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Everything posted by AlexxD

  1. 1102 14:30:01894 :: uiTaskBar.py: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation 1102 14:30:01958 :: uiDragonSoul.py: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation 1102 14:30:02020 :: uiSystem.py: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation 1102 14:30:02080 :: uiQuest.py: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation RO: Asta imi da de gandit, rescrie partea Python si spune-mi daca ai rezolvat ceva. EN: At python part I'm thinkin' that you've mistake something, check it out again.
  2. RO: Syserr, ceva? EN: Syserr, something that which can help to resolv the bug?
  3. You have COSTUME_MOUNT subtype at any of your items?
  4. If you have COSTUME_MOUNT enabled, put in gametype.h, this: const DWORD c_New_Equipment_Start = c_Equipment_Start + 22; like this: const DWORD c_New_Equipment_Start = c_Equipment_Start + 23; And let me explain you why. You have start index at costume system 19. Costume body = slot 19, costume hair 20. After, belt/ring system starts at index 21, but if you add shoulders + mount at costume system, 19 + 4 = 23. So, belt system start index will be 23 from now, untill you'll add some new slots to costume system. I hope that you'll learn C++ very soon.
  5. Right there, https://www.virustotal.com/tr/file/9cf344c9aaa03ca70a8db08cc8edb976ffef39397f0a85c4c414651bef933a57/analysis/1445373402/ and add game files; https://www.virustotal.com/tr/file/5cb5fbe17ebc708726fba06381090312d205fa97795f0767860a171887f3ca3b/analysis/1445373729/ Sorry for that. Game seems to be good, mysql is virused.. I'll fix that in 2 minutes for you. There you go: MYSQL VIRUSTOTAL
  6. You know that there's a big GOOGLE site? Ah, I've forgot, it's too hard, or you're new in this domain. :3 Here you are, mega links: GAME MYSQL - I don't have data for this, you can reset password with VirtualBox, Putty, etc. CLIENT These are from 28.07.2014, in romanian language. I don't have source, for these.. if you don't search that, you can tell me, and I'll remove that.
  7. Hi folks, today I came here with a problem.. Yesterday I deleted all Wolfman/Lycan files from my client/source/serverfiles, and I have a little problem.. Now, when I login, everytime I need to select my empire, and after I press 'Choose', I see my characters in the new empire.. :/ Is there somebody who knows why? [Hidden Content]
  8. You can put REAL_TIME limit in item_proto.txt, man, if you're saying that.. Yes but in client dosen't see this time You can put it in item_proto client too, I just say.. Items with type 33 doesn`t have a time. You can put REAL_TIME limit in item_proto.txt, man, if you're saying that.. Yes but in client dosen't see this time You can put it in item_proto client too, I just say.. I have in item_proto good real time but items with type 33 dosen't see time. With type 16 time is good ;] Hmm, maybe in uitooltip.py you need to find ITEM_TYPE_UNIQUE or something like that, and make a line with ITEM_TYPE_RING.
  9. You can put REAL_TIME limit in item_proto.txt, man, if you're saying that.. Yes but in client dosen't see this time You can put it in item_proto client too, I just say..
  10. You can put REAL_TIME limit in item_proto.txt, man, if you're saying that..
  11. Hi devs, I saw some topics with 'How to block two same items with type 33?' and I said that I can help everyone to resolv that (if you put special rings with type 33) 1. Go to your source(game) and open char_item.cpp 2. Find: if (item->GetWearFlag() & WEARABLE_UNIQUE) 3. Put this code after if (item->GetType() & ITEM_RING) { if ((GetWear(WEAR_RING1) && GetWear(WEAR_RING1)->IsSameSpecialGroup(item)) || (GetWear(WEAR_RING2) && GetWear(WEAR_RING2)->IsSameSpecialGroup(item))) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You can't put two same items in the same time.")); return false; } }
  12. 1. Open char_item.cpp and after if (item->GetWearFlag() & WEARABLE_UNIQUE) { if ((GetWear(WEAR_UNIQUE1) && GetWear(WEAR_UNIQUE1)->IsSameSpecialGroup(item)) || (GetWear(WEAR_UNIQUE2) && GetWear(WEAR_UNIQUE2)->IsSameSpecialGroup(item))) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("같은 종류의 유니크 아이템 두 개를 동시에 장착할 수 없습니다.")); return false; } if (marriage::CManager::instance().IsMarriageUniqueItem(item->GetVnum()) && !marriage::CManager::instance().IsMarried(GetPlayerID())) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("결혼하지 않은 상태에서 예물을 착용할 수 없습니다.")); return false; } } put this: if (item->GetType() & ITEM_RING) { if ((GetWear(WEAR_RING1) && GetWear(WEAR_RING1)->IsSameSpecialGroup(item)) || (GetWear(WEAR_RING2) && GetWear(WEAR_RING2)->IsSameSpecialGroup(item))) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You can't put two same items in the same time.")); return false; } } Try it.
  13. then in AbstractPlayer.h you need to find GetStatus(DWORD dwType) = 0; then replace with virtual long long GetStatus(DWORD dwType) = 0; then in PythonPlayer.cpp you need to replace int CPythonPlayer::GetStatus(DWORD dwType) with long long CPythonPlayer::GetStatus(DWORD dwType) after that in PythonPlayerModule.cpp put that: PyObject * playerGetElk(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { long long gold = CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_GOLD); return Py_BuildValue("K", gold); } that's not the full tutorial, but it's ok.
  14. PyObject * playerGetElk(PyObject* poSelf, PyObject* poArgs) { return Py_BuildValue("K", CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_GOLD)); } Use K value if you have python27.
  15. In char.h you need to find CHARACTER::GetAllowedGold() and it have INT value. change with long long
  16. Hi devs, a few days ago I started modifying gold max from int value which is 2.147kkk to long long/unsigned long long value whick is 922kkkkk and to put limit from config to 20-30kkk.. When I login to client, the gold is good, like this: [Hidden Content] But when I buy or drop yang: [Hidden Content] The question is, where I need to modify in binary/game to refresh status good? Thanks
  17. Well done my friends. I resolved my problem. Thank you guys for your replies, that was from uiTooltip.py but not in real_time function.. At item.TYPE_USE i put "ITEM_TYPE_USE or ITEM_TYPE_COSTUME == something" and from there was the problem. Again, thanks.
  18. Show me char_item.cpp, or give me it, and then I'll fix it.
  19. Tell me more about this 'safebox' in arena pvp. :/
  20. 1.Decrypt root 2.In interfacemodule.py 3.Search def ToggleInventoryWindow(self): 4.There need to be your problem.
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