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Everything posted by AlexxD

  1. No man, ITEM_RING it's 33rd subtype in dump_proto, so you just need to change in from item_proto, client and server though
  2. NOTE: If you're using special rings like ITEM_RING, special_group_item.txt will NOT read the bonuses for them. You need to change APPLY types and values from item_proto.
  3. Actually, these items, Ruby, Garnet, Emerald and Sapphire, will not attach on accesories with game 2089M, I had the same problem, and I think there's a diff for it, but I don't know it very well. My advice: go for 40250!
  4. Maybe because of your item_proto. I think converter sql to txt it's not good.
  5. I think it doesn't matter. You need to use txt files for compile it to item_proto for client. Maybe you will find a converter from sql to txt and it'll be better. I also recommend to use txt because sql for me it's way !HARDER!
  6. In DumpProto folder you have dump_proto subfolder, lzo and Importer.sln. In dump_proto subfolder after you compiled it, VS will create a folder named Release. In that folder you have dump_proto.exe Copy and paste item_proto.txt, item_names.txt, mob_proto.txt and mob_names.txt in Release folder and double-click on the .exe
  7. If you change with in GameLib binary source, you need to change it in DumpProto source too if you want to read 4 socket slots from your item_proto client.
  8. You don't need a socket3 value, if you did the C++ part correctly, you just need to adapt your item_proto compiler. Search in GameLib: ItemData.h and replace with after you need to change in DumpProto source, dumpproto.cpp with
  9. I don't have this problem, maybe you can replace this code in special_item_group.txt and these: !!! THESE ARE MINE (official server) . IF YOU USE THEM, MAKE SURE YOU REPLACED YOURS WITH THESE !!! If these don't work, then send me a PM
  10. Possible. I attached my lib folder here, you can test it. lib.rar
  11. Binary: ZIPPY Source: MEGA Serverfiles: you can download metin2 sg files 34k, and replace game/db with 40k ones Client: also, use 34k, replace TRUE and FALSE with True and False in root.eix/epk, and locale to localeInfo and put your binary, and don't forget to replace python22 with !!! python27 !!! !!! I DIDN'T TEST THE SOURCE !!! If you can't do it, you can send me a PM with your skype adress, and I'll help you.
  12. Search in GameType.h: replace with: also in GameType.h: replace with:
  13. This is the code so, client can't load the specific file. In pc/warrior/effect doesn't exist gihyeol_spark.mse or it's damaged. Try to replace pc { eix/epk } pc2 { eix/epk } And this open game.py with Notepad++, and in top menu from Notepad++, you can see a 'View' toolbar. Click on it, after go to 'Show symbol' and check 'Show white Space and TAB' And then you'll see TABS and spaces. Space will be like a . and TAB like an orizontal arrow. In python files (.py extensions) you need to use TABS, and not SPACES! Example:
  14. If your client close instantly after the bar is loaded, then try to change binary and if it doesn't work then change uiscript files, include characterwindow.py if in debuggind it's not responding.
  15. So in here, enum EWearPositions, we have: WEAR_COSTUME_BODY, // 19 WEAR_COSTUME_HAIR, // 20 WEAR_COSTUME_ACCE, // 21 WEAR_COSTUME_MOUNT, // 22 index then this will be corect: WEAR_RING1, // 23 START INDEX GAMETYPE !! WEAR_RING2, // 24 WEAR_BELT, // 25 Gametype.h part will be this: const DWORD c_New_Equipment_Start = c_Equipment_Start + 23; // START INDEX FROM lenght.h
  16. If you have offline shop system from web, just delete #define ENABLE_OFFLINE_SHOP_SYSTEM from binary.(all definitions)
  17. If you have GM STATS, or ITEMS WITH PERFECT BONUSES or 5k+ STR, DEX, etc, the damage of poison will be 0, i think the value of it in serverside it's a weak value
  18. I fixed it, just replaced uiquest.py, I didn't know what was wrong in my py file before :/
  19. You just need a little bit of concentration. I'm a newbie in C++/Python/Lua, I mean, all Metin2 features, and I made it very quickly.(Just private shop price was getting me angry because I didn't find the solution till 3 days ago) Find all gold/price/amount/points values/functions/variables, and change DWORD/int in long long and don't change any of static_cast<int64_t> to long long, just replace with static_cast<long long> . If you have python 2.7.3/2.7.6 use K value in binary, and don't forget to change GetStatus/SetStatus functions also from binary.(not long for these functions, because if you have long long for yang and just long for status, your max yang will be 4kkk)
  20. If you change the prefix from dw(DWORD prefix) to ll(long long prefix) you just change variable name/prefix. If you truly want to rename all variables where you have modified values and files, you also need to change the variables functions, but there's no fix for your bug with changing the name or prefix of variable. Also, the tut from metin2tech.de it's just an upgrade with some unused functions like (long long)cost which doesn't help you at changing max value of yang, just at refine window(if you do it corectly). I hope you'll understand what I'm saying here.
  21. There is no LOCALE_OK variabile. I have just UI_OK, UI_CONTINUE and UI_CANCEL in locale, and these are the variables that need to be there, not LOCALE_OK. I replaced locale.lua from server, still the same, I've checked questlib.lua, nothing special. If you have skype, send me a pm, maybe we can fix it on skype.
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