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Everything posted by k1daL

  1. My login script was directly in index.php written, now i've created a special .php for it for exampe "module/login.php" and I've replaced the whole login script from index.php with this : <?php include('module/login.php');?> Could be this the mistake? The login script directly in index.php ?... Now I've changed it like I said...
  2. Hello guys, someone is connecting to my homepage with my admin account... so he has acces to the control panel from the site. Someone told me there is a bug if you connect with the ID : 'user' .... and an existing password on the server it will work to connect to any account or something like this... I didn't understand very well... Did anyone had this problem?
  3. I've tried with something like this : affect.add_collect(apply.SAFEBOX, 3, 60*60*24*365*60) affect.add_collect(apply.AUTOLOOT, 1, 60*60*24*365*60) affect.add_collect(apply.FISH_MIND, 15, 60*60*24*365*60) It didn't work...
  4. Hello guys ! I have a problem... my special buffs or dragon buffs or how they are named ARE NOT WORKING... The date of the VPS is correctly set... I have tried with 2 different account.sql table, still don't working. I talk about this buffs if is there anyone who doesn't get it...
  5. With your german~english mixed language I don't understand a thing...
  6. The problem is from GAME file , not from client, not from DB file... I've tested with an old GAME FILE (which i don't have source) and the belt was showing up in the inventory slot...
  7. Try to make an archive (.eix and .epk) with JUST these files from this NPC. DON'T FORGOT TO ADD THE NAME OF ARCHIVE IN Index file from pack.
  8. Did you add the files in your client ? I mean do you have this files (textures) in your client ?
  9. Go to pack folder and decrypt root.eix/root.epk. Open costinfo.py and go down and add : Your file should look like this : [Hidden Content] Now, open game.py and ui character.py and add : Your file should look like this : [Hidden Content] Now, in game.py , under this line sub (seflf. __PlayMusic you add this thing Now your file should look like this : [Hidden Content] In game.py under this line : (def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx) Paste this : Your file should look like this : [Hidden Content] In uitarget.py search this line : (def Close(self) and add : import uiHealth Your file should look like this : [Hidden Content] In uitarget.py in def OnUpdate structure you add this : It should look like this : [Hidden Content] Add this in the root folder : [Hidden Content] And run this quest : [Hidden Content] Good luck.
  10. Client -> interfacemodule.py (root) -> self.utilizareInventar = time.clock() + 4 Modify to 0 and see if it works.
  11. Hello guys, when I equip any belt it doesn't appear in the inventory BUT the belt is there, I get the bonuses from belt... So... the belt simply doesn't appear in the slot.
  12. The gamefile is good, but when i change the db the problem appears... so the problem is from db :| ...
  13. Yea, but when I use the db compiled from the source, the horse dies... I've tried to replace some rows linking with the horse... but the problem is still there and I don't fucking know what to do... I've tried everything I could...
  14. EXAMPLE : You go to : /usr/game/share/locale/turkey/quest/object/20092 and delete what is inside of the folder "20092" or what NPC is bugged on your server !!! (I'm not sure this will solve your problem, but you can try...)
  15. I don't understand your english... sorry :)). If there's a bug NPC go to quest/object/code_of_npc and delete all the files from there and try again...
  16. You need to send false-positive verifications to all anitivirus corporations, after they analyse the file and discover there's no virus, your file will not be detected anymore as a virus, BUT YOUR PLAYERS NEED TO HAVE THE ANTIVIRUS UPDATED daily. (So they can get information from the Antivirus that your file isn't a virus... without an updated antivirus they will receive the same alert that your file is virused...)
  17. Look in auth/ch1/ch2/.../db/game99. Look in every folder and go to the bottom of file (syserr/syslog) and see what's killing the server.
  18. You would better look in syserror / syslog...
  19. So, somebody kills your server? Channel,db,game ... what is going down ?
  20. Did you use just "gmake" ? Try these commands in this order : gmake clean gmake -dep gmake -j20 If the problem is still there, try to download a FreeBSD with all stuffs for compiling a metin2 source.
  21. I've found the problem I think... with an older db file the horse doesn't die anymore when you relog or teleport, but I don't have the source of that db...
  22. If I do this, the horse will never die I think... and when you're riding it the horse will not die if someone tries to kill you (I guess)... so... I don't think this will work...
  23. Hello guys. Everything is allright with my horse, but when I teleport or relog the horse dies... I've tried to revive it a lot of times, but after teleporting or relog still dies... I've tried to change with the original files from mainline or other sources these files : char_horse.cpp, horse_rider.cpp, horse_rider.h, horsename_manager.cpp, horsename_manager.h and questlua_horse.cpp The problem is still there... So, what can I do?
  24. Hi guys , how can I solve kick hack by francoiz on game r34083 ? The hack is working through sending 100 private messages in 1 second. Is there any diff ?
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