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Everything posted by zeimpekis9

  1. Hello community. Im searching metin2 pet system like official fully unbugged. I pay for this system. So please contact with me. My skype: facebook:zeimpekis1998 Thanks for your time.
  2. My skype is: facebook:zeimpekis1998 Can you add me? i need more help because im not so good at serverside stuff.
  3. Hello community! I have a server, and i want to create an other one. On same host. Just different db and people can choose through the client which server will login to. The one is the pvp and i want to make an oldschool. How can this be achieved? I want to use same sfs but make some changes first on refines gameplay etc. Thanks for your time.
  4. Professional, fast and clean code. Reccomended for who wants to have some good stuff in the server!
  5. Professional, fast and clean code. Reccomended for who wants to have some good stuff in the server!
  6. Hello community. I have a problem with guild wars. When players join at war, after 10-20 seconds the war ends and it said that the the war ended with a draw. Any idea? I pay for this fix. Thanks for your time.
  7. Hello community. I've downloaded offline shop system by Koray but it has a lot of bugs. That's why im searching for this system but without bugs. I pay a lot for this system. skype: facebook:zeimpekis1998 Thanks for your time.
  8. Hello community. I have those errors. Any idea? 0328 14:01:25314 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR 0328 14:01:33320 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0328 14:01:33320 :: File "game.py", line 1013, in RefreshInventory 0328 14:01:33320 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 636, in RefreshInventory 0328 14:01:33320 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 677, in RefreshItemSlot 0328 14:01:33320 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 624, in RefreshBagSlotWindow 0328 14:01:33321 :: UnboundLocalError 0328 14:01:33321 :: : 0328 14:01:33321 :: local variable 'itemVnum' referenced before assignment 0328 14:01:33321 :: 0328 14:01:33370 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0328 14:01:33370 :: File "game.py", line 1013, in RefreshInventory 0328 14:01:33370 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 636, in RefreshInventory 0328 14:01:33370 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 677, in RefreshItemSlot 0328 14:01:33370 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 624, in RefreshBagSlotWindow 0328 14:01:33371 :: UnboundLocalError 0328 14:01:33371 :: : 0328 14:01:33371 :: local variable 'itemVnum' referenced before assignment 0328 14:01:33371 :: 0328 14:01:33403 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0328 14:01:33403 :: File "game.py", line 1009, in RefreshEquipment 0328 14:01:33403 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 636, in RefreshInventory 0328 14:01:33404 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 677, in RefreshItemSlot 0328 14:01:33404 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 624, in RefreshBagSlotWindow 0328 14:01:33404 :: UnboundLocalError 0328 14:01:33404 :: : 0328 14:01:33404 :: local variable 'itemVnum' referenced before assignment 0328 14:01:33404 :: 0328 14:01:33404 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0328 14:01:33404 :: File "game.py", line 1013, in RefreshInventory 0328 14:01:33404 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 636, in RefreshInventory 0328 14:01:33404 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 677, in RefreshItemSlot 0328 14:01:33405 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 624, in RefreshBagSlotWindow 0328 14:01:33405 :: UnboundLocalError 0328 14:01:33405 :: : 0328 14:01:33405 :: local variable 'itemVnum' referenced before assignment 0328 14:01:33405 :: 0328 14:02:43502 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR 0328 14:02:44224 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0328 14:02:44224 :: File "networkModule.py", line 239, in SetGamePhase 0328 14:02:44224 :: File "game.py", line 114, in __init__ 0328 14:02:44224 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 321, in MakeInterface 0328 14:02:44224 :: File "interfaceModule.py", line 176, in __MakeWindows 0328 14:02:44225 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 257, in __init__ 0328 14:02:44225 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 411, in __LoadWindow 0328 14:02:44225 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 510, in SetInventoryPage 0328 14:02:44225 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 624, in RefreshBagSlotWindow 0328 14:02:44225 :: UnboundLocalError 0328 14:02:44225 :: : 0328 14:02:44225 :: local variable 'itemVnum' referenced before assignment 0328 14:02:44225 ::
  9. Hello community. I have this problem. Any ideas? [Hidden Content]
  10. Hello community. I have a problem with sash. When i click on item 85001 for example, nothing happens. I get no error or something. Just nothing. I don't know what is it. Any ideas? I use koridev files.
  11. Hello. I have finish compiling the .exe, the game file and the db file and do all the install from kori sash scale tutorial but when i connect i get this error on sysser. And the game is like the photo: 0325 19:37:20740 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR 0325 19:38:31076 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0325 19:38:31076 :: File "ui.py", line 1871, in OnOverInItem 0325 19:38:31076 :: File "ui.py", line 87, in __call__ 0325 19:38:31076 :: File "ui.py", line 78, in __call__ 0325 19:38:31077 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 1021, in OverInItem 0325 19:38:31077 :: File "uiInventory.py", line 1197, in ShowToolTip 0325 19:38:31077 :: File "uiToolTip.py", line 575, in SetInventoryItem 0325 19:38:31077 :: File "uiToolTip.py", line 1022, in AddItemData 0325 19:38:31077 :: AttributeError 0325 19:38:31077 :: : 0325 19:38:31077 :: 'ItemToolTip' object has no attribute '_ItemToolTip__AppendAttackPowerInfo' 0325 19:38:31077 ::
  12. I use 40k serverfiles. And also the website that you given to me is down
  13. Hello communty. I search in web about making db WITH txt but i found only how to make without .txt I use koridev files. How can i do this? Thanks for your time.
  14. Hello community. I have one problem with my server that is online. My server is online and everyday i have 120+ players online. I have a good host with 12gb ram. But some times the server shutdown. Every player get kicked and when they try to connect they get Fail to connect to the server. Then i reboot the freebsd, i try to start my server again and then i get mysql error, that mysql is not running. Then when i try mysqld_safe i get this error "write failed/Filesystem full". Why is this happening? Can anyone help me? or find a solution to fix this problem?
  15. I already had 4 into flag, but 30270 stack until 5. I want until 10
  16. I have mysql without txt. I don't have txt. Just sql. Then how can i do this?
  17. Hello community. I use koridev files and i want to make item with vnum 30270 stackable. I want players when they collect it, to be stackable(like the photo i uploaded).
  18. I did what you said but again the same. Nothing happens.
  19. I send you friend request in skype. Can you add me please?
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