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Everything posted by AlexxD

  1. Well.. you can contact me on skype: razvanalex18
  2. Go to: 1.Navicat and open your server. 2.Go to 'player' table. 3.Go to 'player' subtable and right-click on it. 4.Select Design Table. 5.Go to part_main and type you need to put 'smallint' and lenght '6'. If it doesn't work, your part_main seems to be very big on that number, do exactly what I said upper but you'll need to put 'varchar' and lenght '24'.
  3. If you want to add a new button, contact me on skype: razvanalex18 or here (PM)
  4. You need to download VirtualBox, FreeBSD 9.2 with source vdi and you will need to put those files in /usr/src/mainline_released/mainline_sg/Srcs/Server
  5. PythonPlayer.cpp, UserInterface, client source.
  6. Try this skill_proto.sql: [Hidden Content] And I saw in your affect.h that after BLEEDING you have that Lycan skills, red_possesion, you don't need to use AFF_RED_POSSESION = 174, junt AFF_RED_POSSESION and AFF_BLUE_POSSESION, so get this affect.h: [Hidden Content]
  7. In PythonPlayer.cpp you will need to search: CPythonPlayer::CPythonPlayer(void) and you will need to change m_kMap_dwAffectIndexToSkillIndex.insert(make_pair(int(CInstanceBase::AFFECT_RED_POSSESION), 175)); m_kMap_dwAffectIndexToSkillIndex.insert(make_pair(int(CInstanceBase::AFFECT_BLUE_POSSESION), 176)); to m_kMap_dwAffectIndexToSkillIndex.insert(make_pair(int(CInstanceBase::AFFECT_JEOKRANG), 174)); m_kMap_dwAffectIndexToSkillIndex.insert(make_pair(int(CInstanceBase::AFFECT_CHEONGRANG), 175));
  8. There's from binary. I have the same problem, but I don't see where's the problem.. I've created a new binary with Lycan and doesn't show me that effect on skill's taskbar.. I've put the maxmi 4.1 launcher and it works, but I don't want to use it.
  9. Hi devs, today, i just looking into my server files and I was just testing some stuffs and I found a problem at Dragon Soul Stone Refine, that in 'Class' setting, I press Refine, and there's nothing happened. In syserr I just got : postimg.org/image/uu9duoint/ At 1:00 PM I seen that even the level of Dragon Stone doesn't work and Class, but now i just modified a little bit dragon_soul_refine_settings from root and the level works, but class doesn't. I'm waiting your answers.. EDIT: When you press that link to the image, reload it to see the image.
  10. Well, Vanilla, is a SHE. You know, there's no more than 4/10 women who have some skills in the hole WORLD, in C# and C++, in IDA.. I guess. So, if Alessa is a HE, and was SHE's teacher, why : The post of alessa at epvp wasnt allowed from Vanilla (like this its in the commentarys) so seems like an accident on the wrong account ?? Why Vanilla's wasn't allowed Alessa's(he's) post on epvp? That just broke my mind.. Whatever, thanks Isolation for sharing the source, and Vanilla 'cause she's shared she's files with us.
  11. EN: It was much better if in the quest was a function who do a buff when you press on that box. Whatever, very nice release Zetsu. RO: Felicitari Zetsu pentru acest system. Vad ca dau de multi romani pe alte site-uri pentru modarea unui privat.
  12. Thanks Shisui. I'll test this now. You have my respect bro. Edit 22:47: It works! Tested few minutes ago!
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