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Everything posted by Deso

  1. Nice, but you have to work on the collision part. ?
  2. Add above: if (loopCount > 1) This: if (!pkAttacker) return;
  3. The files he is asking for are protected with hybrid crypt keys, he need's the full unpacked patch and that could be difficult since you can't login to official 2014-15 beta.
  4. Nice, next would be the event calender ?
  5. Hey @ Mali, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for the incredible work you've done so far. Your coding skills are truly impressive. It's developers like you who make the gaming experience enjoyable and smooth for all of us. Thank you for your hard work and for sharing your talents with the community. Keep up the fantastic work! Best regards
  6. Sent me a private message with your discord, i'll take a look.
  7. The error message "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable" occurs when you try to invoke a method on an object that has the value "None". This indicates that the object on which the method is being called was not properly initialized or assigned. In your case, the error seems to be happening in the __del__ method of the TextLine object for example. The __del__ method is the destructor of a class and is called when the object is being destroyed. However, in this case, the TextLine object appears to have the value "None," indicating that it was not properly initialized.
  8. Protos 23.1.2 Thanks to @ Mali to rework the Dumper Tool to offical structure!
  9. Technically it's possible, but as Syreldar mentioned replicating it is much less time consuming
  10. Also important to know, They're using "ELEMENT_BUFF_DARK" inside of the new AIFlag, because the dumper stores just until "ELEMENT_BUFF_EARTH" If you extend it, the Protos are in a missmatch then. Example from offical protos: Btw @ Malii've send you a git request, if you're interested in to join my Tool.
  11. This man trying to slowly rebuild the current source ? Thanks man!
  12. For me my Client crashed there when i used the wheel on character details, thats why i put the check.
  13. We should check for nullptr in this place: //Find in void CWindowManager::SetTopUIWindow() (PythonWindowManager.cpp) #if defined(__BL_MOUSE_WHEEL_TOP_WINDOW__) m_pTopWindow = pTopWindow; #endif ///Replace #if defined(__BL_MOUSE_WHEEL_TOP_WINDOW__) if (m_pTopWindow) { m_pTopWindow = pTopWindow; } #endif
  14. Well it was a joke, i made use of a artificial intelligence. Dont take everything so serious. ?
  15. Here is my slightly refactored version.. ? #include <unordered_map> // Add a list of maps and their corresponding max distance values to a map. // This allows us to look up the max distance value for a given map more efficiently than using a series of if statements. std::unordered_map<std::string, float> mapMaxDistances = { {"metin2_map_n_flame_dragon", 6000.0f}, {"metin2_12zi_stage", 5000.0f}, {"metin2_map_defensewave", 5000.0f}, {"metin2_map_miniboss_01", 5000.0f}, {"metin2_map_miniboss_02", 5000.0f}, {"metin2_map_mists_of_island", 5000.0f} }; PyObject* appSetCameraMaxDistance(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { float fMax; if (!PyTuple_GetFloat(poArgs, 0, &fMax)) return Py_BuildException(); const std::string c_rstrMapFileName = CPythonBackground::Instance().GetWarpMapName(); // Look up the max distance value for the current map in the mapMaxDistances map. // If the map is not found in the map, the max distance value will be the default value of 0.0f. fMax = mapMaxDistances[c_rstrMapFileName]; CCamera::SetCameraMaxDistance(fMax); return Py_BuildNone(); }
  16. Nice idea! Ive addet something like this (to request the lines inside of binary): CPythonLocale::Instance().GetLocaleString(888); // "'s Horse" Because i've deleted the Horse-Name from Source and made an exception on "RecvCharacterAppendPacket" and addet an Request on "__Create_SetName"
  17. Offical Proto v22.4.4 or M2DL Nothing special, just some dinosaur For Example: 6516 Primordis Guardian 6517 Golden Portal 6518 Golden Monolith 6519 Golden Monolith 6520 Golden Palm 6521 Caravan Trader 6522 Raptor 6523 Rhinosaurus 6524 Dilophosaurus 6525 Young Rex 6526 Small Goldirex 6527 Mighty Goldirex 6528 Noble Goldirex 6529 Primordis Statue 6530 Bomb Tower 6531 Adult Rex 6532 Ancient Rex Have fun with new Update
  18. We could also add if (!item) return false; LPCHARACTER pkChrCauser = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().FindByPID(pc); if (pkChrCauser) { if (!pkChrCauser->CanHandleItem()) { pkChrCauser->ChatPacket(7, "You cannot open this conversation, while other windows are opened."); return false; } } before return m_mapNPC[npc].OnTakeItem(*pPC); in questmanager.cpp This would make the quest function smaller. ?
  19. Today i got some more time and tought i will publish the corrected current Protos from Offical. locale date is 25.8 - current patch: 22.3.6 Note there is a new Row inside of mob_proto (dwUnkFlag), i think mostly of you dont need it, so you can remove it by yourself. [MEGA] Offical Proto v22.3.6 / Metin2 Download
  20. Current official protos: Mega Metin2 Download @edit: The structure was corrected and some columns had incorrect values. New proto: [Hidden Content] Everything should be correct in mob_proto for now, except these: "SungMaSt SungMaDx SungMaHt SungMaIq"
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