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Everything posted by .JαyZoN

  1. But you can cancel the logout process. And your quest is doing the opposite. quest whitelist begin state start begin when login with not pc.is_gm() or not pc.get_name() == "insertnamehere" begin while true do command("A1wiIHIU") end end end end I think this would be better. function is_gm(name) local gmTable = {"Ellie","SoNiice","ChuckNorris"} for i = 1,table.getn(gmTable),1 do if(gmTable[i] == pc.get_name()) then return true else return false end end end -- How to work quest test begin state start begin when login begin if(test.is_gm() == false) command("logout") end end end end Maybe he hasn't one gm on himself server. Table system would be good for this. Best Regards Ellie What the fuck, i've just noticed i've written a "then" after the "when". (instead of begin) Please correct this in your quote, too - just painful. =D Sometimes i forget to put then in lua sorry Best Regards Ellie No problem, i have failed, too.
  2. But you can cancel the logout process. And your quest is doing the opposite. quest whitelist begin state start begin when login with not pc.is_gm() or not pc.get_name() == "insertnamehere" begin while true do command("A1wiIHIU") end end end end I think this would be better. function is_gm(name) local gmTable = {"Ellie","SoNiice","ChuckNorris"} for i = 1,table.getn(gmTable),1 do if(gmTable[i] == pc.get_name()) then return true else return false end end end -- How to work quest test begin state start begin when login begin if(test.is_gm() == false) command("logout") end end end end Maybe he hasn't one gm on himself server. Table system would be good for this. Best Regards Ellie What the fuck, i've just noticed i've written a "then" after the "when". (instead of begin) Please correct this in your quote, too - just painful. =D @RatCatcher, why do you want to do clientside changes if it's not really required? We've just given him a simply solution. And my solution was only a fast idea, which isn't really recommended, i think the core will say bye with this quest. The solutions with the logout command are also not recommended. (for me) If you want to have a "professional" and only serverside solution you have to set the status for all players on BLOCK or however, if you want to have a special message you need to do a little clientside change how you've said.
  3. There isn't a meaning, you can write "IAMCOOLICANINSERTSENSELESSLETTERSHERE" in the brackets, too. ;D If you're not a gm or a special person you'll get a kick. (spamkick should be the simpliest solution here)
  4. But you can cancel the logout process. And your quest is doing the opposite. quest whitelist begin state start begin when login with not pc.is_gm() or not pc.get_name() == "insertnamehere" then while true do command("A1wiIHIU") end end end end I think this would be better.
  5. The configs for the skills are actually in each client for a long time. They are just not enabled. If not, you have to think about a general update of your client. -lol- Just navigate to the playersettingmodule and look for; NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE = 0 at the beginning of the file. Of course, you have to set this to 1. (true) You should remove this line a few lines later; NEW_678TH_SKILL_ENABLE = localeInfo.IsYMIR() (=> recommended, alternatively you can correct this to your locale) NEW_678TH_SKILL doesn't mean you'll get three new skills for every character class, there is only one skill for each of them and this are the skills you're knowing. The 7th and the 8th skill are support skills (like combo, empire languages etc), however they are not important for us and also not activated since the wolfman update. So you have to customize the following lines below: "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131, 141, 142,), to "SUPPORT" : (122, 123, 121, 124, 125, 129, 0, 0, 130, 131,), for every class. Otherwise you'll get an error if you try to login ingame. That was all, the biggest part is done. *much work* The images for the skills are normally in the metin2_patch_etc, the skills themselves (msa, mse, subfiles and so on) are distributed in the metin2_patch_etc and metin2_patch_5th_armor. At least, the following files have to be modified; skilldesc.txt (locale), skilltable.txt (locale) and the player/skill_proto in your database, of course. I will stop at this point because the opinions of the (new?) skills are very different and individual, so this should be your part to modify the strenght, the cooldown and the attributes of them. They got a high cooldown (60 sec) on the official servers, means the skills are very strong. If you want to have the original values you have to unpack their locale. __ With best regards .JayZoN
  6. This is exactly this what is missing from your part. However, this new topic seems to be ridiculous and i think he has got enough examples to understand he is unsupported in this way.
  7. Do you really think you'll get support if the womsvn belongs to the former admin of this board here? It's like when i would trample the flowers on your grave. Just naughty.
  8. However we will turn this around, how i've already said, i'm unsure whether this method (in this form, without changes) still works for the future. If not, feel free to correct me.
  9. 23.11.2014 is not really hard. This was before the update of the liveserver. Yesterday, there were patched the revised files which were collected by the betaserver. So this means this download is containing outdated files.
