 0; m_dwSummonItemVnum = 0; #ifdef __PET_PICKUP this->SetPickupItem(NULL); this->SetPickup(false); #endif return; } m_dwSummonItemVID = pItem->GetVID(); m_dwSummonItemVnum = pItem->GetVnum(); } void CPetActor::GiveBuff() { // ĆÄȲ Ćę ąöÇÁ´Â ´řŔüżˇĽ­¸¸ ąß»ýÇÔ. if (34004 == m_dwVnum || 34009 == m_dwVnum) { if (NULL == m_pkOwner->GetDungeon()) { return; } } LPITEM item = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(m_dwSummonItemVID); if (NULL != item) item->ModifyPoints(true); return ; } void CPetActor::ClearBuff() { // Verifică dacă proprietarul este valid if (m_pkOwner == nullptr) { sys_err("CPetActor::ClearBuff() called with a null owner."); return; } // Ob?ine prototipul itemului asociat cu pet-ul TItemTable* item_proto = ITEM_MANAGER::instance().GetTable(m_dwSummonItemVnum); if (item_proto == nullptr) { sys_err("CPetActor::ClearBuff() - Invalid item prototype for summon item vnum: %d", m_dwSummonItemVnum); return; } // Iterează prin toate aplicările de atribute ale itemului for (int i = 0; i < ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM; i++) { // Verifică dacă tipul de aplicare este valid if (item_proto->aApplies[i].bType == APPLY_NONE) continue; // Protejează împotriva overflow-urilor/underflow-urilor if (item_proto->aApplies[i].lValue != 0) { // Aplică modificările asupra punctelor proprietarului m_pkOwner->ApplyPoint(item_proto->aApplies[i].bType, -item_proto->aApplies[i].lValue); } else { sys_err("CPetActor::ClearBuff() - lValue is zero for item apply type %d", item_proto->aApplies[i].bType); } } // Mesaj de log pentru debugging, dacă este nevoie sys_log(0, "CPetActor::ClearBuff() - Buff cleared for owner_id=%d, item_vnum=%d", m_pkOwner->GetPlayerID(), m_dwSummonItemVnum); return; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CPetSystem /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CPetSystem::CPetSystem(LPCHARACTER owner) { // assert(0 != owner && "[CPetSystem::CPetSystem] Invalid owner"); m_pkOwner = owner; m_dwUpdatePeriod = 400; m_dwLastUpdateTime = 0; } CPetSystem::~CPetSystem() { Destroy(); } void CPetSystem::Destroy() { for (TPetActorMap::iterator iter = m_petActorMap.begin(); iter != m_petActorMap.end(); ++iter) { CPetActor* petActor = iter->second; if (0 != petActor) { delete petActor; } } event_cancel(&m_pkPetSystemUpdateEvent); m_petActorMap.clear(); } /// Ćę ˝Ă˝şĹŰ ľ÷µĄŔĚĆ®. µî·ĎµČ ĆęµéŔÇ AI Ăł¸® µîŔ» ÇÔ. bool CPetSystem::Update(DWORD deltaTime) { bool bResult = true; DWORD currentTime = get_dword_time(); // CHARACTER_MANAGERżˇĽ­ Äł¸ŻĹÍ·ů UpdateÇŇ ¶§ ¸Ĺ°łşŻĽö·Î ÁÖ´Â (Pulse¶ó°í µÇľîŔÖ´Â)°ŞŔĚ ŔĚŔü ÇÁ·ąŔÓ°úŔÇ ˝Ă°ŁÂ÷ŔĚŔÎÁŮ ľËľŇ´ÂµĄ // ŔüÇô ´Ů¸Ą °ŞŔ̶óĽ­-_-; ż©±âżˇ ŔÔ·ÂŔ¸·Î µéľîżŔ´Â deltaTimeŔş Ŕǹ̰ˇ ľřŔ˝¤Đ¤Đ if (m_dwUpdatePeriod > currentTime - m_dwLastUpdateTime) return true; std::vector <CPetActor*> v_garbageActor; for (TPetActorMap::iterator iter = m_petActorMap.begin(); iter != m_petActorMap.end(); ++iter) { CPetActor* petActor = iter->second; if (0 != petActor && petActor->IsSummoned()) { LPCHARACTER pPet = petActor->GetCharacter(); if (NULL == CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().Find(pPet->GetVID())) { v_garbageActor.push_back(petActor); } else { bResult = bResult && petActor->Update(deltaTime); } } } for (std::vector<CPetActor*>::iterator it = v_garbageActor.begin(); it != v_garbageActor.end(); it++) DeletePet(*it); m_dwLastUpdateTime = currentTime; return bResult; } /// °ü¸® ¸ń·ĎżˇĽ­ ĆęŔ» Áöżň void CPetSystem::DeletePet(DWORD mobVnum) { TPetActorMap::iterator iter = m_petActorMap.find(mobVnum); if (m_petActorMap.end() == iter) { sys_err("[CPetSystem::DeletePet] Can't find pet on my list (VNUM: %d)", mobVnum); return; } CPetActor* petActor = iter->second; if (0 == petActor) sys_err("[CPetSystem::DeletePet] Null Pointer (petActor)"); else delete petActor; m_petActorMap.erase(iter); } /// °ü¸® ¸ń·ĎżˇĽ­ ĆęŔ» Áöżň void CPetSystem::DeletePet(CPetActor* petActor) { for (TPetActorMap::iterator iter = m_petActorMap.begin(); iter != m_petActorMap.