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Everything posted by HFWhite

  1. Hello! I would like if someone knows how to help me make the render target appear in real-time when I press LSHIFT. Currently, I have it set to the Shift key, but it only works if I press Shift first and then hover over the item. If I am already hovering over the item and press the "Shift" key, it doesn't work. I have render target volvox: [Hidden Content] This is what I have now: [Hidden Content] The solution would be in "uitooltip," in the "def OnUpdate(self)" function, but I don't have the necessary knowledge in Python to solve it. I've tried... An example of how I would like it to be is in the compare function that I have added, where if I am already hovering over the item and press CTRL, it works regardless of whether I hover over it before or not: [Hidden Content] I solved the compare issue after following a tutorial from a member on Dev, which says: Compare system: [Hidden Content]
  2. Well maybe you have another check for spam somewhere else in the code. Do what @ CORKY said. I think its best to remove the code anyway, especially if you said you already have if (ch->IncreaseChatCounter() >= 10) (make sure it is in the whisper function! because you have one in the chat function as well)
  3. What do you call a bug, it's actually a feature. It's spam detection + auto kick, like the chat one. I've added it too in my files. You just need to config it so it allows a couple more messages before kick. [Hidden Content] So, go to input_main.cpp and search: int CInputMain::Whisper(LPCHARACTER ch, const char * data, size_t uiBytes) Now find something with: numberhere = Adjust it to your preferences.
  4. Thanks man! Works flawlessly Before: [Hidden Content] After: [Hidden Content]
  5. because you need to compare what you have with the function I provided and add what's missing. I specified that.
  6. With these changes you will have the text outlined in chat, it can be read easier. I know it's not the best coding but it works, so if anyone wants to help improving the code it will be much appreciated Image: Download: [Hidden Content]
  7. No, that does not fix it. It only checks if the message is shout or not, but I managed to fix it myself. rColor acts as the fade in and fade out animation. so what I did is I checked if rColor is 100%. If it is then outline is true, otherwise is false. This should be applied both on EditMode and ViewMode. So in the end it will look like this: [Hidden Content] Thank you anyway!
  8. Yeah, I did this yestarday but it bugs the fade in/out animation of the messages. A fix for this would be to set Outline to "false" untill the animation of the fade in and fade out is done. After it should be true. But Idk to do that. Video of bug: (black text because of outline) [Hidden Content]
  9. Hello. I saw this on a server, how do I add the outline to the text from chat? I want the black outline on the names + text, exactly how is it in the 2nd picture. This is how it is now: This is how I want it to be: Thank you!
  10. Do you live in communism? Can't we tell our opinion or what? If someone has a different opinion it does not mean that person is trash. Stop being so brainwashed by modern society.
  11. Don't get so triggered man, breathe a little. These are constructive arguments. What normal player plays from 3 computers ? Even so, it's not that hard to block the person that annoys you again. It's not a game breaking issue. I know for a fact that the C++ system has vulnerabilities, even Trinity and Owsap had this system in their previous files but uninstalled them. And they did that for a reason.
  12. Well, You can always create a registry file like some login interfaces do. And even if you uninstall and reinstall the game, the file is still there unless you delete it. But that's an extreme situation, most players don't care about that. They care about getting rid of an annoying person. Your system has some vulnerabilities unfortunately.. Example: import _winreg REG_PATH = r"SOFTWARE\test" def set_reg(name, value): try: _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_PATH) registry_key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_PATH, 0, _winreg.KEY_WRITE) _winreg.SetValueEx(registry_key, name, 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, value) _winreg.CloseKey(registry_key) return True except WindowsError: return False def get_reg(name): try: registry_key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_PATH, 0, _winreg.KEY_READ) value, regtype = _winreg.QueryValueEx(registry_key, name) _winreg.CloseKey(registry_key) return str(value) except WindowsError: return None
  13. I still think that a python side block system is more suitable for this game, only for messenger. I made a simple python system that stores the blocked players name in a txt file. Video: [Hidden Content]
  14. yes, I figured eventually it was from binary. FIX: Do the same from tables.h to Packet.h (binary). Everything works now perfectly.
  15. Edit: It does not work, the skills disappear and on old account I get UNKNOWN PACKET HEADER. GIF: [Hidden Content] I did the issues.cpp part of the tutorial, but that did not change anything.
  16. I extracted a similar systems from different files, including OWSAP's and TRINITY's, but those had issues with p2p features: 1. If you are on CH1, and tagret is on CH99 you can't block that person. 2. If PLAYER1 blocked PLAYER2 and one of them goes on CH99, if PLAYER1 messages PLAYER2 he appears as offline. Did you fix these?
  17. Another woraround: Download dgVoodo2, put the files frfom folder MS -> x86 in your client, open then dgVoodooCpl.exe and select 8x on aliasing.(DirectX menu) I managed to fix the anti aliasing, but i have an annoying bug. The spaces from spacebar have a weird dot. That's the only bug. https://metin2.download/video/5ziLcW02Euopy91b49lPtNL7J1Hx52B4/.mp4 EDIT: I finally found a fix, I will create a new topic on a full tutorial.
  18. I found an ANTIALIASING FIX for Directx9 //Search for in EtherLib/GrpDevice.cpp: ms_dwD3DBehavior = pkD3DModeInfo->m_dwD3DBehavior; //and it is added immediately on top: for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= D3DMULTISAMPLE_8_SAMPLES; i++) { const auto multisamplelevel = static_cast<D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE>(i); const auto result = ms_lpd3d->CheckDeviceMultiSampleType(ms_iD3DAdapterInfo, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, ms_d3dPresentParameter.BackBufferFormat, Windowed, multisamplelevel, nullptr); // !!! REMOVE nullptr FOR DX8 !!! if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { #ifdef _DEBUG TraceError("multisamplelevel == %u", multisamplelevel); #endif ms_d3dPresentParameter.MultiSampleType = multisamplelevel; } } // Search for in EtherLib/GrpScreen.cpp: void CScreen::RenderBar3d(float sx, float sy, float sz, float ex, float ey, float ez) //and the function is completely replaced; void CScreen::RenderBar3d(float sx, float sy, float sz, float ex, float ey, float ez) { assert(ms_lpd3dDevice != NULL); SPDTVertexRaw vertices[4] = { // HARD FIX BEGIN { sx - 0.5f, sy - 0.5f, sz, ms_diffuseColor, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { sx - 0.5f, ey - 0.5f, ez, ms_diffuseColor, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { ex - 0.5f, sy - 0.5f, sz, ms_diffuseColor, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { ex - 0.5f, ey - 0.5f, ez, ms_diffuseColor, 0.0f, 0.0f }, // HARD FIX END }; if (SetPDTStream(vertices, 4)) { STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, NULL); STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(1, NULL); STATEMANAGER.SetVertexShader(D3DFVF_XYZ|D3DFVF_DIFFUSE|D3DFVF_TEX1); STATEMANAGER.DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 0, 2); } }
  19. well yes, when you change something in common it is usually best to compile both GAME and DB.
  20. There is a problem. if you level up a skill from m3 -> m4 for example, the needed books don't reset to 0, only after teleport or reading another book. [Hidden Content] How to fix?
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