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Everything posted by TMP4

  1. Declare it? ? List that in the quest_functions file (in the quest folder), the function itself exist in the source so there you have nothing to do, only need to put it to the quest_functions. (Why it is missing there? Probably Ymir only listed the functions what were actually in use in the original quests.)
  2. Then you did not open them. When you add them to the list, maybe you have to click enable or something. Or you're using a secondary router, for example Telekom provides a combined modem what works as a router too, in that case you have to set the port forwarding in that with your inner router's ip. It's networking, anyway until that website does not say your ports are opened, then your ports are not opened. Your question contains too many inconsistencies. If you managed to put the vdi to a vps (What hosting let you do such thing?) then just don't. Do a clean FreeBSD 13.0 install and install the serverfile and dependencies yourself in the vps.
  3. I hope your friend used your public ip address (check here: [Hidden Content]), and not the local (192.168.x.x) one. +check if the ports are opened successfully, you can use this website: [Hidden Content]
  4. 11000 (Auth) 13000 (Ch1 first) 13001 (Ch1 game1) 13002 (Ch1 game2) 13099 (Ch99) You can check the ports in the CONFIG files.
  5. Did you open all ports in your router? Did you open the right ports? If the ports are not opened, then your router will reject all packets from outside of the local network to that port.
  6. You get it very wrong. You can run your server on your computer without hamachi. Just check the video in the first post. All you need is a router/modem and you probably have one if you have wired connection to the internet.
  7. f5* ? You probably messed up POINT_PLAYTIME or related codes. Do you have backups? If so then do rollbacks until it works. If you don't (well, after this you'll probably do in the future) you have to think about what did you modified in the last days-weeks and try to find your error.
  8. No, that's incorrect. The game file and the fact it is 40k is totally independent regarding how did you set up the network for the FreeBSD. But any further questions please ask here: [Hidden Content] (because it's offtopic) May I ask why did you choose hamachi in 2022? People usually choose it because of lack of knowledge and reading old and outdated tutorials.
  9. It works. Maybe you just copy & pasted the commands and tried to fetch the 11.4 link while it's no longer available. For 13.1: [Hidden Content] For 13.0: [Hidden Content] For 12.3: [Hidden Content] Older version available too but in the archive: [Hidden Content]
  10. The important part is here: Doees that file exists?
  11. While having some extra text line in locale_game-interface.txt does not cause any problem, having new type subtype antiflag etc in item_proto will cause problems because it can't interpret it and your server will not start. (Because you wrote to me in private message that you replaced item_proto.txt too) I suggest only replacing item_names.txt and mob_names.txt but not the proto. "do I translate file line by line by self ?" I can't provide you arabic translation out of box (because I don't have) so while it should not be a line by line work but you have to do it yourself. Try to only overwrite texts and you should be fine, and check every file's syntax before you overwrite it, like maybe your translate.lue is never and does suspport language selections while this version don't.
  12. You can convert your serverside txts to clientside proto via dump_proto.exe. (If you still use my sf then there is a dump_proto folder inside the eternexus folder)
  13. That's not how source working. You need to download & install Visual Studio 2022 and open ClientVS22/client.sln and recompile the launcher, then place the launcher from ClientVS22\binary\Metin2Distribute.exe to your client. Open mob_proto.txt, search for the mob and check if it have ATT_ELEC or not. (Grotto mob does have)
  14. (You replaced playersettingmodule.py while it's containing a tutorial for how you should modifiy playersettingmodule.py)
  15. Copy this to questlua_npc.cpp, anywhere but after / before any function, and not inside an existing function. int npc_get_level(lua_State* L) { lua_pushnumber(L, CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentNPCCharacterPtr()->GetLevel()); return 1; } Same file, there is a list in the botton, add: { "get_level", npc_get_level }, Gameclean, gamecompile.
  16. As Valki said, you have to implement the npc.get_level() function. Take it from there.
  17. The easy way is to modify char_item.cpp CHARACTER::DropGold to bool CHARACTER::DropGold(int gold) { return false; } The cleaner way is to remove the dropgold completely from everywhere ?
  18. It look fine except that your ENABLE_GROWTH_PET_SYSTEM depends on WJ_SHOW_MOB_INFO, but that's not the problem. What is the DWORD level's value? If its > 0 then go and check your AttachLevel function.
  19. It's in InstanceBaseEffect.cpp CInstanceBase::UpdateTextTailLevel. I guess your source did not came to life and modifiy itself, so try to remember what modification did you done what could cause this.
  20. In ~2012 Ymir-Webzen changed the hair system to be part of the costume_system. The whole hair_id.use here is useless and will never run, since the hairs are no longer a quest item. The bonus table is useless too, it get's from item_proto now. The only thing what is active is the notification for players with old type hair: when login begin -- Announce Mention if pc.getqf("limit_time") > get_time() then notice_multiline(gameforge.hair._110_notice,notice) else if pc.get_part( PART_HAIR ) > 1000 and nil == pc.get_wear(20) then --pc.set_part( PART_HAIR , 0 ) pc.setqf( "limit_time", 0 ) end end end And the old type used hair exchange for a new type (costume) hair: when 20355.chat.gameforge.hair._030_npcChat with pc.get_part(3) >= 1000 and pc.getqf("original_vnum") == 0 and nil == pc.get_wear(20) begin -- 514 : AFFECT_HAIR local applyOn = affect.get_apply_on(514) [...] But if you don't have players with old type hairs (I bet your server is not 10+ years old so you don't) then the whole quest is usless and can be removed ?
  21. I used Ken's and still using it on my test srv. I don't think it has any memory leaks but it uses direct queries for each action, which is not the end of the world but after all I can't recommend it against Ikarus's shop, they're not in the same level. So if you don't mind going for a paid solution then buy from Ikarus. I can't recommend Great shop since you have to do a lot of work with it and I did not tried Rakancito's shop.
  22. As I said in the original version, the icon constantly changing to the next stone to spare space. The original version. [Hidden Content]] Target information system + FIX site:hugames.hu But it does not use a grid system but a list:
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