  10. Why? Simply try it, i'm not sure, but there were similar issues in 2008/2009, as the new characters have been patched.
  11. This will not work longer since yesterday. (i think)
  12. Dracula Untold for me, but it's a little time ago.
  13. quest teleport begin state start begin when login begin cmdchat("teleporter_index "..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end when button or info begin say_title("Teleportation Ring:") say("Choose a place to go.") say("") local s = select("Kingdoms","Forests","Spider Caves","Sürgün Maðarasý","Other Places","Close") if s == 1 then say_title("Teleportation Ring:") local k = select("Jinno","Chunjo","Shinsoo","Cancel") if k == 1 then say_title("Teleportation Ring:") say("Jinno Kingdom selected.") say("") say("Choose a village to go.") say("") say("") local j = select("Pyungmoo","Bakra","Cancel") if j == 1 then pc.warp(959800,268400) elseif j == 1 then pc.warp(873100,242600) end elseif k == 2 then say_title("Teleportation Ring:") say("Chunjo Kingdom selected.") say("") say("Choose a village to go.") say("") say("") local c = select("Joan","Bokjung","Cancel") if c == 1 then pc.warp(63800,166400) elseif c == 2 then pc.warp(138500,234900) end elseif k == 3 then say_title("Teleportation Ring:") say("Shinsoo Kingdom selected.") say("") say("Choose a village to go.") say("") say("") local sh = select("Yongan","Yayang","Cancel") if sh == 1 then pc.warp(474300,954800) elseif sh == 2 then pc.warp(360800,877600) end end elseif s == 2 then say_title("Teleportation Ring:") local sss = select("Ghost Forest","Red Wood","Cancel") if sss == 1 then pc.warp(288700,5700) elseif sss == 2 then pc.warp(1119900,70800) elseif sss == 3 then return end elseif s == 3 then say_title("Teleportation Ring:") local zindan = select("Örümcek Zindaný 1. Kat Baþý ","Örümcek Zindaný 2. Kat Sonu","Vazgeç ") if zindan == 1 then pc.warp(59800,497300) elseif zindan == 2 then pc.warp(704100,521900) elseif zindan == 3 then return end elseif s == 4 then say_title("Teleportation Ring:") say("Sürgün Maðarasý giriþine ýþýnlanýyorsun...") wait() pc.warp(284400,810700) elseif s == 5 then say_title("Teleportation Ring:") local sssssss = select("Seungryong Vadisi","Sohan Daðý ","Yongbi Çölü ","Doyyumhwan","Devler Diyarý ","Þeytan Kulesi","Þeytan Mezarlýðý ","Kýrmýzý Ejderha Kalesi ","Nemere'nin Gözetleme Kulesi ","Vazgeç ") if sssssss == 1 then pc.warp(336000,755600) elseif sssssss == 2 then pc.warp(436400,215600) elseif sssssss == 3 then pc.warp(296800,547400) elseif sssssss == 4 then pc.warp(600800,687400) elseif sssssss == 5 then pc.warp(829900,763300) elseif sssssss == 6 then pc.warp(590500,110500) elseif sssssss == 7 then pc.warp(591100,99300) elseif sssssss == 8 then pc.warp(614739,706929) elseif sssssss == 9 then pc.warp(432792,165998) elseif sssssss == 10 then return end end end end end This should work. However, the variables are very ugly and i don't like warpquests with snake codes (like this).
  14. Pack your packfiles with type 1 and this error should not appear again.
  15. You took an old shopdialog(uiscript) from the official client, this bug was there before a long time, too. Take this [Hidden Content] Save it as shopdialog.py and overwrite with the old file in the uiscript.
  16. Then you have to leave this board. I can't imagine such sneaky behavior is tolerated here. You're acting like a little kid that didn't get his lolipop.
  17. Hey guys, i'm working a few months with the source code and yesterday, i was looking for NetBeans. I have to say it's really nice (i was using Visual Studio before) but currently there is one issue; The source has ANSI encoding as default so it shows bad symbols for example on strings if i click yes here. (sure, it's normal) Clearly, there's one solution; converting the encodings of all files to UTF-8 for example with the iconv tool from linux, but i am looking rather for a more elegant solution in / for NetBeans. Can you give me a hint for a solution here maybe? __ Thanks in advance .JayZoN
  18. You're welcome! ;-) I'm always using the actual client of the official server so this was known for me.
  19. Uhm, i don't have that client, but i had an issue before a long time because the "patch2" entry was missing in the index file - maybe this is the reason for all these visual faults?
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