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Everything posted by TMP4

  1. To make it short, it will redo the makedepend file in your game/src folder. Probably the clean & recompilation solved your issue tho.
  2. Try gameclean gamedep gamecompile Either it will compile successfully or at least show what your error actually is, if there are any. But please keep such kind of questions in questions & answers since WJ_ENABLE_TRADABLE_ICON is not related to this release.
  3. So here we can't talk hungarian. Keep english. You're really mixing things. ENABLE_PROXY_IP is only needed in the source (common/service.h), and it is there, it is enabled. You don't need to do anything with ENABLE_PROXY_IP. When you edited the PROXY_IP: ip to ENABLE_PROXY_IP: ip in your CONFIG files you actually just removed PROXY_IP because ENABLE_PROXY_IP is not a token, it will not read it. Put the PROXY_IP back to your CONFIG files and revert the changes what you did with As I said that is localhost, that is okey. If you could not connect with PROXY_IP: ip in your CONFIG files then your ports are not opened. Provide a screenshot of your ports, how did you opened them. Here's an example of mine:
  4. Did I talk you yesterday in youtube comments? I was checking this morning but didn't find your comment. Anyway better here, so That is your error. You public IP address should not appear there because port 15000 is the db what you should access via localhost ( If you edited the to your ip (lots of people do it actually because they don't know == localhost), then revert the changes. You only need to set BIND_IP: private_ip PROXY_IP: public_ip In your CONFIG files. Do not edit other stuffs and don't forget to remove those from comment (#BIND_IP... -> BIND_IP... so you remove the #) TL:DR: Do not edit because that is not az external ip or something, that is localhost.
  5. I would remove the mysql completly and reinstall it in your vps. pkg delete mysql55-server rm -rf /var/db/mysql (KEEP IN MIND IT DELETES THE DATABASE) pkg install mysql55-server cd /var/db && tar -xf metin2_mysql.tar.gz service mysql-server start (or reboot)
  6. It looks fine. Then try to determine what core throws the connection refused by starting them one by one like you did with db. And check with the ps command if they're really running or not, like if db stops after you start it, then all cores will throw conn. refused i'm sure.
  7. mysql-server and the db is two different thing. db is the binary next to the game. Most likely it's not running. (The db connecting to your mysql-server) try cd /usr/metin2/server/db ./db & what's the output?
  8. And db is running? Did you check via ps command? FreeBSD version? If you try to run a game & db compiled in FreeBSD13.0 in a FreeBSD12.x or lower you'll get Undefined symbol "something@FBSD_1.6" (1.6 means FreeBSD13) in the console. Most people ignore it since it is in the console, and saying syserr is empty, and they wonder why it's not working.
  9. Check if your db run or not because port 15000 belongs to db. You can use the "ps" command. And check db's syserr. Game & db needs 0777 permission, otherwise when you start it will write that permission denied. Also keep in mind since the game & db compiled in FreeBSD13.0, it will not run on an older FreeBSD. There is a 12.2vm to use & compile tho here.
  10. r404* game and dated as 2009 june ? And the whole sf got public only at 2009 september. The quests are dated as 2008 tho.
  11. The password is mcncc.com The navi pw is 123456 And ingame user: rain / 12345 By the way it is a 2009 serverfile, don't know why most people call it 2004 or 2008. It's uploaded in an unpacked form, but the original archive from mcncc.com topic contained more files, including a readme.txt too with the release date and informations. 说明.txt The included 2004 client in this topic (what is 2005 actually) will not work with this serverfile. Here is the original 7z self-extracting archive (pw: mcncc.com) and a really compatible chinese client: [Hidden Content]
  12. "EDIT: should i change the ip in the config files to the one i my vps has or should i leave it at" 127.0.01 == localhost. Do not change it. Your problem is that it does not find files in locale/english folders. My prediction what you did: You extracted the serverfile in windows, then uploaded all files to the vps, your symlinks to locale folder from to cores (and every other folder symlink) does not exists because you can't extract them in windows, they simply won't appear because windows does not supports symlinks. To extract the tar.gz files in your vps you can use the tar -xf command cd /usr tar -xf metin2_server+src.tar.gz Then you don't loose symlinks.
