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Posts posted by Developer1321

  1. Good morning community, a few days ago I considered how to make the discord rpc when a character reaches yohara level "Champion level" appear in the discord rpc, and last night after turning my head around and modifying the code a bit Here I bring it to you. I remember that this will only work for those people who have the yohara system.

    The rpc discord system being used is Mali's "BlackDragon"

    We go to our UserInterface/Discord.h and look for the following line:
                sCharacterName += " - Normal Lv: " + std::to_string(CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_LEVEL));
    We replace this line with the following:
            DWORD m_dwConquerorLevel;
            if (m_dwConquerorLevel)
                sCharacterName += " - Conqueror Lv: " + std::to_string(CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_CONQUEROR_LEVEL));
                sCharacterName += " - Normal Lv: " + std::to_string(CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_LEVEL));
    We save and compile.


    Keep in mind that each yohara system is not the same, since the code may vary depending on which system you use.


    The code is basic. But it works perfectly, here I leave the gyazo of how it works.

    If anyone wants to contribute or improve the code more, welcome. It's my first time doing this


    [Level Normal Discord RPC] https://metin2.download/picture/C303710vg76Xw1M9UT0kYxLJKffm10OH/.gif

    [Conquerors Level Discord RPC] https://metin2.download/picture/ymimkFh3gE315h3H9iN8l5mBf2pRZc96/.gif

    • Good 2
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  2. 42 minutes ago, Kash13 said:


    self.HTH_IMG.SAFE_SetStringEvent("MOUSE_OVER_IN", self.__ShowHTHToolTip)

    Add below

                self.GetChild("change_base_button").SetShowToolTipEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__ShowToolTipButton), localeInfo.STAT_TOOLTIP_BASE_LEVEL)

    • Love 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Kash13 said:

    es lo mismo desde el github

    en github hay un archivo de parche separado en google drive pero no funciona... no puedo descargarlo

    tiene la interfaz de usuario y esas cosas 

    The only patch that brings from drive are the maps and mobs "You can get that from the official decompiled client" is published here.


    • Love 1
  4. 11 hours ago, figueiredox1234 said:

    Hello im new on the world of metin2 

    Can same one Help-me whit this Quest/  i want to put Slime dungeon do Solo 

    The dung its in Group 

    Can same one help-me whit that ? i pay for it thanks

    @ .plechito'If you've bought the dungeon from him, I don't think he'll have a problem helping you with the quest by adapting it the way you want.

  5. On 3/6/2023 at 5:30 AM, Kash13 said:



    gracias por compartir, que hacer en este caso? 





    Look for the following:

    typedef struct SPlayerTable

    Add this before
    } TPlayerTable;

    BYTE conquerorlevel;
    BYTE conqueror_level_step;
    short sungma_str, sungma_hp, sungma_move, sungma_immune;
    DWORD conqueror_exp;
    short conqueror_point;


    BYTE conquerorlevel;
    BYTE conqueror_level_step;
    short sungma_str, sungma_hp, sungma_move, sungma_immune;
    DWORD conqueror_exp;
    short conqueror_point;

    } TPlayerTable;

  6. 23 hours ago, Nuzzo said:

    Hi all, I recently added a special inventory system but I think there is a problem with the amount of slots (I have 4 pages of inventory and 18 pages in the additional one).

    I already tried to change the BYTE to UINT but when I try to sell something to an npc I get random UNKNOWN HEADER errors (they are always different) and it throws me out of the game.

    The core does not crash, I can relog after the crash.

    Can you guys help me?


    Did you buy the system from its creator?

    If so, I don't think I'll have a problem fixing the error for you.

  7. 15 minutes ago, LethalStrikeR said:

    Hola a todos, amigos;

    He configurado una tienda fuera de línea de Ikarus, pero cuando presiono el botón de apertura del mercado, aparece un syserr de este tipo en el cliente.


    Aunque he cambiado la cantidad de paquetes en el archivo Packet.h muchas veces, sigo recibiendo este error. No hay problema con sacarlo del juego. Los núcleos no tienen syserr. Este es el único syserr.

    If you have bought it from its seller, he should give you support. Otherwise, the only thing I can answer is that you do not ask for help if you get things for free from other forums.

  8. On 10/7/2022 at 8:41 PM, alexmetin2022 said:

    Hello! I’m looking for a good designer with experience! 
    I need to edit a website / autopatcher / item shop.

    please contact me in private or on discord: Alexannder#9089

    But who is going to work with you even if you pay him if you then dedicate yourself to publishing his work taking the credit as if you had done it yourself. For the designers and developers of this forum, do not trust Alexander or rather Tayson is a person who publishes and gives away all the works that are not his saying that he has worked on them from scratch.

  9. 12 minutes ago, backtop said:


    Hey all,

    Using the M2KSF Files and the Questcategory system was already implemented and it works fine, juste the levelup Quest isn´t showing. 

    Like you can see here 

    Can someone tell me in which category it has to be?

    My Questcategory.txt

      Reveal hidden contents

    4    collect_quest_lv30
    4    collect_quest_lv40
    4    collect_quest_lv50
    4    collect_quest_lv60
    4    collect_quest_lv70
    4    collect_quest_lv80
    4    collect_quest_lv85
    4    collect_quest_lv90
    4    collect_quest_lv92
    4    collect_quest_lv94
    4    collect_quest_lv96
    2    levelup

    Here is my levelup Quest... Can't post code here

      Reveal hidden contents

    Sorry for my bad english

    You are contact @dracaryS to buy this system


    • Facepalm 1
  10. ?Revelion2?
    ?The awakening of the rebels
    ?Official style based server.
    ?The server has the officer's missions so that you are always entertained, it also has very good rewards and other very special ones.
    ?We have prepared the most impressive Halloween event you will ever see. The final boss of the dungeon is very difficult. ¿Can you against him?
    ?The development team has changed some systems to make the game more realistic and enjoyable. For example, clams now hatch on beaches and you have to pick them up by hand.
    ?Designs such as maps, mounts, glows, effects, etc. they are modernized to give a new touch to the environment and see more nature.
    ?For the fights between characters we are very reserved with the bonuses, so you will not see exaggerated damage or unfair duels.
    ?We have designed an NPC for you to increase your bonuses (in a controlled way) to your team when you finish the Halloween dungeon.
    ?We modified the budokan, now there is the mode by race and skill group.
    ?The server for the moment will be Spanish "Coming soon there will be more languages available"

    ⚡¡And much more!⚡

    ?Important data:?
    ?There is no lycan
    ?There is no alchemy
    ?There is no champion system

    ?Admin note:  I invite you to join Revelion2. I have put all my knowledge, effort and time into this server to give you the best gaming experience. We will also improve it every day. Just give it a try and I know you'll stay.

    ⚡Web page: https://revelion2.to/
    ⚡Discord: https://discord.gg/p9MeypCbFP
    ⚡Opening date: October 21, 2022
    ⚡Presentation video:


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