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Everything posted by Psycho

  1. then calculate that there are several errors, regarding this error Error C2039 'back_inserter': is not a member of 'std' game D:\clarityline\Srcs\Server\game\src D:\clarityline\Srcs\Server\game\src\MarkManager.cpp 389 CL Error C3861 'back_inserter': identifier not found game D:\clarityline\Srcs\Server\game\src D:\clarityline\Srcs\Server\game\src\MarkManager.cpp 389 CL insert on MarkManager in the first line #include <iterator> then: Error C2589 '(': illegal token on right side of '::' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C3878 syntax error: unexpected token '(' following 'expression' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C2760 syntax error: ')' was unexpected here; expected ';' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C3878 syntax error: unexpected token ')' following 'jump_statement' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C2760 syntax error: ')' was unexpected here; expected 'expression' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C3878 syntax error: unexpected token ')' following 'expression_statement' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C2760 syntax error: ')' was unexpected here; expected ';' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL Error C3878 syntax error: unexpected token ')' following 'expression_statement' game D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool D:\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static\include\boost\pool\pool.hpp 363 CL you have the vcpkg in debug static and it reads the boost library, even if it shouldn't, you should make several changes.. then: Error C2666 'CUBE_VALUE::operator ==': overloaded functions have similar conversions game D:\clarityline\Srcs\Server\game\src D:\clarityline\Srcs\Server\game\src\cube.cpp 736 CL then I'll send you my cube, which I don't remember what I changed
  2. give me 10 minutes to download that system and I'll give you the solution
  3. then there are two options: 1) you entered something incorrectly, 2) the system is not complete in the tutorial. but I can tell you that those functions are missing in char.h because (usually) it calls them there.
  4. Can you send me the list of errors that comes out when you recompile?
  5. db\src ClientManager.h #include <unordered_set> game\src stdafx.h #include <unordere_set> compile
  6. PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGameItem.cpp paste this file
  7. are you sure you removed all the boost inclusions? why is he asking you that...
  8. I'm glad you solved it, good continuation beautiful
  9. same thing, inside ui.py in the imageboxspecial class SetEvent is missing
  10. 'LoadingWindow' object has no attribute 'loadingGage' ui.py
  11. name 'onPressKeyDict' is not defined , control your root
  12. remove the string above and add CreateQuestDropItem(pkChr, pkKiller, vec_item, iDeltaPercent, iRandRange); #ifdef ENABLE_EVENT_MANAGER CHARACTER_MANAGER::Instance().CheckEventForDrop(pkChr, pkKiller, vec_item); #endif
  13. stupid question, are there those mobs in the npc list and implemented in the game?
  14. exactly, setcloseevent asked you inside the ui.py
  15. I don't quite understand what you want to do, I'll try to do it... do you want to change the texture of the mobs? or do you want to activate some sort of mode to change mob textures at will?
  16. mysql 57 is deprecated , use mysql80 or mariadb
  17. unfortunately it doesn't go there, that works but it goes to the appropriate section
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