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Everything posted by zeimpekis9

  1. Hello community, can anyone help me why i cant click at this pet? [Hidden Content] Thanks a lot!
  2. Im looking specific for this quest by BlackYuko What its so funny ? @Denis
  3. Hello guys, does anyone has this quest unbugged? Pet System Advanced? I installed it, but when i use 53001, it calls a horse, instead of pet. Thanks.
  4. Hello, i have this problem, shop shows only 2 stones, insteaf of 3 at item. The 3rd slot is empty but it should show it. Can anyone help me?
  5. Hello im searching c++ and python programmer... can anyone send me message? Im paying for some isssues i have.
  6. Hello guys, i've installed a system that i found that works like this: You open the shop, you select what item you want, and then you have a button which says "for trade". like this: So now, if i put 0 price, and click at this button, the shop has the item. Like this: I have 2 problems: 1) When its 0 price, and you click OK, no shop comes up. 2) When i put a price > 0, then the shop has the item, but above the item name it says "This item is for sale", which is wrong . It should have this text only if the price was 0. Also, no shop comes up. Can anyone help me? is there at source any part that doesnt allow at the shop an item to have 0 price? I share with you my uitooltip and uiprivateshopbuilder and uishop.py. uitooltip (line 1354):[Hidden Content] uishop :[Hidden Content] uiprivateshopbuilder: [Hidden Content] Thanks in advance.
  7. Hello community, i have this problem: 0415 23:53:10421 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0415 23:53:10421 :: File "ui.py", line 1400, in CallEvent 0415 23:53:10421 :: File "ui.py", line 88, in __call__ 0415 23:53:10422 :: File "ui.py", line 70, in __call__ 0415 23:53:10422 :: File "uiPrivateShopBuilder.py", line 321, in AcceptInputPrice 0415 23:53:10422 :: File "uiPrivateShopBuilder.py", line 210, in Refresh 0415 23:53:10422 :: TypeError 0415 23:53:10422 :: : 0415 23:53:10422 :: an integer is required 0415 23:53:10422 :: these are my parts: 1) def AcceptInputPrice(self): if not self.priceInputBoard: return True text = self.priceInputBoard.GetText() if not text: return True if not text.isdigit(): return True if int(text) <= 0: return True attachedInvenType = self.priceInputBoard.sourceWindowType sourceSlotPos = self.priceInputBoard.sourceSlotPos targetSlotPos = self.priceInputBoard.targetSlotPos for privatePos, (itemWindowType, itemSlotIndex) in self.itemStock.items(): if itemWindowType == attachedInvenType and itemSlotIndex == sourceSlotPos: shop.DelPrivateShopItemStock(itemWindowType, itemSlotIndex) del self.itemStock[privatePos] price = int(self.priceInputBoard.GetText()) if IsPrivateShopItemPriceList(): SetPrivateShopItemPrice(self.priceInputBoard.itemVNum, price) shop.AddPrivateShopItemStock(attachedInvenType, sourceSlotPos, targetSlotPos, price) self.itemStock[targetSlotPos] = (attachedInvenType, sourceSlotPos) snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav") self.Refresh() ##### self.priceInputBoard = None return True 2) def Refresh(self): getitemVNum=player.GetItemIndex getItemCount=player.GetItemCount setitemVNum=self.itemSlot.SetItemSlot delItem=self.itemSlot.ClearSlot for i in xrange(shop.SHOP_SLOT_COUNT): if not self.itemStock.has_key(i): delItem(i) continue pos = self.itemStock[i] itemCount = getItemCount(pos) if itemCount <= 1: itemCount = 0 setitemVNum(i, getitemVNum(pos), itemCount) if app.ENABLE_CHANGELOOK_SYSTEM: itemTransmutedVnum = player.GetItemTransmutation(pos) if itemTransmutedVnum: self.itemSlot.DisableCoverButton(i) else: self.itemSlot.EnableCoverButton(i) self.itemSlot.RefreshSlot() Thanks in advance...
  8. I really dont have it... maybe you could share it? (btw im compiling without problems and use martysama source)
  9. I dont have the file EterBase.cpp. Any idea? Also, it could be usefull to create this cap (i mean a guide) so we can use it. Maybe on python..
  10. Hello, im searching an unbugged portable bank quest. Does anyone has one? i want to know also the max gold that can accept. Thanks in advance
  11. Hello guys. I have a problem about stones on weapons-armors. Normally when one has a +0 to +4 stone on an armor or weapon, but goes on to put another same stone from +0 to +4, he is sent a message that he cannot put the same stone twice. The problem I have is that because I have +5 and +6 stones on my server, when someone has already placed a +0 to +4 stone it doesn't get the corresponding message for +5 and +6 stones. The problem is that one can have a +4 stone and a same +6 stone in one weapon. Thanks.
  12. No the same section. I want for example the npc 20022 to have armors. The npc 20091 to have weapons. Npc 20084 to have stones. Different sections. quest: [Hidden Content] cube.txt : [Hidden Content]
  13. Hello guys, i wanted to ask something. Does anyone knows how to modify cube to work at multiple npcs? I mean, for example : 20022 - is cube for armors, 20091 cube for weapons etc Thanks a lot.
  14. Is it difficult to code again with dynamic packet?
  15. Hello community. Happy new year to everyone. I have this problem about cube. I made txt, and i put 4 different npc's. At the first npc cube works fine, but from second to fourth cube doesnt open. Any idea? I have this error at sysser: Cube_request_material_info: [CubeInfo] Too long material info. (NPC: 20022, requestStart: 14, requestCount: 1, length: 17) Thanks for your time...
  16. Hello guys, i created a starter, but im having a problem. My .exe has argument. For example: if (strstr(lpCmdLine, "--binissafe") == 0) return 0; What should i write to my starter button, so it should open properly the .exe? I used process.start and system.diagnostics.process.start but when it asks me to run the .exe as admin or not after that nothing happens. It doesnt open the .exe. Anyone can help me? The code of my starter now: Process.Start("metin2client.exe", "--binissafe") Close() Thanks for your time.
  17. It doesnt work for me. No sysser error or something. I have autopick up on, and when i click on armors it pick the armor. When i dont click on armors,the system still pick the armors. I dont know
  18. Hello community. I have this quest: [Hidden Content] If you check local bonuses = { options 5-6-7-8 at text, have two bonuses at the same option {option 5- int & dex} If the players selects option 5 it should give, these two bonuses together at the same time, at this option. Can anyone tell me how can i do this? Thanks for your time.
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