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Everything posted by Luigina

  1. You can change like that TEMP_BUFFER buf(8 * 1024 * SHOP_TAB_COUNT_MAX);
  2. There isn't any way to null pointer. I just click to npc and got crash. Did you see the size on crash ? I did that change and my problem solved. King regards !
  3. Hello community ! I found an issue when i was checking ShopEx system. If your pack_tab size is bigger than default m2 / SHOP_HOST_ITEM_MAX_NUM is bigger than default this overflow occurs. This causes a core crash as seen in the screenshot below: [Hidden Content] Solution I use temp buffer for handle better but you can change 8096 too. To solve this problem, you can follow these steps: // In shopEx.cpp -------------------------------------------------------------- // Search char temp[8096]; char* buf = &temp[0]; size_t size = 0; // Change like this TEMP_BUFFER buf(16 * 1024); -------------------------------------------------------------- // Search memcpy(buf, &pack_tab, sizeof(pack_tab)); buf += sizeof(pack_tab); size += sizeof(pack_tab); // Change like this buf.write(&pack_tab, sizeof(pack_tab)); -------------------------------------------------------------- // Search pack.size = sizeof(pack) + sizeof(pack2) + size; // Change like this pack.size = sizeof(pack) + sizeof(pack2) + buf.size(); -------------------------------------------------------------- // Search ch->GetDesc()->Packet(temp, size); // Change like this ch->GetDesc()->Packet(buf.read_peek(), buf.size()); After following these steps, you should have overcome this problem in the ShopEx system. If you have any problems, please leave a comment. Kind regards, Luigina
  4. @ Mali update repo for another guys in uiinventory.py self.DelHighlightSlot(overSlotPos) to self.DelHighlightSlot(overSlotPosGlobal)
  5. Nobody don't want compile source in every version change so you can add simple config. Config.cpp short g_NewClientVersion = 0; TOKEN("client_version") { str_to_number(g_NewClientVersion, value_string); fprintf(stderr, "CLIENT_VERSION: %d\n", g_NewClientVersion); continue; } Config.h extern short g_NewClientVersion; input_login.cpp if (pinfo->NewCheckVersion != g_NewClientVersion) { TPacketGCLoginFailure failurePacket; failurePacket.header = HEADER_GC_LOGIN_FAILURE; strlcpy(failurePacket.szStatus, "VERSION", sizeof(failurePacket.szStatus)); d->Packet(&failurePacket, sizeof(TPacketGCLoginFailure)); return; } and change int NewCheckVersion to short NewCheckVersion, bcs which crazy guy will make 1231312312 the version.
  6. Guys don't forget, do this to rendertarget too.
  7. You can use to know encrypted password; open console from navicat or etc. select password("password");
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