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Everything posted by Shogun

  1. As everyone is saying your texture for the hair has a wrong path
  2. wrong password this has been asked dozens of times, topic locked
  3. Hi guys, Today I will show you how to use the popular Cloudflare solution to add an extra layer of security to your website. The best about it: it's free if you don't want to spend on the paid plans. I will assume that you already have a website online and working, and your own domain name (if you don't have one, I recommend EasyDNS). The first step will be to sign up on the Cloudflare website. Registration is straightforward so I won't go into details about it. Once your account is created, it's time to add your website on the Dashboard: Cloudflare will scan your current DNS records for the domain Once scanned, we can review our DNS records. You will be able to change them at any time later. Just for this feature alone, it's worth using the service: We can choose whether a domain or subdomain should be filtered through Cloudflare. When the little cloud is grey, Cloudflare will simply act as a DNS server forwarding users to your server. When it's orange, we gain a series of security and performance features, even with the free plan. One worth noting is that your IP becomes private so your real location and hosting provider cannot be found. This is a great privacy enhancement! ¿Is it worth paying for the paid plans? Depends. If you expect large attacks and don't have DDoS protection on your website host, you should go for the business plan definately. Otherwise, free or pro will do. ¿Why use it if I already have DDoS protection on my server? Well, some extra security isn't a bad idea. Usually DDoS mitigation systems such as those offered by OVH or Solarcom filter mostly Layer 4 attacks, while Cloudflare works better with Layer 7 attacks. Therefore they complement each other. The final step to let Cloudflare take control of our domain records is to change the name servers. This is usually done in the control panel of the provider where you bought your domain name, in my case EasyDNS: Finally your site is added but it will take some hours -might even be a day or two- before the name server and DNS changes are in effect, and it's time for me to stop writing this tutorial temporarily In the next post I will explain you which are the best settings to choose among the many offered by Cloudflare. To be continued.
  4. there are thousands of icons like that just google
  5. The log you posted says nothing about a character crashing on login. Post relevant logs.
  6. Oh, now that it was starting to get fun.
  7. If you want a custom website you have two options: 1) Learn LAMP 2) Pay someone to do it What you are doing here is unacceptable as you have no intention of learning it yourself. Thread locked.
  8. Did you upgrade your FreeBSD recently? Missing libs?
  9. I'm not a fan of wbb but the design looks nice
  10. I doubt its related to your game. You need a mark folder on the server.
  11. It's actually 60 seconds you have to change the text in locale_string.txt
  12. What's on your serverside locale/whatever/cube.txt?
  13. Character encoding on your windows might have something to do with it.
  14. You don't need a degree I don't think anybody in the scene has a degree in programming and yet the YMIR programmers do and we have all seen what kind of code they produce sometimes.
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