  13. [Hidden Content] / [Hidden Content] levelup.quest + questlib.lua parts + translate.lua in your language. It's 1-90.
  14. So the problem is that, without any clue nobody can help. You say gdb doesn't do anything. So you write gdb like this: root@metin2:~ # gdb and what's the outout? command gdb not found? (pkg install gdb) you get an empty new line? like root@metin2:~ # other? I suggest you to try removing gdb then if you installed it from ports then do pkg, if you did pkg then install from ports.
  15. Added now, thanks for the suggestion ? 2021.12.06: - Added a little fix regarding the black screen issue after minimized client window: [Hidden Content]
  16. It's .cshrc, not .shrc. Search for: alias ll ls -lAF Add: alias start "cd /usr/metin2/server && sh start.sh" alias close "cd /usr/metin2/server && sh close.sh" alias clear "cd /usr/metin2/server && sh clear.sh" alias backup "cd /usr/metin2/server && sh backup.sh" alias questcompile "cd /usr/metin2/server/share/locale/english/quest && python2.7 make.py" alias dbcompile "cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake -j9" alias dbclean "cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake clean" alias dbdep "cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake dep" alias gamecompile "cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake -j9" alias gameclean "cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake clean" alias gamedep "cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake dep" Reboot.
  17. They seems fine, maybe you want to censor your ip tho. I can't tell what's the problem, try to do a gdb, maybe it will show some useful info.
  18. If you start them one by one they work? Then maybe you are using the same HOSTNAME for them in the CONFIG files. Official hostnames: ch1 1st core: first ch1 2nd core: game1 ch1 3rd: game2 ch2 1st core: first ch2 2nd core: game1 ch2 3rd core: game2
  19. It only spam you at debug mode when you start your client, and you only use debug mode for yourself when you want to debug something. Your players will probably get a distribute exe i hope. If you want to hide that notice you can do what Mali said there. It will not cause any error.
  20. Please read that topic from start to end. It is more like a unnecessary notice than an error. Only in the debug window / log.txt in debug mode.
  21. It's directly in root.eix-epk ? But if you open the file you will see it just loads the locale files so you probably not looking to edit this, but finding the root of your error's origin what you messed up in the loaded files. And please keep your further questions in questions & answers or that release's topic, because it is off topic for this release.
  22. Yep Webzen are more open than Ymir was, that's why I said it is totally possible to have a legal server. But let’s have no doubt about how relentless this is likely to costs for an avarage new company or business owner. Probably only existing larger game publishers can afford it, and by the time it pays off, it will take a great time. However he wants a completly different thing, he wants to be some kind of "reseller" legally and not a game publisher, check his comment.
  23. Your question doesn't even accurate. As you told me yesterday, you want to sell turnkey Metin2 servers in your hosting. I'm 100% sure there is no way Webzen allow you to do that in any form in any country, because Webzen do that, you have to buy Webzen itself for doing such activity. But if you want a licensed, legal server to distribute Metin2 in a country where there are no current distributor, then that is totally possible. Price? Unique price offer most likely what is top secret, we have no information what amount did Z8 Games or TEC Interactive or Ongame or catv.net or even Gameforge paid/paying right now. I hope you are not offended but you most likely doesn't even have the money to hire a great lawyer who can do negotiations in your company's name with Webzen.
  24. Hi, there is absolutely no way that I sign a contract for you. I don't think you even understand the situation about Metin2 servers. It's not like Minecraft or so when you are allowed to run your own private server. Having (or providing in your case) a Metin2 server infringes copyright. The copyright owner of Metin2 is Webzen currently, and Gameforge is the official european distributor who can enforce their rights over unofficial servers in the EU. So if you start selling Metin2 servers then getting in trouble, even If I sign a contract with you, that won't help you out because I'm not the copyright owner of Metin2.
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