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Everything posted by -TÜRK-

  1. For sure! I did not see that before... Thats normal USE_ITEM prefix: TestChar01: USE_ITEM Elektromanyetik Pala+3 (inven 1, cell: 1)
  2. Hello guys. This problem took my two days and still alive... I have this arguments in my special_item_group.txt (from offi content) All of this items are exists in database. Group eva_box { Vnum 50124 1 71114 5 40 2 71116 5 30 3 71118 5 20 4 71120 5 10 } When I click 50124 vnum item core locks & after 5-10 seconds core down. There is no syslog, no syserr. Core make 950MB .core file! So I can't trace .core file.. Just tells extracted item name & vnum in syslog. Feb 18 14:41:56.816539 :: USE_ITEM USED_ITEM_NAME, Inven 0, Cell 65535, ItemType 23, SubType 0 Feb 18 14:41:56.816616 :: LOG: INSERT DELAYED INTO log (type, time, who, x, y, what, how, hint, ip, vnum) VALUES('ITEM', NOW(), 24, 955647, 249552, 10000002, 'SYSTEM', 'EXTRACTED_ITEM_NAME', '', 71120) Feb 18 14:41:56.816635 :: 7: 71120 5 What I made: I changed CORE branches (Novaline & mainline) I changed DB revisions. I deleted all quests. I changed special_item_group arguments. I added & removed tabs in special_item_group.txt I changed Item names. .... Any ideas I'm Using FreeBSD-9.1x64
  3. Hi guys, as we know there is lot of branches. We should know which branch have which bugs? Especially novaline...
  4. No, I tried in GM_PLAYER char. On same char, block list, spam list etc. working but no luck for 5 second spam func..
  5. Sanchez, today I tried to your system in my core development. But there is a little bug. 5 Second spam rule does not work, except this block spam & ban word works as well. if (buflen > 1 && *buf == '/') { interpret_command(ch, buf + 1, buflen - 1); return iExtraLen; } if (!strcmp(ch->LastPlayerMessage, buf) && (thecore_pulse() < (ch->LastMessageAt + SPAM_WAIT_SEC * 25)) && !ch->SpamAllowBuf(buf) && ch->GetGMLevel() < GM_LOW_WIZARD) { if (ch->BlockChatAfter < 2) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You must wait 5 seconds to repeat your message.")); ch->BlockChatAfter++; return iExtraLen; } else { ch->BlockChatAfter = 0; ch->PlayerPunish(false, SPAM_CHAT_BAN_TIME); return iExtraLen; } } else { if (!ch->BannListCheck(buf) && ch->GetGMLevel() < GM_LOW_WIZARD) { ch->PlayerPunish(true, SPAM_BAN_TIME); ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You has been banned %d minute because of saying blacklisted word."), SPAM_BAN_TIME); return iExtraLen; } if (!ch->SpamListCheck(buf) && ch->GetGMLevel() < GM_LOW_WIZARD) { ch->PlayerPunish(false, SPAM_CHAT_BAN_TIME); ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("Your chat has been banned %d minute because of saying spamming word."), SPAM_CHAT_BAN_TIME); return iExtraLen; } } if (ch->IncreaseChatCounter() >= 10) { if (ch->GetChatCounter() == 10) { sys_log(0, "CHAT_HACK: %s", ch->GetName()); ch->GetDesc()->DelayedDisconnect(5); } return iExtraLen; } Interesting?
  6. for sure, for better protection, you can make some password protection for your game file with a little c++ codes..
  7. Did you tried this? If you tried & if is it working; can you give an example create server_attr. Thanks.
  8. That is great, now one more question how to create server_attr for serverside?
  9. @deadman use official pack maker. i didn't test type4 (panama)
  10. I need to create&nbsp;Safe , Water etc zone in my map. Any ideas? If we can do it with world editor how?
  11. Woahh! I did big mistake! I found problem, thank Shogun. FolderName "__pack" PackName "ui"
  12. Why we are stripping our cores? - 'Cause you are removing symbols & shorten relocation informations. Think a string, then think an adress? Which one is more reachable for system? Through this system can read informations more stable & fast. Like python, .py is more unstable than .pyc Command in BSD: strip -s game_file_name Good luck within development!
  13. FolderName "__pack" PackName "../../ready_pc/__pack/item" List SecurityExtNameList { "txt" "msk" "msa" "msm" "mss" "mse" "msf" "spt" "py" } List CompressExtNameList { "txt" "spt" "atr" "dds" "raw" "wtr" "mde" "tga" } List CSHybridEncryptExeNameList { "dds" "raw" "gr2" "msm" "atr" } List FileList { "d:/ymir work/item/00001.msm" ................. } You are specifiyng your file extension. Thats all. My problem is still alive :/ packmaker does not create any key files.
  14. Also, as the Pack Maker sources he must make .dat file: //make key file for CS hybrid crypt std::string strCryptFileName = g_strFolderName + "/" + "cshybridcrypt_" + g_st_packName + ".dat"; packMgr->WriteHybridCryptPackInfo(strCryptFileName.c_str());
  15. Thank you for answer sanchez... here take a look: pack: d:/ymir work/ui/skillassassin.dds Write[type:4] d:/ymir work/ui/skillcommon.dds pack: d:/ymir work/ui/skillcommon.dds Write[type:4] d:/ymir work/ui/skillshaman.dds pack: d:/ymir work/ui/skillshaman.dds Write[type:4] d:/ymir work/ui/skillsura.dds pack: d:/ymir work/ui/skillsura.dds Write[type:4] d:/ymir work/ui/skillwarrior.dds pack: d:/ymir work/ui/skillwarrior.dds Write[type:1] d:/ymir work/ui/taskbar.tga pack: d:/ymir work/ui/taskbar.tga Write[type:4] d:/ymir work/ui/windows.dds pack: d:/ymir work/ui/windows.dds here is a log from MakeScript. also packmaker does not make any key files? (.dat ext: cshybrid )
  16. Hi guys. I'm newbie in this forum not in developing of metin2 . This forum is good idea I think. Because like EPVP etc forums, there is lot of players not developers, really idiots and kids you know.. I am using MakePack.exe (from official stuff) As example, I create pack with some stuffs with HybridCrypt encryption okay.. (CSHybridEncryptExeNameList) Im trying to unpack with unpackers, metin2dev_archiver, tims archiver etc. pack does not open (they can't find cipher-info key), this is very good. BUT... I put my handmade HybridCrypt pack into pack file. When I open client, client SUCCESSFULLY decrypting files and using even PackageCrypt infos not loaded?!!! One more, while I make my handmade HybridCrypt pack, as the PackMaker sources pack maker must create HybridCrypt key file but MakePack does not create any key files? Kind Regards...
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