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second == petActor) { delete petActor; m_petActorMap.erase(iter); return; } } sys_err("[CPetSystem::DeletePet] Can't find petActor(0x%x) on my list(size: %d) ", petActor, m_petActorMap.size()); } void CPetSystem::Unsummon(DWORD vnum, bool bDeleteFromList) { CPetActor* actor = this->GetByVnum(vnum); if (0 == actor) { sys_err("[CPetSystem::GetByVnum(%d)] Null Pointer (petActor)", vnum); return; } actor->Unsummon(); if (true == bDeleteFromList) this->DeletePet(actor); bool bActive = false; for (TPetActorMap::iterator it = m_petActorMap.begin(); it != m_petActorMap.end(); it++) { bActive |= it->second->IsSummoned(); } if (false == bActive) { event_cancel(&m_pkPetSystemUpdateEvent); m_pkPetSystemUpdateEvent = NULL; } } CPetActor* CPetSystem::Summon(DWORD mobVnum, LPITEM pSummonItem, const char* petName, bool bSpawnFar, DWORD options) { CPetActor* petActor = this->GetByVnum(mobVnum); // µî·ĎµČ ĆęŔĚ ľĆ´Ď¶ó¸é »ő·Î »ýĽş ČÄ °ü¸® ¸ń·Ďżˇ µî·ĎÇÔ. if (0 == petActor) { petActor = M2_NEW CPetActor(m_pkOwner, mobVnum, options); m_petActorMap.insert(std::make_pair(mobVnum, petActor)); } DWORD petVID = petActor->Summon(petName, pSummonItem, bSpawnFar); if (NULL == m_pkPetSystemUpdateEvent) { petsystem_event_info* info = AllocEventInfo<petsystem_event_info>(); info->pPetSystem = this; m_pkPetSystemUpdateEvent = event_create(petsystem_update_event, info, PASSES_PER_SEC(1) / 4); // 0.25ĂĘ } return petActor; } CPetActor* CPetSystem::GetByVID(DWORD vid) const { CPetActor* petActor = 0; bool bFound = false; for (TPetActorMap::const_iterator iter = m_petActorMap.begin(); iter != m_petActorMap.end(); ++iter) { petActor = iter->second; if (0 == petActor) { sys_err("[CPetSystem::GetByVID(%d)] Null Pointer (petActor)", vid); continue; } bFound = petActor->GetVID() == vid; if (true == bFound) break; } return bFound ? petActor : 0; } /// µî·Ď µČ Ćę ÁßżˇĽ­ ÁÖľîÁř ¸÷ VNUMŔ» °ˇÁř ľ×Ĺ͸¦ ąÝČŻÇĎ´Â ÇÔĽö. CPetActor* CPetSystem::GetByVnum(DWORD vnum) const { CPetActor* petActor = 0; TPetActorMap::const_iterator iter = m_petActorMap.find(vnum); if (m_petActorMap.end() != iter) petActor = iter->second; return petActor; } size_t CPetSystem::CountSummoned() const { size_t count = 0; for (TPetActorMap::const_iterator iter = m_petActorMap.begin(); iter != m_petActorMap.end(); ++iter) { CPetActor* petActor = iter->second; if (0 != petActor) { if (petActor->IsSummoned()) ++count; } } return count; } void CPetSystem::RefreshBuff() { for (TPetActorMap::const_iterator iter = m_petActorMap.begin(); iter != m_petActorMap.end(); ++iter) { CPetActor* petActor = iter->second; if (0 != petActor) { if (petActor->IsSummoned()) { petActor->GiveBuff(); } } } }
  11. I got just this Address not mapped to object. --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--bt #0 0x005956b6 in CPetActor::BringItem (this=0x333b8480) at PetSystem.cpp:397 397 PetSystem.cpp: No such file or directory. [Current thread is 1 (LWP 100083)]
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