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Everything posted by dexolus

  1. Hey does anyone know where would be problem? I buy item from shop like 20potions, it stacks to the other potions but also made a new stack of 20potions? So it actually buys 40potions for the price of 20. 20 potions stacks into old stack and also create whole new stack? Thanks
  2. Hey guys anyone knows how to turn off this in chat? If i disable dice system it source it does not write this in chat but then i have quest for drop i with ownership and dice and it does not work.. Is there any way to keep dice turned on but make it so that it does not write in chat? Thanks so much
  3. Thanks bro, it works pet stays after death but disappear after teleport which i dont mind and i like it thanks for help
  4. Sadly i dont have old vdi.. Can you help or help me find some video how to install libs for the source please? thank you
  5. Heyy, thanks for trying to help dunno why but there was problem that the stone spawns group and that group caused the "bug" if i changed group it works fine.. Dont really understand that but i sucessfully made it working
  6. Hey i have normal quest for metin stone code is below. But if i destroy it with max level and destroy it fast within like 2seconds it does not count it. But if i destroy it slow it counts.. Any fix please? Thank you
  7. Hello i have switchbot from mijago v 2.2.1 and ingame it only buys rare switches and not normal switches? I have good switch vnum and still do not work.. Thanks ?
  8. Hey when im in party and we drop something this appears in chat.. What can i do? Sorry i am probably dumb and im not able to insert image thanks ?
  9. Well it was the 125% scalling! Thank you so much ?
  10. Hey, i have problem with my resolution changes. On windowed mode everything works good. When i put fullscreen it work until 1680x1050. And when i put 1920x1080 it looks weird. I cant see whole game IMAGE i dunno how to upload image here sorry. So Its on the link at imgur ? Thank you... ?
  11. Yeah it works. Im dumb i didnt put number 1 at limittype0 so i have only limitvalue.. ? thank you for help :)
  12. Hello. I would like to change level use for some elixirs. But didnt find out how to change it. I changed it in database, didnt work. I tried to write quest that didnt work either. Can someone help me please?
  13. Hi, i have metinland on my server, and some metin stones drop me items and some metinstones just dont drop anything.. Its set same as others which are working.. Can anyone help? ? thamk yu
  14. Hey, patcher works fine.. Im probably dumb but i dont know how to change graphic? Can anyone give me quick tutorial? When i want to paste image it dont paste ? so i dont know what to do.. ? thanks
  15. Hi, Ores working. My friend tried it before and it didnt work for him. WHen i try that, it was okay. Just some spots on map i cant spawn it.. Like when you teleport to the 1. town right on the spawn you cant spawn it so there was probably the problem. Stones dont work even if i change refine proto under 500.. i had number 435 and cant still upgrade with magic stone or pergamen, do you please have any other solution? Thank you ?
  16. Hello fellas. I have a problem. Im trying to spawn the ores and i cant spawn it on any map i want. It just spawns at the originals map. Where do i change it, so i can spawn it anywhere? Thank you Also i have a problem with upgrading my stones. I would like to upgrade stones with magic stone or pergamens and i cant. I can only upgrade stones and Seon-pyoung. Can anybody help me with this either? Thank you so much have a nice day
  17. Hi, i appreciate your job, but i fixed it with that what i writed. Thank you ?
  18. Hi, so i did not find it in that korean shit ? but i found how to make it work. In cmd general.cpp line around 2588 add more cases with vnum of your seals from mount. And in database change type to 18. It works for me ?
  19. Yeah thanks when i will have time i will look at it and if i find it i will write here ?
  20. Can you please tell me where can i find it please? ?
  21. My locale works on 1250 (ANSI) i can send it to you if it helps ?
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